View Full Version : High Elf leaked pictures

04-19-2013, 09:50 AM
Maiden Guard character
Maiden Guard/Guard of Avelorn
Eagle Chariot

04-19-2013, 09:51 AM
Random Chap
Shadow Warriors

04-19-2013, 09:55 AM
EDIT: Ah, the female warrior model isn't an alternate Alarielle. Thanks for the clarification!

04-19-2013, 09:59 AM

That is Alarielle, the other is Maiden Guard character. Not sure if special character or Hero/Lord choice. I'be be so thrilled if it is a hero/lord choice.

04-19-2013, 10:01 AM
The Phoenix kit looks impressive, as does the flying chariot. No Drake Riders, but we get Maiden Guard and Alarielle instead. That works for me!
Agreed on the Maiden Guard character. Methinks probably a Hero choice.

04-19-2013, 10:09 AM
Odd that there doesn't seem to be much variation in sculpts for the Maiden Guard. Same legs as shadow warriors but the torsos, arms and heads could almost be identical bar the unit champion.

Think I'll buy up some more metal Maidenguard to use as spearmen for my Avelorn army.

04-19-2013, 10:36 AM
Is that character actually Finubar????
It is great that the Everqueen is back, but Finubar? Really?

04-19-2013, 10:40 AM

Odd that there doesn't seem to be much variation in sculpts for the Maiden Guard. Same legs as shadow warriors but the torsos, arms and heads could almost be identical bar the unit champion.

Think I'll buy up some more metal Maidenguard to use as spearmen for my Avelorn army.

Dual kit Maiden/Shadow Warriors mayhap?

04-19-2013, 10:47 AM
The random guy is a sea guard of some sort. Doubt it would be the king.
Edit: why would a king carry his own banner.

04-19-2013, 10:52 AM
Side note. In the pic with everything flying over the army, what are bright yellow things in the top left? Can't make them out.
Edit: not the dragon.

04-19-2013, 11:11 AM
That Maiden Guard hero looks awesome, and is a great update to the old models. I wish they all had that style. I find myself wondering if there are other options in the box to field them with spears, or whether those options will be there for people using the old models.

Also, it appears as if the Phoenix can be fielded without a rider?

04-19-2013, 11:26 AM
Side note. In the pic with everything flying over the army, what are bright yellow things in the top left? Can't make them out.
Edit: not the dragon.

Shields by the looks of it

04-19-2013, 11:29 AM
All very awesome.

Except for Alarielle's face.

04-19-2013, 11:39 AM
Side note. In the pic with everything flying over the army, what are bright yellow things in the top left? Can't make them out.
Edit: not the dragon.

Looks like some sort of flying chariot being pulled by those eagles.

04-19-2013, 11:54 AM
The Sea Guard is apparently Sea Lord Aislinn ..... maybe

04-19-2013, 11:54 AM
Not overly thrilled with the new Alarielle, think I prefer the old figure for her. I do like the bit under her feet though as nature goes with her, so the flowers growing over the breastplate is a nice touch. The Maiden Guard champion figure is really nice though as is Random Chap (lol) who looks like a Lothern Sea Guard champion/standard bearer. I love the flying chariots and the Phoenixes (especially the rider on that fire phoenix).

It does look like the Maiden Guard and Shadow Warriors might be a dual kit as was rumoured as the models are very similar. Nice models though. Hopefully there's more leaked pics to come yet.

04-19-2013, 11:55 AM
All very awesome.

Except for Alarielle's face.

She does look a bit collogened/duck-faced. It might be just the painting tho..

04-19-2013, 12:31 PM
Well it is guaranteed that the shadow warriors and the blue bow archers are the same kit. You can see the same legs standing with one foot on a rock or something in both pictures. Personally I would be surprised if these blue bow archers were maiden guard. There might be another kit that is just maiden guard that hasn't had a picture yet.

04-19-2013, 12:35 PM
All very awesome.

Except for Alarielle's face.

this, pretty much... god she looks ugly... which says it all for an elf queen :)

04-19-2013, 12:47 PM
The flying Chariot is ridiculous.

04-19-2013, 12:54 PM
not keen on Alarielle, not sure about the eagle chariot, otherwise looking good though. With the shadow warrior kit I can finally field a unit of archers, hurrah. the archer models are so very very ugly, giant child balloon faces on them all.

04-19-2013, 12:59 PM
1. I love the chariot. That's the kind of silly high fantasy thing that makes me look at WFB over Warmachine (from over my army of traitorous and incompetent rat minions).
2. I love the guy on the phoenix's face. Like he just wants to kill some dudes because his ride's burning his bum.
3. I want Random Chap to be his official name, and it's an old High Elf name that fell out of use because the historical Random Chap was a Pretty Big Deal. His whole life people have been looking at him like he's told a tasteless joke whenever he's introduced.

04-19-2013, 01:02 PM
Thank you for posting the pics!!!

I'm looking forward to the new High Elf Book!!

04-19-2013, 01:08 PM
Such a 'meh' model as Alarielle really doesn't deserve a guard that looks that good.

04-19-2013, 01:11 PM
Such a 'meh' model as Alarielle really doesn't deserve a guard that looks that good.

Monarchies aren't known for being based on merit :p

04-19-2013, 02:07 PM
not keen on Alarielle, not sure about the eagle chariot, otherwise looking good though. With the shadow warrior kit I can finally field a unit of archers, hurrah. the archer models are so very very ugly, giant child balloon faces on them all.

I've been using the old 5th edition Jes Goodwin archer sculpts. The proportions look good next to the current spearmen, and most of Jes' sculpts from 94-95 on stand up to the test of time. Probably cost a fortune to find them on eBay now, though.

Mars Ultor
04-19-2013, 02:08 PM
So....do the old spearmen models in the background indicate that they won't be getting new sculpts? I've seen before in codices/ army books where they use older figs before they get the updates. Anything indicated so far?

04-19-2013, 02:33 PM
I've been using the old 5th edition Jes Goodwin archer sculpts. The proportions look good next to the current spearmen, and most of Jes' sculpts from 94-95 on stand up to the test of time. Probably cost a fortune to find them on eBay now, though.

yeah I had loads of the old plastic archers and spearmen, the single piece ones, both of which look better than the current plastic archers and spearmen which are either about to float away (archers) or tiny and plain (spearmen).

04-19-2013, 02:47 PM
yeah I had loads of the old plastic archers and spearmen, the single piece ones, both of which look better than the current plastic archers and spearmen which are either about to float away (archers) or tiny and plain (spearmen).

I don't mind the current spearmen. I should have clarified that I meant the metal archers, not the plastic ones.

04-19-2013, 02:48 PM
yeah I guessed as much

04-19-2013, 04:03 PM
That random chap fellow looks glorious. Also love the water bows. Death by extreme focussed water pressure!

04-19-2013, 04:08 PM
What an opportunity wasted! I haven't seen such bad stuff come out in ages!

Biggest disappointment and something I consider an insult to every High Elf player is the ridiculous sculpt of Alarielle. They should be ashamed of themselves.

Then the maidenguard - not really impressive at all. If only they'd looked like the 'champion/character model', they'd be halfway decent... but their hair is just wrong, they still look like their main purpose is to make your opponent laugh you in the face and equally disappointing: they share a box with....

the shadow warriors! Lo and behold! Certainly one of the lamest units in the army see yet another release of mediocre sculpts, replacing the fairly decent ones of two generations ago. I'm at a loss for words. Useless.

the Lord character (Aislinn) certainly isn't half bad, I'll give 'em that, and I am mildly enthusiastic about the sculpt of the eagle chariot, although why I'd possibly want any more chariots (or any more character models for that matter) as a High Elf player is completely beyond me. What direction is our army taking guys? A half-hearted mix of weird, (probably) overpriced units devoid of any coherent vision?

