View Full Version : Plastic Farseer

04-20-2013, 12:08 AM
From Faeit apparently.

Seem clear eldar are coming sooner rather than later. Of course it might be a wave in June and a full release later in the year.

04-20-2013, 12:15 AM
Thats sweet, such a nice looking sculpt. Shame the Allies I want for my Tau are Gue'la

04-20-2013, 12:27 AM
Have to admit I a was hoping the plastic Farseer would be female given how many male 'seers we already have in the range. Oh well. Maybe there will be a finecast female farseer.:rolleyes:

Seriously GW, you got it right with Dark Eldar, near 50/50 gender breakdown, get it right with Craftworlders.

04-20-2013, 12:38 AM
Have to admit I a was hoping the plastic Farseer would be female given how many male 'seers we already have in the range. Oh well. Maybe there will be a finecast female farseer.:rolleyes:

Seriously GW, you got it right with Dark Eldar, near 50/50 gender breakdown, get it right with Craftworlders.

How do we know that's male? looks like the back of the chest to me so hard to tell, if not you can always model breasts onto it :D

Woops yeh it's male, but maybe you'll get some female plastic chests on new sculpts elsewhere in the range that you can interchange.

04-20-2013, 01:07 AM
Squuuue. Another Farseer to add to my Seer Council.

I just hope they dont discontinue all the old metal/finecast ones. Variety is nice and those sculpts are still great.

Better start saving....the Eldar are comong

04-20-2013, 01:27 AM
Yet another great stand alone plastic. I am so glad that GW are doing these. They have all been great little models. This is no different.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-20-2013, 02:13 AM
Me likey, good job they're Battle Brothers with Tau

04-20-2013, 02:41 AM
Any one else notice how it says 2012 on the right hand side of the sprue.

04-20-2013, 02:58 AM
Me likey, good job they're Battle Brothers with Tau

Amen to that brother.

04-20-2013, 04:51 AM
It is happening. After many long years it is finally happening. Hoo-rah.

04-20-2013, 05:28 AM
Have to admit I a was hoping the plastic Farseer would be female given how many male 'seers we already have in the range. Oh well. Maybe there will be a finecast female farseer.:rolleyes:

Seriously GW, you got it right with Dark Eldar, near 50/50 gender breakdown, get it right with Craftworlders.

I agree that it would be nice to see a better mix, especially considering how many female Eldar there are in fluff, characters in books, etc. However, all Eldar are of slim builds and many models are wearing helmets... assuming that they can't be female because they haven't got a visible bust is probably going to give those A-cup Eldar a bit of a complex! Think of their feelings! :P

I am quite excited by this plastic sprue, but also find myself thinking 'where are the options?'. We've got a multi-part plastic kit, but there's no choice of arms, etc on it, just as it comes. Hopefully there will be more multi-part kits so that may build up some interchangeability between kits too...

04-20-2013, 06:16 AM
I'm scratching my head wondering why GW put effort into making a plastic farseer when one isn't really needed. There are already no less than 4 farseer models available.

Just don't see the reason why they'd do this instead of making plastic something else that actually needs a new model...

Mr Mystery
04-20-2013, 06:47 AM
I guess it's not only will it sell well (yet to meet an Eldar player who doesn't field a Farseer), the comparative lack of WYSIWYG options for a Farseer (compared to say an Autarch, who has loads of kit options that need to be represented on the model), and any given army only needing two at the most (as long as the silly Ulthwé seer council of infinite size remains gone) gives it an edge over Warlocks.

04-20-2013, 06:55 AM
I'm scratching my head wondering why GW put effort into making a plastic farseer when one isn't really needed. There are already no less than 4 farseer models available.

Just don't see the reason why they'd do this instead of making plastic something else that actually needs a new model...
This is the issue isn't it. There are a multitude of farseer sculpts, and we get a plastic one that isn't verydifferent to what we have now. If it had been female it would have made some sense but this is more of the same but plastic. Lovely sculpt but still just same-old.

04-20-2013, 07:02 AM
Good find.
However, the model itself is somewhat underwhelming.
One of the main complaints about Seer models for the last twenty years plus was that they were one-dimensional.
And what do they replace them with in this age of multi-part, multi-poseable models?

