View Full Version : future of sister of battle

04-17-2013, 12:09 PM
i was thinking, with there being rumours of a allies codex, why couldnt sister of battle go into there

04-17-2013, 12:22 PM
On the one hand, there's no reason. Any army could go into an allies codex, assuming such a thing exists.

On the other hand, the Sisters have always been their own army rather than supporting characters in another codex (unlike, say, kroot, which started out as supporting characters in the Tau codex), and they aren't flavors of any other codex.

04-17-2013, 12:22 PM
i was thinking, with there being rumours of a allies codex, why couldnt sister of battle go into there

I really don't think we should expect this. Games Workshop dealt with a lot of backlash for "squatting" the Squats, and most old-timers I've talked to are pretty clear that they don't imagine GW doing that again. Reducing the Sisters to allies for other Imperial forces would be tantamount to squatting them - far worse than just folding them into another codex as an optional way to run that codex - and I don't think GW will go there.

04-17-2013, 12:27 PM
I think sisters are diverse enough to have a full and proper codex, why oh why GW hasn't seen fit to update them yet is a mystery to me, with the quality of the sculpts coming out of GW at the moment I could envisage a full sisters release being very popular. More so than Tau are at the moment. I would imagine a full plastic / finecast release would have some great looking kits.

Judging by what you see on the forums, the fan base is there for a full codex too.

04-17-2013, 12:50 PM
Point of order, Sisters started out as allies, just like Arbites, Assassins and Grey Knights.

Power Klawz
04-17-2013, 01:00 PM
I think we're more likely to see a full sisters/ecclesiarchy/ordo hereticus codex than we are to see a Black templars 'dex in sixth. Sadly I'd give it another 2 years before such a thing would be on shelves though.

04-17-2013, 01:05 PM
I doubt we'll see the Ordo hereticus in the next sisters codex, as they are already in the GK book.

Why haven't they been redone yet? They don't generate enough sales as sm, csm, eldar and the like. But without support how will they ever? It's all part of the self feeding cycle.

04-17-2013, 01:31 PM
my thinking was gw already relegated them to wd codex, so why not go the whole way

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
04-17-2013, 02:16 PM
It'd be kinda neat to have Black Templars, Sisters of Battle and Ecclesiarchy rolled together into one "Zealots" codex; although that'd require some plot changes/advancement re: Black Templar beliefs and Ecclesiarchy military restrictions. Perhaps the Templars were finally being called into question by the Inquisition for the whole "ignoring size restrictions", Ecclesiarchy shields them in turn for military favors (and they argue that the "no men-at-arms" thing doesn't apply to the Templars, since they are above and beyond men). That'd also justify the loss of Ordo Hereticus Inquisitors, since it'd put the SoB a bit at odds with the Inq.

Choppy Black Templar squads backed up by Shooty Sisters and meat shielded by zealot hordes etc. could be pretty fun to play. Might even be better for both armies than the ham-handed "theming" we've seen done w/ others (the wolfy-wolf wolf-riders of wolves, bloodbloodblood angels etc).

Power Klawz
04-17-2013, 03:14 PM
The GK are still in 5th edition, we haven't seen any news on their imminent 6th edition incarnation. I would not be the least bit surprised to either A.) see an individual codex for at least the ordo malleus and ordo hereticus in the form of Grey Knights and Sister's of Battle, MAAAYYBE an ordo xenos deathwatch 'dex? Maybe?

Option B is of course to see a giant mega-dex of Inquisitorial armies with GK and Sisters jumbled together, but my money is on splitting the difference and seeing 2 separate books for demon hunters and witch hunters, along with their associated chambers militant.

5th edition Grey Knights stole the Ordo Hereticus characters because no one had any intentions of bringing sisters along into 5th in any real capacity. (lol white dwarf update.) Whichever we see first will likely point out whether or not the other one is going to exist. Logically you'd do sisters first because they need it a lot more (GK are still good to go in 6th) but game balance based logic doesn't really exist when you're talking about games workshop so its a toss up as far as I'm concerned.

04-17-2013, 03:25 PM
They're not going to do an Inquisition codex. I would have though that idea died when they released the Grey Knight codex and Sisters of Battle armylist. The only real question is, will GW ever give the Sisters another codex that does them justice?

