View Full Version : What are the most common vehicles in a DKoK army?

04-17-2013, 06:58 PM
Hi all,

I'm building a mostly fluffy apoc build IG army, and I have some DKOK units (WGF Shocktroops with Cadian arms) and wanted to know what vehicles are most commonly seen with DKOK armies. In my mind, it would be LR Demolishers and Basilisk platform tanks, but any input would be cool, thanks.

John M>

04-19-2013, 09:23 PM
Welcome to the Korps. Remember, casualties are acceptable, failure is not.

Krieg fields the following types of regiments: Siege, Infantry, Tank, Siege Artillery (towed), Artillery, and Mechanized (less frequent)

Death Korps generally uses all types of armored vehicles but there are a couple that seem to be more prevelant. Stock Russes and Demolisher are both quite common and the Thunderer (basically a hull mounted demolisher cannon) was not unusual. I also see Eradicators, Exterminators, Punishers and Anihilators (Tl-Lascannons) all working well. I don't see Vanquishers and Executioners to be as common because they don't fit in as well with the attrition-based warfare DKOK uses but that shouldn't sway you if you want to use them since the armored regiments will use them.

As for artillery, Medusas are probably the most fluffy self-propelled arty since they featured prominently in "Dead Men Walking." Siege regiments have a tendency to use towed artillery vice self-propelled so that is another option. I can tell you for a fact that the field and heavy artillery are quite effective in game and look damn good too.

I would probably stay away from Aircav unless you model the associated models/units from a different regiment since Krieg doesn't field those types of armies as a general rule. I would probably stay away from being Chimeras heavy unless you are going on a Assault Brigade theme.

Finally, not sure what you are looking at as far as infantry but DK tends to field only special weapons in the line infantry squads and concentrates heavy weapons into HWS's. I find that works pretty well in game terms as your blobs can move forward and control the board. They also tend to eat many units that they run across. Hope this helps out but please don't let me lock you into anything specific.

04-19-2013, 09:38 PM
It depends on what you mean by "Death Korps of Krieg." The Death Korps itself produces many types of regiments - it's perfectly fluffy to have Death Korps guardsmen in Chimeras escorted by Leman Russ, for instance. We know that the Death Korps tends to use Macharius variants where other regiments would use a Baneblade variant, but that's about it for the Death Korps as a whole.

If you mean a siege regiment, then we have more data. Chimeras are mostly gone, replaced by Gorgons and Centaurs. Basilisks are mostly gone, replaced by towed artillery; when Death Korps siege regiments use self-propelled guns they tend to be either lighter (e.g., Griffons) or heavier (e.g., Medusas). Hellhounds are apparently extremely popular with siege regiments. Apparently you see all kinds of Leman Russ variants, without a particular preference for the "siege" versions, because in all cases a siege regiment's Leman Russ are used piecemeal for specific support missions.

05-01-2013, 07:44 PM
Thanks for the responses to this. Looks like without having to spend a ton on FW stuff, I'm capable of doing something appropriate with what I have.

Again, thanks,

John M>

05-01-2013, 08:38 PM
The Fall of Orpheus IA looks like it will have a DKoK list that includes (If I am reading the blurry cell-camera pics right) an assault chimera, so shortly there will be a non FW option for transporting your Death Korps troops around in.