A slap in the face, Games Workshop.

04-19-2013, 04:13 PM
well you are clearly in the minority there

04-19-2013, 04:22 PM
You created an account (I notice that this is your first post) just to come in here and have a rant about these new figures? I think you're on the wrong forum, this is BoLS not dakka-dakka or warseer or one of those other forums that seem to cultivate trolls. These new models are not lame, mediocre or an insult to anyone.


A half-hearted mix of weird, (probably) overpriced units devoid of any coherent vision?

They look pretty coherent to me. A recurring heart motif on Alarielle, the Maiden Guard Champion and the Maiden Guard themselves to tie them together. The Maiden Guard's bows are painted as water and could be equally painted as fire, a good tie in to the frost and fire phoenixes (the ones where they have an arrow nocked look they are holding a small phoenix in their hands). The "Lord Aislinn" character is clearly tied in to the look of the Lothern Sea Guard from the symbol on his shield, to the fish styled helmet he's wearing. As for the Flying Chariot's the wings and fins on them are styled after the wings of the dragons and the armour of the Dragon Princes.

04-19-2013, 04:25 PM
I like all of the models except the lady walking on the roses. It's not a bad model I think it just lacks that little bit of sparkle.
Edit: looking at it again i think i know why. Very muted colours ( maybe the pic ). I think it needs some bang in the colours.

04-19-2013, 04:47 PM
personally I would give Alarielle a new head, the giant sideburns do her no favours, other than that it is fine I think if uninspiring

04-19-2013, 04:51 PM
Did a little looking around online and found this fellow whose pic has been linked on a couple other sites already so thought I'd chuck him in here for good measure. At a guess he is the rumoured Swordmaster Mage (who may or may not be Belannaer). I kinda like the pseudo-samurai vibe the figure has:


And I really like the whole dynamic of the figure, charging into battle, sword at the ready and he's sending a fireball ahead to thin the herd before he slams into them and starts hacking. I love it!


04-19-2013, 04:53 PM
the swordmaster mage was my favourite rumour of all, this pic has just made my day thanks dude. can't wait for this book.

04-19-2013, 04:57 PM
Did a little looking around online and found this fellow whose pic has been linked on a couple other sites already so thought I'd chuck him in here for good measure. At a guess he is the rumoured Swordmaster Mage (who may or may not be Belannaer). I kinda like the pseudo-samurai vibe the figure has:



Can i have one now please?

The Madman
04-19-2013, 05:01 PM
Anyone else noticed the BSB model is the same guy from the flying chariot model? guessing they are following suit with the Tzeentch and Warrior chariots with character models thrown in them as well.

04-19-2013, 06:23 PM
So where is the lightning bird? I distinctly remember there being 3 legendary elemental birds in pokemon.

04-19-2013, 07:40 PM
I have 10,000 points of High Elves I am going to have to finish building...

I just wish my 40 Phoenix Guard weren't Metal... Anyone want to trade Metals for Plastics?

04-19-2013, 07:49 PM
Oh, I may need the guy doing the gadouken.

04-19-2013, 10:54 PM
Alarielle's helm looks like it would be a little uncomfortable to wear with her... um... breast plate.

04-19-2013, 11:37 PM

04-20-2013, 12:04 AM
I want to see more pictures of Alarielle before I judge, though I like what I've seen s ofar. GW paintjobs have a horrid tendency to make elf faces look horrible in general.

04-20-2013, 02:05 AM
You created an account (I notice that this is your first post) just to come in here and have a rant about these new figures?
Pretty much, yes. I got the news of these pictures through a link that led to this forum. I'd say, be thankful someone found their way here and took the time to sign up. I thought we were here to express our opinion on these models.

I've been a member in good standing for many years of Ulthuan.net, a GW enthusiast for 20 and veteran member of the Northern European GW Outriders team, providing official GW events and demonstrations across Europe and the Games Days. So I'm not some teenage kid with a chip on his shoulder, I genuinely want to share and discuss opinions with fellow enthusiasts.

These new models are not lame, mediocre or an insult to anyone.
Well, you don't have to have been around for a long time to notice how gorgeous some of the GW minis are that have come out recently, and that they're generally a vast improvement over some of their older stuff. I beg to differ in this case. Put this Alarielle next to the old one. Put these shadow warriors next to the old ones. Well, maybe there are some folks that'd prefer the new ones, but they're certainly no vast improvement. In the case of the Everqueen, just look at that hair. Who is going to take that model seriously, frolicking around the battle field as she appears to be. Anyhow, agree or not, I just wanted to present my own thoughts and illicit comments from others! :)

They look pretty coherent to me.
Yes, I will have to give you that. I certainly didn't phrase myself clearly enough there. I think you're right about the design of the models. It is coherent. It's just a shame that I don't see our army going in any particular direction, functioning as a coherent whole that is.

04-20-2013, 02:15 AM
I'm just glad the new shadow warriors look more like the older metal ones rather than the more recent metals. The balloon bottom happy pants on the recent SW models and the current plastic archers do my head in - they were just begging for a champion with a scimitar called Aladdin.

On a side note, two things look different on the older models.
1. Are those new or different spearmen heads on the models behind the maidenguard/guard of Avelorn? They look like they've been taken from the chariot and/or bolt thrower crew.
2. Are the red shields textured or painted with the lions? I've seen the design on a banner before, but not shields. (I was dreading having to sculpt my own).

04-20-2013, 02:58 AM
The old Alarielle is nice but it is showing its age, it is quite static and the face is somewhat crude (though excellent for the time). Still need to see better photos to make accurate judgements and see them unpainted.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-20-2013, 03:13 AM
Sees those female archers, sees the new Shadow Warriors, thinks to himself....

I have a plan.

Mr Mystery
04-20-2013, 06:09 AM
Did a little looking around online and found this fellow whose pic has been linked on a couple other sites already so thought I'd chuck him in here for good measure. At a guess he is the rumoured Swordmaster Mage (who may or may not be Belannaer). I kinda like the pseudo-samurai vibe the figure has:


And I really like the whole dynamic of the figure, charging into battle, sword at the ready and he's sending a fireball ahead to thin the herd before he slams into them and starts hacking. I love it!


I dunno. It may just be the angle of the shot, but he looks like he's just tripped on something....

04-20-2013, 06:30 AM
The position of his hips compared to his waist and shoulders would make Rob Liefeld weep. Digging the maiden guard and champion figures. Not sure about the queen, mostly her hair and helm, but I'll wait for more pics.

Mr Mystery
04-20-2013, 06:50 AM
Looking at it again, noting Gotthammer's hips and shoulder observation, I like it more. The casting arm isn't just being held out, but thrust out.

Not sure if this or Random Bloke are the plastic model though. Both could be I suppose!

04-20-2013, 10:06 AM
Like pretty much everyone said.. wtf on flying chariots?

I like that their design team is taking chances and trying to really step it up but just about every new book (40k included) has some "wtf were they thinking?" model in it.

04-20-2013, 10:42 AM
The casting arm isn't just being held out, but thrust out.

Thrusting so hard he shattered his spine... reminds me of my date on prom night :rolleyes:

I'd say he's the plastic dude, if only one is, just due to the more rigid pose. I also like the flying chariot - it reminds me of Eärendil's ship Vingilot, though probably not as OP (srs, he won this fight (http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120521124404/lotr/images/4/42/Dragon_of_the_First_Age_by_rubendevela.jpg)).