04-17-2013, 03:52 PM
I think we might see a mega-dex about 150-200 pages so a witch hunters on steroids

04-17-2013, 10:27 PM
SoB are no longer working with the Inquisition as of the WD codex, so there will be no combined Inquisition codex featuring them even if you believe they would drop the well-selling GK codex.

SoB were having their own codex worked on around the same time as GK but obviously it hasn't been released. We also know Mr Goodwin was working on plastic kits but they had technical difficulties to overcome as they did with Dark Eldar.

Bottom line is they are almost certainly going to get a new codex (I say almost because nothing is absolutely certain 'til it happens) with a lovely new plastic range.

04-17-2013, 10:38 PM
I can certainly see the SOB being relegated to an allies type codex (think like Warmachine's Mercenary codex) where you can choose a couple of units to take as an attachment. If you read through the fluff, the Sisters usually appear as a small squad protecting a chapel or sent to eradicate a specific menace. You rarely see them in any kind of large engagement. I think people who own the models are just hoping beyond hope that the size-able investment they made in the army will pay off some day :mad:

04-17-2013, 10:41 PM


The same thing can be said of Marines, most of their fluff shows them acting in small groups of one or two squads.

Let me spell it out again:

We KNOW a SoB codex was worked on (they also have a 5th edition codex even if it was rubbish).
We KNOW a plastic range is being worked on.

The End.

This idea that they will b relegated to some fictional Allies supplement or squatted entirely is PURE speculation with no basis at all. We saw exactly the same arguments being made for Dark Eldar, Grey Knights and even Necrons prior to their new codices.

04-18-2013, 12:01 AM
And again, I'm surprised people are still pulling out the combined inquisition codex idea from... somewhere.

The Grey Knight codex was very successful. Like Eldargal said, we know they've been working on a Sisters codex. That's really all there is to it at this time.

04-18-2013, 12:09 AM
well we want it know :P no more waiting give me give me

Mr Mystery
04-18-2013, 12:32 AM
Sisters of Battle got a White Dwarf list due to the retiring of the Inquisition codecies on the release of the Grey Knight codex.

That is not a relegation any more than the Blood Angel list was. It's a stopgap measure to ensure those with existing armies don't lose out whilst their turn comes around. Mmkay?

04-18-2013, 01:39 AM
If the Sisters get new plastics (please-please, very few finecast...) and a full codex, I might be motivated to pick up a 3rd 40K Codex. As it stands, I've filled completely filled out my Carcharadon (Space Shark Marines) and Necron forces. No more $$ heading GW's way for a long while. So, I HOPE they get a new Codex!!

Prediction: The next HUGE Monstrous Creature-sized baby-carrier will be the Penitent Engine!

04-18-2013, 02:09 AM


The same thing can be said of Marines, most of their fluff shows them acting in small groups of one or two squads.

Let me spell it out again:

We KNOW a SoB codex was worked on (they also have a 5th edition codex even if it was rubbish).
We KNOW a plastic range is being worked on.

The End.

This idea that they will b relegated to some fictional Allies supplement or squatted entirely is PURE speculation with no basis at all. We saw exactly the same arguments being made for Dark Eldar, Grey Knights and even Necrons prior to their new codices.

There is also nothing to support them getting any more than a WD codex, a plastic kit might just not be feasible for a range that never sold particularly well. Keeping them direct only and in resin means they cost virtually nothing for GW, paying for plastic molds for something that might not even sell, seeing as the target demographic is and always will be teenage boys, is a real gamble when you have shareholders to placate.

04-18-2013, 02:28 AM
I would think teenage boys would lap up some good looking sisters of battle models, I'm 37 and I would.

04-18-2013, 02:38 AM
I'm the best part of a decade behind you and I wunt mind some new pretty SOB models...

04-18-2013, 03:01 AM
There is also nothing to support them getting any more than a WD codex, a plastic kit might just not be feasible for a range that never sold particularly well. Keeping them direct only and in resin means they cost virtually nothing for GW, paying for plastic molds for something that might not even sell, seeing as the target demographic is and always will be teenage boys, is a real gamble when you have shareholders to placate.

Yes, there is. Jes Goodwin was chatting to a couple of people about the technical difficulties they encountered designing plastic SoB, specifically getting the drapery around the arms without restricting the poses. Harry, one of the most reliable rumourmongers, said the book was being worked on at the same time as the GK book but for whatever reason (perhaps linked to the technical trouble with the kits) it was not released.