The best thing that can be said about this is that we're one step closer to the new Codex.

04-20-2013, 07:07 AM
http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m2550068a_99800104020_FarseerSpearCFC01_873x627.jp g
Could almost be a direct port to plastic. In terms of pose and weapons, the details are a bit different.

04-20-2013, 07:20 AM
I guess it's not only will it sell well (yet to meet an Eldar player who doesn't field a Farseer), the comparative lack of WYSIWYG options for a Farseer (compared to say an Autarch, who has loads of kit options that need to be represented on the model), and any given army only needing two at the most (as long as the silly Ulthwé seer council of infinite size remains gone) gives it an edge over Warlocks.

Except that it looks like there aren't any options for WYSIWYG on this dude, he's got a spear, doesn't look like you could put in a sword instead any easier on this plastic kit than you could convert a resin model that currently exists. :S

04-20-2013, 07:21 AM
Double post somehow... sorry...

04-20-2013, 08:19 AM
For those established Eldar players feeling a little bemused about the plastic Farseer...

I think this model is the sort of thing more intended for people like me: those without an Eldar army who would might feasibly pick one up, given a bit of incentive. The lovely one-off plastic HQs like these seem a good way to do that. They did the same thing with the Chaos Lord and really there was even less need for such a model, given the bitz that exist out there for marines. And don't forget that plastic offers some great conversion opportunities, too.

Looking forward to seeing more Eldar stuff as we get closer to their much-deserved release. :) It's nice and refreshing to have the game get a good dose of xeno love.

04-20-2013, 09:16 AM
For those established Eldar players feeling a little bemused about the plastic Farseer...

I think this model is the sort of thing more intended for people like me: those without an Eldar army who would might feasibly pick one up, given a bit of incentive. The lovely one-off plastic HQs like these seem a good way to do that. They did the same thing with the Chaos Lord and really there was even less need for such a model, given the bitz that exist out there for marines. And don't forget that plastic offers some great conversion opportunities, too.

Looking forward to seeing more Eldar stuff as we get closer to their much-deserved release. :) It's nice and refreshing to have the game get a good dose of xeno love.

All the benefits of plastic aside - I think what we Eldar players are worried about is that this release filled a "slot" for new releases when there are much more appropriate models needing resculpting/re-releasing.

If this model was pushed through in lieu of perhaps, say a new Phoenix lord, or a new plastic jetbike model then we've basically been given something that really nobody wants.

Now the uber Eldar nerd in me is ordering two boxes of the seer council right now just in case for some reason this replaces that box (I doubt it but you never know) and of course I'll get this new model just to say that i have it - but really... I'd much rather see a new updated model for say Baharroth or Fuegan or Asurmen. (The PL's that look like they're stamped from a flat piece of pewter)

(Another theory is that this could be the GD mini)

04-20-2013, 09:19 AM
It does seem rather bland to have the singing spear only option unless... could this sprue be part of some thing larger like a new battle force ??

Pure speculation mind you.

04-20-2013, 09:24 AM
The slot filled is one of one or two plastic character clampacks and we have yet to get a plastic special character in a pack like this. So while it is disappointing that we get a fairly generic farseer for the first eldar plastic character pack it doesn't come at the expense of a special character.

04-20-2013, 10:38 AM
I reckon they would have been able to squeeze in an additional female torso piece and a sword on that frame if they'd tried, probably even a (unisex) bare head too. Not a full multi-part, but still reason to buy more than one.

04-20-2013, 10:44 AM
Not sure on thre helm though. Never really liked that pointy chin style nor the crest style

04-20-2013, 11:30 AM
Have to admit I a was hoping the plastic Farseer would be female given how many male 'seers we already have in the range. Oh well. Maybe there will be a finecast female farseer.:rolleyes:

Seriously GW, you got it right with Dark Eldar, near 50/50 gender breakdown, get it right with Craftworlders.

Bah. Despite the Tau seemingly having total gender equality, there is one female model in the entire range. Count your blessings.

04-20-2013, 12:37 PM
Bah. Despite the Tau seemingly having total gender equality, there is one female model in the entire range. Count your blessings.