04-20-2013, 11:00 PM
I want to see some more photos, I'm hoping the anatomical weirdness may be camera angles and such 'cos I have a hard time believing GW could **** up like that.:rolleyes:

Ragnar Black
04-21-2013, 01:09 AM
I like the Shadow Warriors and Maiden Guard.Very good faces, and finally some nice women models and even the bows looks nice a was kind of worried about them when I heard the rumours. I looks like these are from one set as foots looks very similar.

The phoenix rider and wind chariot not a big deal, it is curious how far the phoenix guard goes over the time, as they started as simply guardsman with no ward save and so on, now they ride firing phoenix. The Allariele really have some issue.. The helmet to big, hairs to weird. Hmm I am curious how she will look unpainted. As some minis are better that way.

The characters, hmm maiden guard champ - really good looks like the old ones.
the second with banner looks very majestic.
but the swordmaster is in very weird pose. Or weird photo?? Very unnatural pose..We will see.

But I think that it will be good release, shame that they didn't do new spearmans and archers as they will look kind of silly beside these new minis. It will be windy in purse I think.

It is fun to see the change in scale over the time. The details were smaller.But the hairs were better..Just my opinion, do not offend to someone and yes this is my first post.

04-21-2013, 04:06 AM
New pictures here!


04-21-2013, 04:40 AM
Wow, everything looks great. Now we just need better pictures of the Maiden Guard and Alarielle.


Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-21-2013, 04:44 AM
Yes.... Those Shadow Warriors will do nicely.

Mr Mystery
04-21-2013, 04:50 AM
They are very nice!

Wonder if they'll make them worth fielding the way they did with the Shades?

Personally, I've never been convinced fielding a unit of unarmoured, bloody expensive Elves is a good idea!

04-21-2013, 04:51 AM
From Texhnolyze on Warseer:

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-21-2013, 04:52 AM

Mr Mystery
04-21-2013, 05:00 AM
I quite like the idea of parking on your opponent.....

04-21-2013, 05:01 AM
From Texhnolyze on Warseer:

now there is a winning strategy

personally I think I would have to remove the giant snowflakes from the phoenicle, otherwise all looking awesome.

04-21-2013, 05:15 AM
Love the Phoenix models, but those stands look fragile to say the least.

Asymmetrical Xeno
04-21-2013, 08:47 AM
All looks like a pretty strong release to me, like the Shadow warriors/maiden guard quite a bit - very nice. Only thing I dislike are the weird snowflake things on the phoenix but whatever..

04-21-2013, 10:30 AM
Forget if posted or not.:rolleyes:

04-21-2013, 10:37 AM
I really like those Shadow Warriors, they look just like they should which is a halfway mix of High Elf and Dark Elf aesthetic. Not as fond of the Maiden Guards though, but then I really like the old figures for them and I think these suffer a bit from being a dual kit. The bows are good though.

04-21-2013, 11:43 AM
Phoenix model looks awesome! At first I didn't like the eagle chariot but the more I looked at it, the more it grew on me!

04-21-2013, 12:03 PM
well most of it looks pretty awesome. I've never seen the older models or anything thing so they all look great. but I was hoping for more dragon related miniatures. in particular the rumored Mounted cavalry "drakes" or that Super Dragon.

04-22-2013, 04:39 PM
More leaks from WD, price list and new character pics here


04-22-2013, 05:03 PM
I'll stick that new pic in here for the sake of completeness:


04-22-2013, 05:57 PM
the toothiness looks a little cartoony to me there on that dude

04-22-2013, 06:39 PM
"show me your war face!"

04-22-2013, 07:23 PM
Do we know who that new character model is?
I'll also try and translate that website's info, but as I have to use Google Translate it won't be an accurate translation.
Can anyone here attempt to translate it properly? If so, thanks in advance!

Oh my.....MATT WARD is the author!

This is what I've gotten so far;

Almost without rest (new to home), we bring you the latest rumors of High Elves, just visualize in Marcus Beli, here ...

- New type of character the Sea Guard can ride a flying chariot (NdT: normal hero and special character? Would explain certain things, among others that can carry banner)

- The Lord of Knowledge of Hoeth is a choice of commander and is a Level 2 wizard who knows all the identification of knowledge of the rules

- The Phoenix is chuck snort as winds of magic. If they die, revive with 6.

- Reapers and Helms in Basic.

- Bolt thrower remain unique

- The attribute of knowledge of High Magic is "Saphery shield" special grants a 6 + ward save if you already have the improvements at a point (NdT: Rule WTF? Stunned: this is radio, to the unit or the wizard?)

- White Lions and Swordmasters retain the ASP (NdT: must see if this simply overrides ASL or actually allows re-rolls to hit)

- The phoenix can go with or without a rider: the fire is devoted to Asuryan, the ice Caradryan (NdT:?)

- Sisters of Avelorn: magical bows.

- One thing that gets the table phoenix Winds of Magic is TSE 4 +

Through Gas_Monkey82 on Twitter:

- Lions carts are stubborn.

- SAP, Value of Ages (NdT: what makes us repeat checks against EO?) And Dexterity are the rules Marcial (NdT: I think the SAP is to attack in order inicitiva relocate no matter what weapon I do not think be repeated for impactr too).

-No Intrigues of the Court.

-Lord of Knowledge: HA6 A3 H3

- Character walk Asuryan Anointed. Possibly be built with the Phoenix housing or a new plastic blister (which makes me think that we will have marks, or some kind of honor as to convert the characters in different types.)

- The flying chariot called "Furrow of Heaven" (literally: Carriage cortacielos)

- The attribute of knowledge is not passive, but affects friendly units when they are casting a spell (remember: the 6 + tse tse or raise a point).

- The Phoenix are called "spiral-scroll of fire / ice heart"

- Only Caradryan can mount the ice phoenix, while Asuryan be anointed another rider.

- The phoenix bufean depending on the winds of magic. One of them is the tse 4 +.

- "Guard Helm of the Sea" is a new option is the hero and who can mount the "Furrow of Heaven".

- Sisters of Avelorn are unique magical bows that shoot "fire witch".

- The basic and Silver Helms will Ellyriones and "militia" (NdT: confused:)

- The kit is 10 Shadow Warriors minis (NdT: if ellyriones basic pass, will have to see if these are in basic or special)

- The Banner of the World Dragon could be "bought" a slide without battle, but do not know what will

- Teachers may tse6 + only against projectiles.

- The upgrade has Everqueen or second character, called its "hand maiden" (hand maid right) appears to be a bodyguard.


- The rule of knowledge: tse 6 + or better from one point if it already exists

- Two identifying:

Postponing souls difficulty 8 + / 16 +. 18 "reach. 2d6/4d6 S4 hits (magic missile)

Drain Magic: Increase and curse at the same time. Diff 7 + and stays in play (not know the details yet)

The 1, namely:

Apotheosis (5 + / 12 +). A single model 18 "
Retrieves a wound herida/D3

Spell number?: Hand of Glory. 5 + / 10 +
Increases HA / HP / I / M in one or D3.

Advance Order on April 27, the final departure May 4

- Lord of Knowledge: € 12

- Flying Boat: € 34.50

- The Eternal Maiden Queen (character): 10 €

- Sisters of Avelorn: € 29.50

- Shadowy: € 29.50

- Phoenix: € 34.50

- Army Book 34 €

- Alarielle 12 €

- Uniforms & Heraldry of High Elves (English) - $ 33.00

- High Elves Loremaster of Hoeth - $ 20.00

- Improved Chrace Shields (pack) - $ 18.00

- Battalion - $ 120.00

- High Elf Magic Cards (Inglés) - $ 6.00

By the way, the author of the book is ... yes, Matt Ward!