Again this is the exact same baseless nonsense we saw with Dark Eldar, Necrons and Grey Knights and look how they turned out. We KNOW they are on the agenda, we just don't know when.

04-18-2013, 03:16 AM
Yes, there is. Jes Goodwin was chatting to a couple of people about the technical difficulties they encountered designing plastic SoB, specifically getting the drapery around the arms without restricting the poses. Harry, one of the most reliable rumourmongers, said the book was being worked on at the same time as the GK book but for whatever reason (perhaps linked to the technical trouble with the kits) it was not released.

Again this is the exact same baseless nonsense we saw with Dark Eldar, Necrons and Grey Knights and look how they turned out. We KNOW they are on the agenda, we just don't know when.

Or they could have used the WD codex to judge demand and seen its not worth it, 3 people on a forum wanting them doesn't mean it makes business sense to release an expensive (and apparently difficult to manufacture) plastic kit. Its obviously not a priority for GW, they haven't appeared in anyones rumour lists for months, you're letting personal feelings about the army get in the way of facts.

04-18-2013, 05:13 AM
Personal feelings about an army I've never collected?:rolleyes:

Feelings don't come into it, we know they are being worked on in some capacity. This is just the same rubbish logic people used to say Dark Eldar would never get a new codex despite Jes Goodwin also talking about working on them as early as 2007. There is a difference between realism and moronic cynicism and people who think SoB are being squatted fall well into moronic cynicism. We know GW have no intention of squatting armies, we know SoB plastics are being worked on, we know the book was being worked on at some point and we know that GW produce WD stopgap codices every now and then. To argue that they are going to be squatted is nothing less than delusional.

04-18-2013, 05:41 AM
Or they could have used the WD codex to judge demand and seen its not worth it, 3 people on a forum wanting them doesn't mean it makes business sense to release an expensive (and apparently difficult to manufacture) plastic kit. Its obviously not a priority for GW, they haven't appeared in anyones rumour lists for months, you're letting personal feelings about the army get in the way of facts.

firstly, every army sells well enough, look at how the tau have flown off the shelves. Second, you cannot gauge popularity based on a quick white dwarf supplement for an all metal army. Third, many many people regularly express a huge desire to see a proper sisters book with plastics. Fourth, see everything Eldargal wrote. Fifth, you have no idea what GWs priorities are, they make what they can when they can, they don't say to themselves 'oh we don't really care about that, sideline it for a while' look at how long it took to get the dark elder right and what a massive release that was. they release stuff when it is ready.

Mr Mystery
04-18-2013, 05:50 AM
I don't play Sisters. Never have, quite likely never will. However, I do want as much variety in my opponents armies as I can possibly get. Therefore, I am all in favour of Sisters getting a new Codex, and yes I will buy it like I buy all the Codecies and Army Books they release (I'm a completist, plus they make most excellent reading on the lav. Some of my nastiest armies were born in the bog).

Many people like to buy nice looking models just to model or paint. Again, I'm one of them. It's all sales at the end of the day.

04-18-2013, 06:05 AM
That's another good point, people often forget that a very large part of GWs demographic is collectors that don't care about rules. What they like is shiny new kits and as nice a the SoB range was in 1996 it is decidedly dated now. A new plastic range will make them pots of money and I'm sure they know it.

04-18-2013, 06:22 AM
Heard a little birdie, and it is that both BT and SoB are/were stuck on where to take them.

Seem to remember something years back about GK,SW crons, and DE, and three of those got some real changes to the background and/or units.

Can you imagine what the feminist lobbies would make of SoB cut outs and posters!? Never mind mumsnet... "Our little bobby exposed to women looking like that!? Think of the misconceptions he could grow up with!"... types. Those groups lead opinion polls, and I have no doubt that the Guardian and BBC would lead on the sexualisation of little bobby's.

I think that GW really need to look at who are their client base, because the PC lobby is a bloody attack dog.

04-18-2013, 06:28 AM
Personal feelings about an army I've never collected?:rolleyes:

Feelings don't come into it, we know they are being worked on in some capacity. This is just the same rubbish logic people used to say Dark Eldar would never get a new codex despite Jes Goodwin also talking about working on them as early as 2007. There is a difference between realism and moronic cynicism and people who think SoB are being squatted fall well into moronic cynicism. We know GW have no intention of squatting armies, we know SoB plastics are being worked on, we know the book was being worked on at some point and we know that GW produce WD stopgap codices every now and then. To argue that they are going to be squatted is nothing less than delusional.