Well depends what you read, Firewarrior I think hinted at the best Water Caste diplomats were female.

Mr Mystery
04-20-2013, 12:48 PM
You know, this thread is only feeding my opinion that nothing is ever good enough for Eldar players...

I know it's horribly generalised and more than a smidgen bigoted, but serial.... Wave Serpent finally comes out in plastic? That's not good enough. Sight of a new plastic model, on sprue from only one angle? That's not good enough. Plastic War Walkers? That's not good enough.... Demands for rending on pretty much everything, cursing that the Grav Tank is no longer nigh unkillable, so on and so forth. All that and more witnessed over the years I've spent online....

Oh, and the constant comparison to Marine releases? Crikey o'blimey it seems all they do is whine.

Skewed perspective aside, that's my genuine observation!

04-20-2013, 01:06 PM
All the benefits of plastic aside - I think what we Eldar players are worried about is that this release filled a "slot" for new releases when there are much more appropriate models needing resculpting/re-releasing.

If this model was pushed through in lieu of perhaps, say a new Phoenix lord, or a new plastic jetbike model then we've basically been given something that really nobody wants.

Now the uber Eldar nerd in me is ordering two boxes of the seer council right now just in case for some reason this replaces that box (I doubt it but you never know) and of course I'll get this new model just to say that i have it - but really... I'd much rather see a new updated model for say Baharroth or Fuegan or Asurmen. (The PL's that look like they're stamped from a flat piece of pewter)

(Another theory is that this could be the GD mini)

Plastic characters are counted as blister packs/characters, not as box sets for various quotas. So it potentially would take the space of a new or resculpted phoenix lord, but not a new jetbike set.
I also doubt they are going to resculpt the phoenix lords, thought they may retcon things and add a new phoenix lord with model for say scorpions or shining spears.

This is Speculation, but my prediction for the Eldar release based on the recent releases format and Harry/Hastings info:
Plastic fighter/gunship $65/$75
Plastic Wraithknight/heavy wraith construct with CC and ranged options $85
Plastic 5-pack Wraithguard with ranged and CC options, maybe plastic Warlock added $60
Plastic 3-Pack Guardian Jetbikes/Shining Spears, maybe warlock rider parts $50
Plastic Farseer sprue $20
Finecast character
Finecast character
Finecast large character?
Psychic cards

Again, just my guess on what Eldar will see as a release. I do not have any sources of rumors.

Power Klawz
04-20-2013, 01:09 PM
That sprue looks almost exactly like my old metal farseer that I still rock. Now, show me the fully customizable plastic autarch please kthnxbai.

Mr Mystery
04-20-2013, 01:13 PM
I reckon we can comfortably add some kind of dedicated AA unit to that.

I also suspect we may see Guide now grant Skyfire as an option. Either that or a new power granting that and interceptor. Which seems suitably Farseery. Seems daft Inquisition get that, and not those most noted for predicting the future.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-20-2013, 01:28 PM
You know, this thread is only feeding my opinion that nothing is ever good enough for Eldar players...

I know it's horribly generalised and more than a smidgen bigoted, but serial.... Wave Serpent finally comes out in plastic? That's not good enough. Sight of a new plastic model, on sprue from only one angle? That's not good enough. Plastic War Walkers? That's not good enough.... Demands for rending on pretty much everything, cursing that the Grav Tank is no longer nigh unkillable, so on and so forth. All that and more witnessed over the years I've spent online....

Oh, and the constant comparison to Marine releases? Crikey o'blimey it seems all they do is whine.

Skewed perspective aside, that's my genuine observation!


04-20-2013, 02:09 PM
You know, this thread is only feeding my opinion that nothing is ever good enough for Eldar players...

I know it's horribly generalised and more than a smidgen bigoted, but serial.... Wave Serpent finally comes out in plastic? That's not good enough. Sight of a new plastic model, on sprue from only one angle? That's not good enough. Plastic War Walkers? That's not good enough.... Demands for rending on pretty much everything, cursing that the Grav Tank is no longer nigh unkillable, so on and so forth. All that and more witnessed over the years I've spent online....

Oh, and the constant comparison to Marine releases? Crikey o'blimey it seems all they do is whine.