04-22-2013, 07:47 PM
Uniforms & Heraldry of High Elves (English) - $ 33.00

So the High Elves get 2 books it seems? That's pretty cool. I love the books that go in depth on the various armies/races, every race should have one.

04-22-2013, 07:50 PM
So, what I'm able to make out (my summary and thoughts);

*New Sea Guard special character: we already new this, just whether or not it was a generic hero or not. Well, it appears it can also be used as a generic hero and a BSB, which is awesome.
*Sounds like the Lord of Knowledge is a Lord (lol) choice, and I assume that bit at the end means (s)he knows all the signature spells from every lore, as rumoured.
*Hard to make out, but it appears that - like other units before it - the 'power' of the Phoenix is based upon Winds of Magic rolls, with a roll of a six reviving it - or a separate roll? That's pretty awesome, with a 1/3 chance to revive them in each of your magic phases if that is how it works.
*'Reapers' obviously alludes to Ellyrion Reavers, and Silver Helms are obvious. So, we now have two cavalry units in Core. Awesome! Makes doing an all-cavalry army not only possible, but worthwhile with two divergent themes (light cavalry or heavy cavalry).
*Bolt Thrower is still rare.
*The signature spell for High Magic is Shield of Saphery now, and instead of a +5 ward save it provides a +6 that stacks with other things - much like the Mark of Tzeentch. The blurb at the end may be saying that it is to a specific model - either the mage or a unit, unsure.
*Yes! White Lions and Swordmasters (logically, and thankfully) retain Speed of Asuryan, but as the author notes, it is unknown whether it works as it does currently - my bet is on no, as White Lions and Swordmasters were already the best in their class as far as heavy infantry wielding great weapons.
*So the Phoenix has different dedications, but the latter is interesting; Caradryan? Is there an Elven deity named Caradryan or is it actually referring to the Captain of the Phoenix Guard?
*Ah, so they aren't Maiden Guard after all. As expected here.
*I've no idea what the last part is talking about, save that it refers to the Phoenix and Winds of Magic again - maybe a specific table for a Phoenix where the result is based on a Winds of Magic roll?

*That's a good buff to Lion Chariots.
*It appears Speed of Asuryan is strike at Initiative regardless of weapon, but no Always Strikes First as High Elves used to be - a previously rumoured and much welcomed change. Valour of Ages is probably unchanged. No idea what Dexterity is given Speed of Asuryan is still there.
*Thank goodness for that...
*I think that is - Weapon Skill, Wounds, Attacks, but I'm not entirely sure. If so, that looks like the 'Swordmaster Mage' is a Lord choice.
*A new character with unique special rules?
*That's a cool name.
*Oh, my bad. It appears Shield of Saphery is the Lore Attribute, not the signature spell. Well, that's cool - it protects you as you are casting spells, which is a cool and fluffy way to show the control of magic High Elves have.
*Cool names.
*Ah, it appears the ice phoenix is indeed dedicated to the hero Caradryan. That's pretty sick. Whilst the 'Anointed by Asuryan' character - a Phoenix Guard character, by the sounds of it - is the only one that can ride the fire phoenix.
*Sounds like one of the buffs for a Phoenix based on the winds of magic roll is a +4 ward save (going off of earlier writing for Shield of Saphery).
*The name for the Sea Guard character I presume.
*Fire witch? Any guesses?
*(jump to Banner of the World Dragon) Again, no idea here.
*I presume this is referring to Sword Masters with their 'parry' save against shooting.

*High Elves have two Signature Spells....interesting. One is a standard magic missile with some decent casting values. The other is the old classic, but no word on changes.
*That's neat. A cheap spell that restores D3 wounds to a single model - a great boon for our typically fragile characters and monster mounts.
*Huh, a buff spell in the vein of Melkoth's Mystifying Miasma. It appears to buff Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Initiative and Movement by one or D3 - it appears to be all of them regardless of which casting value is used (awesome!), but the D3 is the higher casting value. An incredibly cheap spell too, which is pretty awesome.
*Again....Matt Ward? Wow. Well, his fantasy books have been pretty controversial, though his 40K books are typically works of class. If he makes all of the units competitive, or at least most of them - which is what he excels at - I will be very happy.

04-22-2013, 09:43 PM
According to stuff elsewhere, High Elves retain army-wide Always Strikes First (no word on whether it functions like Speed of Asuryan in regards to 'Unwieldy Weapons'), whilst every unit now has Martial Prowess. Valour of Ages remains. Details are scarce, but it appears that not only do all of our units still strike first and get the important re-rolls, but all of our units fight in an extra rank (massive!), and I assume we still re-roll failed psychology tests against Dark Elves (but it might be changed to be against any enemy). Seven-wide twenty-one strong Swordmaster units buffed with defensive spells such as Wyssan's and the like that, with the champion, have twenty-nine attacks at WS6 re-rolling to hit with great weapons that strike at Initiative five? :eek: Of course we don't know a lot of details so this is probably inaccurate, but still.....jeez.

Unlike most other codices/army books I've seen in recent years, High Elves are having barely any negative reactions at all regarding their rules.....and to be honest, if it pans out like what has been made out, it looks like High Elves are going to be one heck of an army to play.

04-23-2013, 02:19 AM
Looking forward to the Heraldry book, the Empire one is great.

04-23-2013, 02:25 AM
Looking at all this i think i will keep my HE army. I hope we keep the speed+rerolls. We need it, if we didn't hit hard it would be a pointless army as ( rightly so ) we can't take the hits. We are a glass hammer.

04-23-2013, 02:48 AM
Do we know who that new character model is?
I'll also try and translate that website's info, but as I have to use Google Translate it won't be an accurate translation.
Can anyone here attempt to translate it properly? If so, thanks in advance!

Oh my.....MATT WARD is the author!

This is what I've gotten so far;

Yes, that´s the main thing. Good translation and thanks for reading our blog

Mr Mystery
04-23-2013, 02:53 AM
I'll stick that new pic in here for the sake of completeness:


Is that not the ride of the Phoenix, but clearly on foot? Weapon seems identical. And it's otherwise disappointingly static.

04-23-2013, 02:59 AM
Yup, the kit gives you legs to use the model on foot if you want, which is a good idea.

Mr Mystery
04-23-2013, 04:51 AM

Looking forward to their book.

04-23-2013, 05:18 AM
Yes, that´s the main thing. Good translation and thanks for reading our blog

You are very much welcome. I linked you guys on my own blog, thanks for providing this information!

04-23-2013, 11:17 AM
Thank you too

04-24-2013, 01:58 AM
The charriot looks weird....

04-24-2013, 11:13 AM
Hi again!

Got better pics of the WD (in Spanish, sorry) here


04-25-2013, 12:06 AM
I don't care what anyone says, it is a stunningly beautiful kit.

04-25-2013, 12:25 AM
I don't care what anyone says, it is a stunningly beautiful kit.

Yeah, it really is. If I were doing a Lothern Seaguard army, this is how I would support it. Whole new meaning to Mobile Artillery. Great concept.

But, I play a Phoenix Guard heavy army. I cant wait to see what my new toys will be.

04-25-2013, 04:18 AM
looks to me like a generic chariot left, character on the one in the centre, and bolt thrower on the one on the right? they are certainly growing on me, can't wait to get hold of this book and see rules.