I thought you'd collected every army and owned all the eldar ever made and had 100 titans but for some reason have never bought a camera?

According to an unnamed and unverified source we know they were being worked on years ago, we don't know that they are now, if we can believe there ever were, as you said, there were issues with getting them looking good, issues that would take time and research to fix, which would be difficult to recoup. And the rumours of them working on a codex, again, nothing came of that yet, no more whisperings or rumours.

GW has to date produced one stop-gap codex between actual codexes, the Blood Angels, its hardly a pattern. No one knows whats happening and I'm just saying, its not looking bright for the SoB, its just as likely that they'll stay a direct-only choice with updated rules in another WD at some point as them getting a proper release.

04-18-2013, 06:38 AM
no, there have been other white dwarf armies, such as warriors of chaos. We know they were worked on, the very people who worked on them said so, that is not speculation. GW themselves have also said they will not scrap any armies, why exactly are you finding the concept so difficult?

04-18-2013, 06:45 AM
I thought you'd collected every army and owned all the eldar ever made and had 100 titans but for some reason have never bought a camera?

According to an unnamed and unverified source we know they were being worked on years ago, we don't know that they are now, if we can believe there ever were, as you said, there were issues with getting them looking good, issues that would take time and research to fix, which would be difficult to recoup. And the rumours of them working on a codex, again, nothing came of that yet, no more whisperings or rumours.

GW has to date produced one stop-gap codex between actual codexes, the Blood Angels, its hardly a pattern. No one knows whats happening and I'm just saying, its not looking bright for the SoB, its just as likely that they'll stay a direct-only choice with updated rules in another WD at some point as them getting a proper release.
All armies? No, never claimed that. All eldar? Almost bar a few RT sculpts. 100 titans? Try 13.:rolleyes:

Unnamed? Jes Goodwin via StraightSilver witnessed by one or two other who verified it independently at the time. Again this is exactly the same thing people said when it wapointed out Jes Goodwin talked openly about working on Dark Eldar in 2007. It was nonsene logic then it is nonsense logic now. There were similar technical issues with Dark Eldar which delayed their release, they didn't drop it.

GW know what is happening and they have told us enough: No armies are being squatted and we know from two reliable sources (Harry and Jes Goodwin) that SoB are being worked on.

04-18-2013, 06:53 AM
Has anyone ever thought Harry may be....Jes Goodwin? :eek:

04-18-2013, 07:12 AM
Has anyone ever thought Harry may be....Jes Goodwin? :eek:

Harry and Jes Goodwin have both been visually ID'd as separate people.;)

04-18-2013, 07:16 AM
The reason people keep wanting a combined Inquisition codex with Sisters is simple. The Sisters were independent, until they were part of the Inquisition, until they weren't. People seem to want giant, unwieldy books (like the page count makes their army better) though I can't imagine gracefully moving through both the Heresy and the Apostacy in a GW book. That's two major events with little overlap.
First, the Heresy, where the Sisters of Battle do not exist (unless there's an uncomfortable retcon tying them to the Sisters of Silence, 'cause names I guess) but the Inquisition, and the Ordo Malleus, is born.
The Second, the Age of Apostacy, gives rise to the organization that would become the Sisters of Battle but has the Inquisition doing a whole lot of nothing. After speaking to the IGEoM the Sisters learn there's some righteous killing that needs doing and go to work. The Inquisition wanders in at some point and is all 'oh, you should totes work with us ladies' and their all 'okay, but only 'til we get our own book again.'
But it's an Inquisition book right? So we need the other parts too. Now we have to cover the conclave at Orphite IV and the founding of the Deathwatch. So right after two epic stories of human failing there's a story about a work retreat. Can't lose the assassins though so now we need to throw in the part about Vangorich, who should be in there right before the Sisters part really, and the Ordo Sicarius. It would be a ponderous book with dozens of different aesthetics. It's a bad idea until it happens.

04-18-2013, 07:19 AM
Harry and Jes Goodwin have both been visually ID'd as separate people.;)

Well that was a short conspiracy

04-18-2013, 07:24 AM
Very good points bfmusashi. Actually the best thing about the WD SoB codex was the background (written by Ward apparently). It gave the Sob a more realistic scope (innumerable small orders of variable size and larger major orders I think) and it separated them from the Inquisition, rectifying one of the stupidest retcons GW ever did. The one time a combined codexc may have happened was when both C:GK and C:SoB were hypothetical, and that has long past.