Skewed perspective aside, that's my genuine observation!

That's as maybe, but this will be the first time an Eldar Codex has been released with new models whilst I've had access to the Internet. Previously, I've had no problem with any of the models that you've mentioned nor any of the others that were updated or newly released.
The only exception to that was last time around the Support Weapon, which I still think is awful compared to what it replaced.

As for the anticipation for the new Codex, there will be few people out there more looking forward to it than I am.
I've got over 17,000 Points of Eldar and I'm dying to add to my collection.
I'm looking forward to being blown away by the new releases and I dare say that I will be.

But I find this Farseer to be very pedestrian and very disappointing.
I would be very surprised if it were to find a place anywhere in my collection.

04-20-2013, 02:09 PM
Well depends what you read, Firewarrior I think hinted at the best Water Caste diplomats were female.

Haven't read it so I'll take your word for that. By 'gender equality' I just meant the men and women do the same jobs with no discrimination, so the women in the fire caste are expected to fight as much as the men, rather than sitting at home being breeding machines. Assuming that is the case, roughly 50% of the models should be female. I'll grant you it makes no difference to the battlesuits, but for fire warriors and pathfinders some female heads would be nice and easy to do.

Mr Mystery
04-20-2013, 02:11 PM
Yet you've not seen it assembled, or from the front. Seems much too early to be making a judgement.

04-20-2013, 02:19 PM
You know, this thread is only feeding my opinion that nothing is ever good enough for Eldar players...

I know it's horribly generalised and more than a smidgen bigoted, but serial.... Wave Serpent finally comes out in plastic? That's not good enough. Sight of a new plastic model, on sprue from only one angle? That's not good enough. Plastic War Walkers? That's not good enough.... Demands for rending on pretty much everything, cursing that the Grav Tank is no longer nigh unkillable, so on and so forth. All that and more witnessed over the years I've spent online....

Oh, and the constant comparison to Marine releases? Crikey o'blimey it seems all they do is whine.

Skewed perspective aside, that's my genuine observation!

Maybe the issue is that us Eldar players are idealists, and the reason that we whine more is because we have high standards, and high hopes, and we just get let down by things not being as awesome as they could be. ;)

Mr Mystery
04-20-2013, 02:24 PM
Quite possibly. It's certain you can tell the dedication and passion of Eldar players!

Asymmetrical Xeno
04-20-2013, 03:33 PM
Yet you've not seen it assembled, or from the front. Seems much too early to be making a judgement.


"via Dave Smith from the Faeit 212 inbox
Hi Natfka, I love your blog and saw your post on the eldar farseer this morning and being and long term lover of eldar i copied the image and using its various parts reconstructed it to give a rough representation of how the model looks when assembled (I have attached the finished product), enjoy :)"


04-20-2013, 03:44 PM
You know, this thread is only feeding my opinion that nothing is ever good enough for Eldar players...

Speaking personally, this is simply untrue. There are TONS of things that are "good enough" for me with regards to Eldar. Any of the FW stuff is "Good enough". Some of it I'd label as "Great" in both rules and models.

You know what else is "good enough" to borderline "fantastic"? FOUR (or FIVE) FINECAST FARSEER MODELS AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW. Seriously - they're awesome models. You have to realize that Eldar have been sitting on models that are now 4 editions old. The warp spider model, all of the phoenix lord models, the falcon, the vyper, and the warlocks are ALL 2nd edition models. When we see that GW is putting out a model in plastic that came out in the last wave with 4 unique sculpts, its not that we're thinking "well that sucks.." its more like "well thats nice but its not really what we WANT."

As for your individual complaints - and speaking personally here again -

Wave Serpent finally comes out in plastic? That's not good enough.

Love the wave serpent model. I don't remember what the big complaint about it was to be honest - perhaps that when it came out, the fact that it didn't look like the Epic version bothered some people?

Plastic War Walkers? That's not good enough....

My only complaint about the war walker kit is that the weapon pods break off too easily. Other than that they're awesome models - probably one of my favorite.