04-25-2013, 04:57 AM
That is a really nice photo which does a great job of showcasing those air chariots. The only bit I find a bit wrong about them is how two of them have apparently got a unicorn's horn mounted on the prow. I suppose it might be a narwhal horn though to keep with the Seaguard/nautical theme but it still seems wrong.

04-25-2013, 07:52 AM
I don't know if this has been said, so...

Sea Helm provides his chariot with a 4+ invul save. If he joined a unit, it can make a free regroup after it has been charged (!)
Annointed is a pricy Lord with a 4+ invuln save

Frostheart Phoenix gives enemy units in b2b -1 strength and always strikes last
Flameheart deals d6 s4 hits to a unit he flies over , and d3 hits per every aditional rank the unit has. It can ressirect with full life.

Skycutter has s5, t4 and 4 wounds
Can have a s5 bolt thrower
Less then 100 points

Shadowwariors drop in points
Swordmasters, white lions, archers drop in points. Wl and sm more then archers. Lion chariot and bolt thrower drop significantly in points.

Loremaster is quiet expensive

Allarielle is a S4 mage, grants her unit a 5+ invul against non magical attacks, can heal herself or anither character, may grant +1 to hit for 1 turn (cc and ranged), all allied witards which use lore of life or lore of light get +4 on casting
Sounds nifty.

04-25-2013, 02:10 PM
I don't care what anyone says, it is a stunningly beautiful kit.

I think i just did a mess! i want three. NOW!!!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-25-2013, 03:43 PM
I just read the White Dwarf, stuff is quite cool.

04-25-2013, 04:18 PM
I just read the White Dwarf, stuff is quite cool.


04-25-2013, 08:46 PM
Quote Originally Posted by BramGaunt@Warseer
I don't know if this has been said, so...

Sea Helm provides his chariot with a 4+ invul save. If he joined a unit, it can make a free regroup after it has been charged (!)
Annointed is a pricy Lord with a 4+ invuln save

Frostheart Phoenix gives enemy units in b2b -1 strength and always strikes last
Flameheart deals d6 s4 hits to a unit he flies over , and d3 hits per every aditional rank the unit has. It can ressirect with full life.

Skycutter has s5, t4 and 4 wounds
Can have a s5 bolt thrower
Less then 100 points

Shadowwariors drop in points
Swordmasters, white lions, archers drop in points. Wl and sm more then archers. Lion chariot and bolt thrower drop significantly in points.

Loremaster is quiet expensive

Allarielle is a S4 mage, grants her unit a 5+ invul against non magical attacks, can heal herself or anither character, may grant +1 to hit for 1 turn (cc and ranged), all allied witards which use lore of life or lore of light get +4 on casting

Sounds nifty.

Ooh yeah it does!

The Sea Helm sounds great. Having a +4 ward save on something with Toughness 4 and 4 wounds - no word on armour save - is pretty strong for a flying chariot mount, that and the free reform with any unit - particularly Sea Guard owing to having both bows and spears - is priceless. I'm essentially a newbie to Fantasy, but wouldn't that basically allow you to counter flank and rear charges, or having been shooting for full effect before - including Stand and Shoot - immediately reform after firing into a better formation in combat to maximise your damage all around? Sounds incredibly good to me, especially if the Sea Helm is decently cheap - given that he appears to be a Hero (he can be the BSB), this would appear to be the case.

The Anointed of Asuryan adds yet another potential character mounted on a kick-backside monstrous mount for the army. That, and I am guessing they are very hard to kill - what with a +4 ward save, probably Heavy Armour, and a halberd. Nice. Interested to see how they interact with Phoenix Guard, or if they have any unique special rules. Sounds like we can make a Lord choice that doesn't need magic equipment and will probably be cheaper than a similarly kitted out Prince.

The Frostheart Phoenix is gravy. Combined with the loads of signature spells from the Loremaster, or any other magic user casting buff or debuff spells, it will prove to be devastating if used intelligently.
The Flamespyre Phoenix' fly over attacks are quite strong - I am assuming they are also flaming hits, of course - and will prove invaluable against massed ranked armies we typically struggle against. If its actual stats in combat are any good - as well as its cost - it will definitely be a great addition. That it gains buffs (or debuffs, unsure there) based on the Winds of Magic is cool - like the +4 ward save :cool: - and that it also resurrects itself with full wounds on a roll of a six is awesome, particularly if it is rolled for more than once. It's hard to say from the White Dwarf, as in the battle report, the Phoenix that dies is resurrected immediately - lol!

The Skycutter sounds too good to be true, especially if it also has an armour save. An incredibly mobile - and pretty tough - BSB carrier, or providing strong firepower from a slightly weaker bolt thrower? If it is less than 100 points even with the Bolt Thrower, that thing is crazy good.

Kind of expected Shadow Warriors to drop in points; just by how much is the big question, as well as any rule changes. Fighting in an extra rank - if that is what Martial Prowess still does - will help a lot. On a side note, I wonder if Martial Prowess will also allow our ranged units to fire in an extra rank? Just a thought.

Sword Masters and White Lions are reportedly 13 points each; given the inclusion of Martial Prowess, the loss of re-rolls and striking at Initiative order (apparently), I think that is perfectly fair for both units, particularly given Sword Masters - and maybe White Lions - are now more durable than they were before, if only slightly.
Archers being cheaper is a god send - they were paying for a special rule they never really needed. I'm interested to see how Martial Prowess affects them when they shoot.
The Lion Chariot and the Bolt Thrower dropping significantly in points is expected; the Lion Chariot has a torrid time presently next to the Gorebeast Chariot, especially given it was more expensive! I've seen elsewhere that Bolt Throwers are 50 points each, and my own guess is that Lion Chariots will be between 90 and 110 points base. The latter gaining Stubborn is useful and fluffy.

If the Loremaster is around 200 points, he is a fantastic addition. At 250, he is a good buy. Any more, and I start to doubt his value. However, I can't honestly see him being nearly as expensive as a kitted out Prince or a special character. On the same note, I expect most of our special characters are getting significant price drops, or being made quite a bit more powerful - given how everything seems to be getting cheaper (with the probable exception of Teclis and Phoenix Guard), this would only make sense.

Alarielle sounds like a nice support unit, though I wonder if she can cast any spells herself. That massive +4 boost to casting attempts made by Light or Life magic users is insane, though.

If this stuff is accurate, I think we are in for a great army book. Our army needed quite a bit of a reshuffling; we needed a lot of points reductions across the board, as well as re-balancing of many units to make them viable compared to others. Ward I think is perfect here; his codices tend to favour a lot of builds, and most units in his codices are perfectly good choices. As long as it isn't broken and it competes with the 'strong' codices, I'll be happy.

04-26-2013, 08:25 AM
This has been the most positive reaction to a GW release I've seen since Dark Eldar, even on Warseer. I've not seen anyone have the kind of hyperbolic rants based on rumours we normally see and the reaction to the models has been very positive with only some criticism of the chariot.

Mr Mystery
04-26-2013, 09:22 AM
Ermm...ermmmmm....BLOODY GW! WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE! I didn't get a personal meemo from Mr Kirby seeking my express permission to release any of tyhis. How dare they! Don't they realise I am the source of all gaming taste?


04-26-2013, 10:29 AM
Ermm...ermmmmm....BLOODY GW! WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE! I didn't get a personal meemo from Mr Kirby seeking my express permission to release any of tyhis. How dare they! Don't they realise I am the source of all gaming taste?


There goes the neighbourhood.:-P

04-26-2013, 06:07 PM
Pre-Orders are up. Link to US Website Here (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/armySubUnitCatsLarge.jsp?catId=cat440004a&rootCatGameStyle=wh)

The Maidenguard and Alarielle are fantastic models.