Demands for rending on pretty much everything

I don't see anyone "demanding" anything. There's rampant wishlisting going on - thats for sure. I think what people are trying to do is figure out how they're going to make shuriken catapults different from "assault short range bolters" which is what they are right now. If we use the Dark Eldar book as a guide of what PK has in mind (and why shouldn't we really?) then there are a variety of options to be sure that would be more than balanced. Rending might not be one of them but when you think of a shuriken flying out at hypersonic speed, "rending" is the image I have of it in a theatrical sense.

cursing that the Grav Tank is no longer nigh unkillable

It wasn't that it because un-unkillable. It was that it didn't correspond to a points reduction. And this was more specifically a complaint about the falcon that in 5th found itself without a real purpose in the overall list. It used to be a great transport because it was actually more durable than a wave serpent even though it could carry half as many dudes (and I guess I'll get in trouble in this thread unless I say ... or dudettes). Combined with the new vehicle shooting rules - and its worthless BS3, it all of a sudden became a tank that had no real business being used - even in fluffy armies. The wave serpent was a better transport, and the FP was a better MBT. The one thing the falcon had going for it was that it was a SUPER RELIABLE transport unlike the wave serpent.

Oh, and the constant comparison to Marine releases?

And why shouldn't we?

04-20-2013, 03:49 PM
It's a good model. I don't recall anyone complaining about the previous Farseer models, and this is pretty much the same deal. Well, except that rather boring one with the antlers. Other than that one though, the current Farseer models are lovely. Yeah this one isn't breaking any trends, but I've never heard any other Eldar player say they didn't like the current ones. It certainly isn't bland, it has the Rune Armour covering a lot of it, various gems and bracelets, the Eldrad-style crested helm with the beardy bit (both of which can be cut off or modified with ease) and has robes for you to paint or transfer your designs of choice onto.

If a plastic Farseer was never even mentioned, it's unlikely that anyone would even have said anything due to the already extensive range of Farseer models. We're being given something which is pretty much extra and people are complaining when they could just choose a different Farseer model or do a tiny little bit of converting. New Jetbikes/Shining Spears, Warp Spiders and Swooping Hawks are the only models we really need, and I expect we'll get plastic Wraithguard too.

04-20-2013, 03:52 PM
Making female Tau heads seems to involve a little time with a knife making a Y-slit. They don't seem to have much sexual dimorphism outside fan art. Eldar, though, have boobs, so their lack of representation is odd.

Asymmetrical Xeno
04-20-2013, 04:13 PM
the falcon, the vyper, and the warlocks are ALL 2nd edition models.

OT but wow, had no idea the falcon was a 2nd edition model, I had always thought it was a 3rd ed one. It still looks very good to me.

04-20-2013, 04:15 PM
OT but wow, had no idea the falcon was a 2nd edition model, I had always thought it was a 3rd ed one. It still looks very good to me.

Nope. I still have my original falcon that I bought on "release day". Brought it home and used my testors model enamel to paint it (its still got its original paint job). First game out of the gate, my IG opponent used a pre-game orbital barrage to kill it before it could even do anything.

I threw a hissy fit IIRC.

04-20-2013, 04:18 PM
OT but wow, had no idea the falcon was a 2nd edition model, I had always thought it was a 3rd ed one. It still looks very good to me.

It came out not long before 3rd ed, and there was the FP with the giant metal turret that threatened to crush it to death, the Vypers, and also the plastic guardians in the plastic they're now in at the very end of 2nd Ed (but without the weapons platforms)...

04-20-2013, 04:53 PM
I also doubt they are going to resculpt the phoenix lords, thought they may retcon things and add a new phoenix lord with model for say scorpions

Why do people keep saying this. The scorpions have a PL.

04-20-2013, 10:21 PM
What Defenstratus said. There is plenty about the Eldar range that is more than good enough and there are some areas that are very dated and in dire need of an update. With this plastic Farseer we have an extra addition into the 'more than good enough' category with something that while lovely isn't new or groundbreaking in anyway, in fact it is near identical to an existing model. That is underwhelming when it could have been something new or something boosting the old dated part of the range.

I'd have liked to see a female farseer because there are several in the background/licensed universe, we know the eldar don't have defined gender roles and the recent DE range had an almost 50/50 split. There may not have been a female Archon model but you could make one from bits, but without a female chestpiece with the Farseer rune on that won't happen for eldar. Maybe if we get a plastic Seer Council they will include female torsos but that is just wishlisting.