The phoenix I like but I don't think it's a particularly inspired sculpt.

The flying chariot is a conundrum. I LOVE the individual pieces but when you stick them together they don't make sense to me. The narwhal horn in front causes me no uncertain amount of frustration since it would either impale the eagle if it banked skywards too fast or it would wrap around the cloth/leather harness on the eagle (or tear it). I'm probably just thinking too hard about this.

04-26-2013, 07:08 PM
A really good wave of releases. I still don't like the new Alarielle model, much prefer the old one though it is mainly the head/hair on the new one that puts me off it, so a headswap might sort it out. I love the new Shadow Warriors, they look every bit how they should, as sort of a halfway cross between High and Dark Elves. The Maiden Guard are good too and I really like the fire phoenix, the frost one is nice but the fire one is better.

I have to agree with Chrono re the Lothern Skycutter (great name!) as the bits are really good. The bird is a Roc as it turns out, not an eagle, which makes no sense at all as Roc's should be much bigger, in myth they could pick up elephant's in their claws and as such would be more suited to something Warhammer Forge would make. It is a fabulous sculpt though.

I have to get the Heraldry book as it sounds amazing, with colour schemes and such not only for Ulthuan's 10 kingdoms, but all their remaining colonies too!

Looking at where units are listed on the GW site we have:

Silver Helms and Reavers have moved to Core.
Shadow Warriors remain Special, and are joined by the Lothern Skycutter.
Maiden Guard and Phoenix's are Rare.

04-26-2013, 07:14 PM
Well, I'm in for Magic Cards, Army Book, and Heraldry book.

I'm going to wait and see what changes and additions are like before I invest heavily. I know I am in for a Phoenix or two at some point however.

04-26-2013, 10:12 PM
Alarielle looks great, I think her face looks beautiful in the 360 photo.

Bit worried about the Sisters of Avalorn though. It says you can make either ten SW or ten sisters, yet I count only 8 Sister heads and 5 torsos with 5 SW heads and torsos. It also says 69 components which means the sprues can't be doubled to provide the requisite extra parts. I'm hopig I'm missing something, its 5am so its a distinct possibility.:rolleyes:

The Handmaiden looks magnificent, in fact everything does really. The Loremaster of Hoes looks much better from the front.

04-27-2013, 04:18 AM
Double post but apparently the issue with the Maiden Gaurd box has happened before and the sprues are doubled in the box with what would be 138 parts. So yay.

There is also a new video:


Looks better, still a little awkward but not so ridiculous.

04-27-2013, 04:29 AM
What I want to know is why have they suddenly started doing LE army books half way through 8th? Where's my LE Empire one? That's probably the one book I would have spent the extra money on. *sulky face*

04-27-2013, 04:31 AM
It is a bit odd, I guess the idea only dawned on them around the time 6th edition codices were going to print. They are a little bit underwhelming really compared to some other (admittedly more expensive) collectors edition books out there. Some extra lore content or artwork beyond the cover and case would be nice.

Of course I'll still be getting the eldar one but if they included a bit more content I'd get all of them. Might get the HE one but will get the Dark Elf one.

04-27-2013, 04:34 AM
The Loremaster of Hoes looks much better from the front.

I'd agree with that, which is very odd. Last month's WD had someone talking about the perfect angle, the one shot from which the model looks best and from which the main photos are taken. The main promo photos for the Loremaster are clearly not the angle from which this model looks best and I'm baffled as to why anyone thought it was.

04-27-2013, 04:44 AM
going to have to get some sea guard, some shadow warrior boxes to be archers and bolt thrower crew, maybe a sky cutter and phoenicle, some maiden guard, some dragon princes....
only issue I have with the shadow warriors is the bow and sword out together, are they thinking of firing their swords? just a pet hate of mine, but one or the other please. will have to get some normal archer arms for them. I think I will use the wood elf sorceress model instead of alarielle personally too.

04-27-2013, 04:57 AM
Yes, I think they are going for a 'they lost loosed a volley and are preparing to charge' look but it does come across as a bit awkward.

Rules rumours dump from Faeit apparently via Bigman on Warseer:

High Elves are now available for Pre-Orders, and wow, do we have a very large info dump here to check out. So if you are interested in High Elves, this is the place to be.

Here is a link to get your pre-orders in
Games Workshop: High Elf Pre-Orders

via Hero's Gaming Blog
Everyone has ASF, Martial Prowess and Valour of Ages
Mages get +1 to cast High Magic now instead of +1 dispel, called Lileath's Blessing
Dragon stats are..
Sun Dragon - 5s, WS5, T5 S5, W5
Moon Dragon - 6s, 5 attacks Ld.8
Star Dragon, WS7, S7, T7, 7 wounds, I2, 6A, Ld.9
Everyone has 3+ AS, Terror

Flamespyre Phoenix = 225
WS5 S5 T5 W5 I4 A3 Ld.8
Special Rules:
Attuned to Magic - 5+ ward and close combat attacks are magical. in add, when rolling to determine the strength of the winds of magic, compare the highest d6 rolled with the table below and determine the effect.
1 = ward is 6+ instead
2 = phoenix has -1 s
3 = phoenix has +1I
4 = has +1A
5= +1S
6=ward 4+
Fireborn - 2+ ward vs. wounds caused by flaming attacks
Flaming Attacks
Large Target
Phoenix Reborn - as soon as he loves his last wound, remove the model and place a phoenix reborn counter to mark the centre of the death spot. at the end of the turn roll a d6 for each phoenix reborn counter and consult the table. 1-2 dead forever, 3-5 centre a large round template over the center, all models friendly and foe suffers s4 flaming, the counter remains in play, roll at the end of next turn, yours or oppos. Rise from the ashes on 6+, place him anywhere within 6" of the center, at least 1" away and remove marker. He is back with d3+2 wounds. If you have a rider, he dies with the phoenix, or he returns with the phoenix. If the phoenix died with a rider on him, add +1 to you roll.
Wake of Fire - if he moves over one or more uneganged enemy units, choose one of those units - that unit suffers d6 s4 hits plus d3 per rank after the first. flaming,

Frostheart Phoenix = 240
WS6 S6 T6 5W I3 4A Ld. 9
Attuned to magic
blizzard aura - any enemy UNIT in base contact with him has ASL and -1S
natural armor 5+

Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower = 70 points
2 Sea Guard crew
Rare, can take up to 4

Great Eagles 1+ = 50ppm
Entire unit can get Swiftsense = ASF for 10ppm
Shredding Talons for 5ppm = AP

Tyrion = 410
WS9 BS7 S4 T3 4W I10 4A Ld.10
Sunfang = same +3S flaming, S4 breath once a game, magical
Dragon Armor of Aenarion - 1+ AS, 4+ ward and Fireborn 2+ ward vs. fire
Heart of Averlorn - MR2, if he dies, roll d6, on a 2+ he negates the wound and the heart is destroyed
Defender of Ulthuan - 18" presence

Teclis = 450
T2 3W Ld.10
Sword of Teclis - wound on 2+ no AS
Moonstaff of Lileath - one use only - you can either choose to add a bonus power die to each casting attempt, of if teclis suffers a miscast, the miscast is ignored. In either case, Teclis' S and T are both reduced to 1 for the remainder of the game ROFL
Scroll of hoeth - one use only - same
Warcrown of Saphery - Increases his Wizard level by one, so he's a Lv.5 wizard technically
Teclis does not generate spells, he either knows all of the spells from High Magic or can choose one spell from each of the 8 lores (yes, chooses)
Lileath's Blessing - +1 to cast from all lore of high magic

Magic spells:
5+ augment 18"
immediately regains 1 wound, 10+ for d3 wounds. Regardless of how many wounds gained, you also gain Fear.