Having said that looking at the digital assembled picture it could probably pass as a female with a head swap so that is something. Someone is speculating on Warseer that it may be Thirianna but given that there hasn't been a BL character converted to a SC in a long time I doubt it. I think BL said it wouldn't happen at all or that it was difficult or something.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-21-2013, 02:32 AM
Having said that looking at the digital assembled picture it could probably pass as a female with a head swap so that is something. Someone is speculating on Warseer that it may be Thirianna but given that there hasn't been a BL character converted to a SC in a long time I doubt it. I think BL said it wouldn't happen at all or that it was difficult or something.

Well, iirc, it's to do with that whole Primarch argument. They don't want to release someone who they have taken time to establish, only for us to go "well actually, Thirianna is quite bad. Certainly worse than *insert name*"
They want us to create in our minds how powerful those characters are.

Saying that, I really want rules for the dudes in First Claw. Talos, Uzas, Mercutian, Cyrion, and Xarl. :D

04-21-2013, 03:27 AM
Something like that yes, I can't imagine they would do it for Thirianna and if they did I can't imagine she would be the first SC to get a plastic clampack to herself.

Mr Mystery
04-21-2013, 03:29 AM
Making female Tau heads seems to involve a little time with a knife making a Y-slit. They don't seem to have much sexual dimorphism outside fan art. Eldar, though, have boobs, so their lack of representation is odd.

Doesn't mean they are all busty beauties though. Indeed given their lithe body shape, I'd imagine they'd be comparatively flat chested, this not requiring nork armour.

Mr Mystery
04-21-2013, 03:34 AM
What Defenstratus said. There is plenty about the Eldar range that is more than good enough and there are some areas that are very dated and in dire need of an update. With this plastic Farseer we have an extra addition into the 'more than good enough' category with something that while lovely isn't new or groundbreaking in anyway, in fact it is near identical to an existing model. That is underwhelming when it could have been something new or something boosting the old dated part of the range.

I'd have liked to see a female farseer because there are several in the background/licensed universe, we know the eldar don't have defined gender roles and the recent DE range had an almost 50/50 split. There may not have been a female Archon model but you could make one from bits, but without a female chestpiece with the Farseer rune on that won't happen for eldar. Maybe if we get a plastic Seer Council they will include female torsos but that is just wishlisting.

Having said that looking at the digital assembled picture it could probably pass as a female with a head swap so that is something. Someone is speculating on Warseer that it may be Thirianna but given that there hasn't been a BL character converted to a SC in a long time I doubt it. I think BL said it wouldn't happen at all or that it was difficult or something.

It is just an observation, and based on release reactions. Though to be fair, I didn't out that particular caveat in.

On 40k Forums, when the Ulthwé Seer council was no more, one guy decided he was going to try to sue Games Workshop if they refused him a full refund on his built and painted unit.... I know it's not exactly universal, but there does seem to be a higher amount of complaints whenever Eldar get new toys!

04-21-2013, 04:07 AM
So... Will we finally see a new Avatar model?

Mr Mystery
04-21-2013, 04:09 AM
With any luck. Though with absolutely no basis, I suspect we may see that saved for a random wave release of big Daemons.

04-21-2013, 04:37 AM
Doesn't mean they are all busty beauties though. Indeed given their lithe body shape, I'd imagine they'd be comparatively flat chested, this not requiring nork armour.

http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m2001619a_99810104009_HowlingBansheesCFC_873x627.j pg
http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1252709_99120104018_Eldarguardiansqdmain_873x627. jpg

Eldar players are fairly bitter, but not without reason. We did very well in the Eye of Terror campaign and got our top SC killed. We did well in the Medusa campaign and our faction leader basically committed suicide. We used to be the fastest army then came Blood Angels and Necrons. We used to be the most technologically advanced then came Necrons and to some extent Tau.

There are of course idiots that take it too far, like the one you mention, but then there was an Empire player who said GW would collapse within two years of the plastic Greatsword kit because everyone would boycott them in disgust at paying twenty five pounds for ten plastic models. Not to mention all the hysterics that accompany every single GW release.:rolleyes:

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-21-2013, 04:45 AM
I love my Tau.

Mr Mystery
04-21-2013, 04:46 AM
That's not bewbs. That's like, equipment blisters as seen on the tanks!

And yes whining is everywhere, but I find Eldar suffer from more goons than other collections. But as I said, there's a clear level of passion and dedication which I guess is only fitting for Eldar given their background.

04-21-2013, 04:49 AM
Same species.:p

Mr Mystery
04-21-2013, 04:52 AM
Poison spraying implants?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-21-2013, 04:52 AM

Ermagherd bewbs.

Mr Mystery
04-21-2013, 04:57 AM
Wych : Hey! Imperial Guard Colnel! Check these out! *flash*

IGC: phwoar! Knickers knackers knockers! If those puppies are for sale, I'll take the one with the pink nose! *HONK HONK* ARRGH! BOOBY TRAP! MY FACE IS MELTING!!!!

Wych: idiot......

Red Angel
04-21-2013, 07:47 AM
I like the Singing Spear too :D
It will be good to see what they change the rules to in the new book
I am looking forward to making a mostly Warp Spiders and Harlequins army :D
Bring on the new Eldar! :D

04-21-2013, 08:03 AM
This reminds me of 1 of my gripes with the Harlequin box.

Why do they come in a box of 5? when 2 of them are fusion pistols and 1 of them is a troupe master. You can't buy 2 boxes, because you only get 2 harlequins seeing how you can have max 2 fusion pistols, and only 1 troupe master.. so 3 of them are USELESS. But you can get them in a squad of 10, so you have to buy 3 boxes, to get NINE harlequins, and then I assume a shadowseer for the 10th.

Then what do you do with the 4 FP's and 2 TM's that you can't use at all.

If you search their website though, you'll find that they used to sell harlequins individually, why don't they do that again? Nobody buys 3 harlequin boxes anyway, I assume they do what I did, buy one box and then find the rest on eBay.

04-21-2013, 08:14 AM
I agree with EG, Eldar as a race do get a very hard end of the fluff stick.

And in game terms everything that was unique to the Eldar has now been spread to most other races.

But yeah we do get a lot of Whingers amongst our ranks

04-21-2013, 08:54 AM
Making female Tau heads seems to involve a little time with a knife making a Y-slit. They don't seem to have much sexual dimorphism outside fan art. Eldar, though, have boobs, so their lack of representation is odd.

Look closer. The women (or at least the only we have, Shadowsun) have much less square jaw lines than the male ones, whilst the ethereals have more pronounced cheek bones with more hollow cheeks. They don't require different toros as it is perfectly conceivable the armour encompasses breasts (assuming they have them) but the heads are different. Also, mentioning more than one female Tau in the entire codex would be cool. Not complaining, just pointing out the Eldar are much better off in this regard than the Tau, or indeed the IG who apparently recruit women as well.

04-21-2013, 07:41 PM
Why do people keep saying this. The scorpions have a PL.

Yes, they do. I was thinking of Warp Spiders. A warp spider and Shining spear phoenix lord would make for logical character additions to the new book.

04-22-2013, 03:13 AM
Yes, they do. I was thinking of Warp Spiders. A warp spider and Shining spear phoenix lord would make for logical character additions to the new book.

now i second that.

Mr Mystery
04-22-2013, 03:22 AM
Forgeworld Aspect have one, so makes a certain amount of sense.

As long as their suit is currently animated of course.

04-22-2013, 05:31 PM
You know what else is "good enough" to borderline "fantastic"? FOUR (or FIVE) FINECAST FARSEER MODELS AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW. Seriously - they're awesome models. You have to realize that Eldar have been sitting on models that are now 4 editions old. The warp spider model, all of the phoenix lord models, the falcon, the vyper, and the warlocks are ALL 2nd edition models. When we see that GW is putting out a model in plastic that came out in the last wave with 4 unique sculpts, its not that we're thinking "well that sucks.." its more like "well thats nice but its not really what we WANT."


Link to see how many Rogue Trader and 2nd ed models are still in use. http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Miniatures_(Eldar)