Arcane Unforging
13+, direct damage with 24" single enemy model. Suffers a wound on a dice grear than or equal to unmodified armor save. No AS allowed. Reveal to the caster all magic items, if you have more than one, randomly select one and its destroyed on 2+.

Drain Magic (sig)
cast on 7+
friend or foe within 18"
friendly augment, hex on enemy
all RIP spells affecting the unit are immediately dispelled, and affects of all other spells on the target unit immediately come to an end. Can be all units within 18" for 14+.

Fiery Convocation
Cast on 19+
Direct damage 24". every unit takes S4 flaming, at the end of every subsequent magic phase, every model suffers S4 flaming.

Hand of Glory 5+
augment 18"
Target's WS, BS, I or M is +d3. You can choose all for 10+.

Shield of Saphery (lore attribute)
Each time a spell is succesfully cast, the caster and his unit immediately gain +1 to their ward save to max of 3. If you don't have one, 6+. Stacks.

Soul Quench (sig)
cast on 8+
magical missile, 18", 2d6 s4 hits, or 4d6 s4 hits, 16+

Tempest 12+
direct damage. large round template within 30" of wiz, scatters d6. All models hit suffer s3 hits (models flying is s4). If a model suffers any unsaved wounds, it suffers -1 to all hit both shooting and cc. Those that do not use BS needs a 4+ to fire.

Walk between worlds
cast on 8+
augment, 24+
Gain Ethereal and can immediately move to 10" as if it were remaining moves sub-phase.
Can make it go 20" + Ethereal on a 16"

Purchaseable magic items

Blade of leaping gold - 70 points

Star Lance - 30 points, +3S, no AS

Reaver Bow - 20 points
+1S, volley Multiple shots 3

Armor of Caledor for 50 points

Shadow Armor - 25 points, 5+ AS, Scouts, Strider

Shield of the Mermrym - 15pts, shield, unless he's using a weapon that uses 2 hands, he has parry 4+, can be used with a magic weapon

golden crown of atrazar - 10 points, talisman

Moranion's wayshard - enchanted, 50 points. Models on foot only. Has ambushers special rule. He can give archers or Spearmen up to 30 units in size the same immediately before deployment. He has to join that unit if he does.

Kharine's Ring of Fury - 25 points

Gem of Sunfire - 20 points

Cloak of Beards - 10 points

Book of Hoeth - 55 points

Banner of World Dragon - 50 points - SO *********** GOOD WOW

Random Magic Items and other special rules:

Warrior mage - First spell generated by dragon mage is always flaming sword.

Windrider - Sea Helm on Lothern Skycutter has 4+ ward against shooting attacks. Can also re-roll dangerous terrain.

Witness to Destiny - 4+ ward (assuming this is anointed)

touch of the everqueen - her close combat attacks vs. forces of destruction have HKB.

The shieldstone of Isha - Talisman, the shieldstone of isha grants Alarielle and her unit a 5+ ward vs. any non-magical attacks.

Stave of Averlorn - one use only, arcane. It allows Alerielle to immediately attempt to cast a spell she already cast that phase, even if failed or miscast.

Stone of midnight - Alith 4+ ward, enemies suffer -1 to hit when shooting against Alith or his unit.

Swooping Strike - a model upgraded has Devastating Charge and +1S on the turn he charges.

Talisman of Hoeth - Eltharion has MR1, counts as a Lv.2 Wiz, who uses spells from any of the 8 lores.

Mark of Asuryan - If Caradryan dies, d3 wounds no AS.

The moonbow - 36" S7 D3 wounds quick to fire, no AS. dark Elves suffer -1 ld.

Naval Disipline - If a unit containing at least one sea helm is successfully charged during the movement phase, it can attempt to change formation immediately after your opponent has moved all of his charging units. To do so, the unit must take a Ld. test. If passed, immediately combat reform. A unit cannot use this if made a Flee! or stand and shoot (doh!).

Pelt of Charandis - Korhil counts his AS as one higher vs. CC, 2 points higher vs. non-magic shooting. Poison does not auto wound, wound as normal.

Phoenix Blade - +1S, flaming, d3 wounds, Caradryan's.

Quicksilver Shot - Models shooting attacks have quick to fire as do all sisters of averlorn and high sisters in the same unit.

Reckless - Dragon mage +2 to cast from lore of fire (cumulative with other bonuses), never receive bonuses to dispel.

Repeater Bolt Thrower - same, normal Bolt thrower or 6 shots, S4 AP.

Shadow Crown - Alith and his unit have Swiftstride.

Helm of Yvresse - +1 to Eltharion's AS and gives him and his mount 5+ ward.
Horn of Isha. enchanted. one use, can be used at the start of one of your movement phases. For the remainder of the turn, all models in the unit receive +1 to hit on all shooting and close combat attacks.

Ilthilmar Barding - No movement penalty barding

Khaine's Ring of Fury - BL3, enchanted, Soul Quench from Lore of High Magic. 18" 2d6 S4 hits

Lileath's blessing - Models with this special rule gain +1 to cast when using High Magic

Lion Cloak - models wearing a lion cloak adds +2 AS against non-magical shooting attacks.

Gem of Sunfire - Enchanted. One use only. All bearer's spells, shooting attacks, close combat (and his mounts) have +1 to wound, provided they also have the flaming attacks special rule.
Golden Crown of Atrazar - Talisman, one use. 2+ ward against first wounding hit by wearer.

Armor of Caledor 2+, 6+ Ward, Fireborn special rule - 2+ ward vs. flaming
Banner of Averlorn - Spells from Lore of Light and Life by a friendly unit containing the banner are +4 to cast. If Alarielle is slain, this is immediately lost.
Banner of World Dragon - 2+ ward vs. all wounds caused by spells, magic weapons, and magical attacks. Furthermore, all dragons within 12" of the World Dragon have Stubborn.
Blade of Leaping Gold - +3 attacks, any roll to wound of 6 ignores AS.
Book of Hoeth - Allows the user to re-roll a single dice from each of his casting or dispel attempts, results of 6 cannot be re-rolled.
Cloak of Beards - Enchanted. Cause Fear. Against Dwarfs, cause Terror. Dwarfs gain hatred vs. you. At the start of each cc phase, roll d6 for each magic item carried by each model from warhammer dwarfs in base contact with wearer. On a 4+ the magic item is destroyed and cannot be used..etc.

Deflect shots - 6+ ward against non-magical shooting attacks
Dragon Armor - 5+ armor, 6+ ward and Fireborn Special rule.

Dragon Fire - A dragon's breath weapon is S4, flaming

Eagle Eye Bolt Thrower
24" S5 Multiple Wounds D3, no AS

Fangsword of Iltharion - +2S, no AS caused by Fangsword

Boon of Isha - All models in the Everqueen's unit are magical. Her unit is Immune to Fear/Terror.

Blessings of Ausryan - all models that contain an anointed of Asuryan havea 6+ ward save and is ItP.
Blood Oath - Ethlarion gains +1 to hit vs. Grom.

Chaos Bane - At the start of each of Allerille's magic phase, before rolling for winds, every unit with the demonic special rule within 12" of her suffers d6 s4 distriubuted like shooting. However, she suffers -d3 penalty to her casting attempts if there is one of more models with demon within 12" of her.

Chayal - +2S, Paired Weapon, Killing Blow

Bow of Averlorn - 24" S4 Arrows of Isha, Flaming, Volley Fire
Arrows of Isha - magical. -1 AS against wounds caused to forces of destruction

Big dump from faeit. Not alway reliable, but pouts costs and specific rules included. Detail is massive for a hoax. Anyway will find out in a week.

04-27-2013, 09:48 AM
Definitely going to include some maidenguard if those rules for Bows of Avelorn are true. No more problems with HPAs, Chimera, Chaos Trolls, etc. S4 Flaming is pretty wicked for a bow.

I feel sorry for the Wood Elves though. All those treekin just took another blow since these are S4, flaming, and presumabily magic attacks (as per the line where alarielle makes her unit magical). Ouch. I guess they go down to one viable build now.

I am disappointed that it seems high elves' ridiculous "Light Council" build just got a huge boost.

Overall though, I'm really excited. High Elves may bump my work on my Tomb Kings down the line a little. (of course High Elves may be bumped down the line when Eldar come out in June).

04-27-2013, 09:51 AM
Have I missed it? But has no one said what Martial Prowess or Valor of the Ages does this time around? Or were they pretty much left unchanged? I've had 3 hours sleep, so I am not thinkin so good

04-27-2013, 09:52 AM
Martial Prowess is the same, fight in an extra rank. Apparently now lets archers fire in 3 ranks. Not sure about VoA, think I saw something about that perhaps in the rumour dump on the previous page but I forget.

04-27-2013, 10:09 AM
Martial Prowess is the same, fight in an extra rank. Apparently now lets archers fire in 3 ranks. Not sure about VoA, think I saw something about that perhaps in the rumour dump on the previous page but I forget.

wait? Archers can fire in 3 ranks? AND they got cheaper?

I guess I don't feel so bad about owning 100 archers... Guess I need to assemble some of them finally...

05-01-2013, 08:01 AM
I don't care what anyone else thinks, the damned things are gorgeous.

05-01-2013, 09:00 AM
I don't care what anyone else thinks, the damned things are gorgeous.

My mother usually has little interest in GW stuff, but she was genuinely surprised at just how awesome the Phoenix models are. She also really likes the Everqueen, as well as the Handmaiden and Sisters of Averlorn. It isn't often I get actively encouraged by family to buy miniature models!

05-01-2013, 09:31 AM
I've always liked phoenixes and now they have such an awesome model I'll have to find a way to use it. Might be time to actually get back into WFB...

Mr Mystery
05-01-2013, 09:52 AM
Yes! Yes! Joins us precious! JOINS US IN OUR TACTICAL NOUS!

05-02-2013, 05:49 AM
just love those sisters of avelorn models, sorely tempted now to use them as core choices. get some normal bows for archer units, spears and shield with normal bows to make sea guard, use them as bolt thrower crew...

05-02-2013, 06:10 AM
I'm thinking along similar lines myself. Use my old Maiden Guard as spearmen as well.

05-02-2013, 11:38 AM
the temptation is strong, on the other hand I do have the possibility of getting hold of two high elf island of blood sets soon so would be a shame to waste the nice sea guard models. strong possibility of maiden guard archer units though, they are just awesome models.

05-02-2013, 12:19 PM
That Sisters/Shadow Warriors set is pretty awesome. I love how the Sisters are all using Hank the Ranger's bow from the old D&D cartoon:


The idea of an all Avelorn army is interesting. I'm still a bit disapointed though that the rumoured large dragon and dragon cavalry models never materialised. I think they missed a trick there. The Phoenixes are fantastic models though, didn't like the Frost one much on first viewing but seeing it in the 360 spin pics has won me over.

05-02-2013, 12:22 PM
yeah personally I think I will try toning down the magic effect on the bows, so they are normal bows with a bit of fire on, rather than being fully flaming

05-02-2013, 01:53 PM
Considering how ridiculous the old Maiden Guard regiment was, I was thinking about using them as Phoenix Guard rather than spearmen, as they also have an oddly short spear.

05-02-2013, 03:29 PM
I've always considered the old Maidenguard unit to be a good shoe-in as a Lothern Seaguard counts-as what with them having spears and bows. They only lack shields really.

05-02-2013, 03:43 PM
well I am being given the high elves from island of blood for free, ooooh yeah.

old maiden guard would be cool too

05-02-2013, 04:57 PM
well I am being given the high elves from island of blood for free, ooooh yeah.

old maiden guard would be cool too

Nice one, they are good models and the Lord on Griffon is fantastic. doubt you'll find many to give you old maidenguard though, well maybe the musician and standard bearer as those are quite cheap on ebay but the champion and spear wielding ones fetch a nice price.

05-02-2013, 05:03 PM
and a second set for £20 now, excellent.

yeah I wouldn't want the old maiden guard personally, I can see they would work well for a lot of people, not a fan of older models personally by and large.

05-02-2013, 11:11 PM
They are rather average by modern standards, but I already have a bunch of them and the plastic spearmen are even worse. :(

Oh, a friend of mine has his copy of the book already (yay third party retailers) and he says there are a few references to female Princes (cunningly referred to as 'princesses') leading armies, so that's nice.

Mr Mystery
05-03-2013, 03:51 AM
Regarding Island of Blood, up in Scotland I still have the Elves from my set.

Not sure when I'm up there next, but free to a good home.

Except the Griffon. That got made into an Ogre banner.

05-03-2013, 03:59 AM
I will take it off your hands

yeah the spearmen suck, shame really.

05-03-2013, 06:49 AM
I'm thinking about a kind of 'elite Avelorn' army based around Silverhelms in core, lots of Sisters in Rare and Alarielle backed with a Handmaiden and a BSB. Not quite sure about what else, phoenixes and eagles to go withe the avelorn beast thing. No archers or spearmen.

05-03-2013, 08:27 AM
yeah, I think sisters in the sky cutter would work too, can't have ordinary chariots in a forest, so fly over the top.

05-03-2013, 08:40 AM
Regarding converting Sisters into Seaguard proxies, I'm thinking the easiest way may be to use the arms from the Shadow Warriors and replace the sword with a short spear and the bow with a shield for the front rank and then have some behind with the sword replaces with a spear. Though then you still have the problem of how to fire a bow while clutching a spear... Front rank with spear and shield the rest just with bows?

I like the sky cutter idea, hadn't thought of replacing the models with Sisters.

I'm not sure I like my Silverhelm as core idea, it just seems to reduce model count too much for an already numerically challenged army.:( But the idea of having a core of Sisters backed by young nobles trying to impress them is kind of nifty.

05-03-2013, 08:44 AM
personally I was considering front row with spears and shields, probably from the spearmen kit, ranks behind with bows firing, spears and shields across their backs, possibly with the glade rider cloaks that have the spears in the cloaks, then just some shields on top

05-03-2013, 08:49 AM
Makes sense.

I'm wondering how hard it would be to replace the torso of the IoB griffon rider with the torso of a Sister for a flying Handmaiden-counts-as-noble/prince. You'd have to cut the old torso off and replace it and then have the trouble of mailed sleeves on a leather and cloth clad torso.:(

05-03-2013, 08:56 AM
wouldn't be too different to the hand maiden model

05-03-2013, 11:02 AM
I would try to use the Handmaiden model. It should be pretty easy to cut up, being finecast. Slice the arms off below the pauldrons, and cut the waist below the belt-thing. Just carve the cloak off enough to put it on the griffon and fix it up with green stuff. That would leave you with arm joints that you could use anything on, maybe plastic Silver Helm arms.