Power Klawz
04-18-2013, 07:31 AM
Can you imagine what the feminist lobbies would make of SoB cut outs and posters!? Never mind mumsnet... "Our little bobby exposed to women looking like that!? Think of the misconceptions he could grow up with!"... types. Those groups lead opinion polls, and I have no doubt that the Guardian and BBC would lead on the sexualisation of little bobby's.

I think that GW really need to look at who are their client base, because the PC lobby is a bloody attack dog.

Heh... hehe



Wait... wait. Let me get this straight. There's so much going on up in here that its somewhat difficult to make sense of it all. So yeah, ok.

Your first idea is to somehow make SoB into scantily clad pinups? Like because obviously in the grim, dark future of the 41st millennium mankind must struggle endlessly against the many evils which beset it from all sides, without and within... BUT! NUNS WITH BIG GUNS AND BIGGER TITS WAHOO!

Then you go ahead and blame this shadowy legion of "feminist lobbyists" for... what exactly? Delaying the release of an all female army which up until this point has mainly (mainly, lets not forget those naked chicks with eviscerators and that whole Khornate Knights incident... ugh) been portrayed as a serious and competent military force?

Because yeah, the only thing better than under-representation is NO REPRESENTATION RIGHT BRAH?!

What the hell are we even talking about here? There is all ready a thread about Black Templars, who are just as manly, white and fascist as you'd like.

Women are people too bro, get over it.

04-18-2013, 07:36 AM
Heh... hehe



Wait... wait. Let me get this straight. There's so much going on up in here that its somewhat difficult to make sense of it all. So yeah, ok.

Your first idea is to somehow make SoB into scantily clad pinups? Like because obviously in the grim, dark future of the 41st millennium mankind must struggle endlessly against the many evils which beset it from all sides, without and within... BUT! NUNS WITH BIG GUNS AND BIGGER TITS WAHOO!

Then you go ahead and blame this shadowy legion of "feminist lobbyists" for... what exactly? Delaying the release of an all female army which up until this point has mainly (mainly, lets not forget those naked chicks with eviscerators and that whole Khornate Knights incident... ugh) been portrayed as a serious and competent military force?

Because yeah, the only thing better than under-representation is NO REPRESENTATION RIGHT BRAH?!

What the hell are we even talking about here? There is all ready a thread about Black Templars, who are just as manly, white and fascist as you'd like.

Women are people too bro, get over it.

Overall good point, although I would say this, this thread is called future of sister of battle. Not Black Templars.

Power Klawz
04-18-2013, 07:53 AM
Overall good point, although I would say this, this thread is called future of sister of battle. Not Black Templars.

Apparently in my fit of laughter I lost track of where I was, digitally speaking. I fixed the sentence to be more... makey-sensey.

Honestly if and when they get around to the SoB re-sculpts I pray fervently that they don't include all that completely ridiculous boob armor. Boob armor is not a real thing nor has it ever been for any woman who has ever entered combat (and there have been quite a few of those throughout the ages.)

I mean I guess its somewhat hard to convey gender on a small frame like a citadel model, but that's what the faces are for. Hair style would go a long way to make an aesthetic distinction. The sophistication of the sculpts these days leaves a lot of room for variation, you could more than likely distinguish a female from a male by bone structure and relative size. If you absolutely MUST include pronounced breasts in some form or another then just do a chest shelf thing. Please, for the love of god, don't throw more power armored rocket tits at me.

I know no one is listening and there will still be rocket tits on the new SoB.

04-18-2013, 07:57 AM
Sexualised*? No

Provocative poses? No

Feminist problem? No

*Yes, yes the 2nd edition codex cover is slightly sexualised but that is one piece of art amongst quite a few that are not and it is still only mildly sexualised. You see a lot worse in womens magazines.

04-18-2013, 07:59 AM
No no no, I want OTT corsetesque power armour with extra cleavage dammit

04-18-2013, 08:01 AM
People seem to want giant, unwieldy books (like the page count makes their army better)

i think the space marine codex proves this. Before anyone jumps on this as me saying it is crap/ needs redoing i want to say this: I do not think that SM need a new codex any time soon. I am also not saying that the codex is crap. The point i am trying to make is that bulking the codex out did not make it any better.

04-18-2013, 08:03 AM
Sexualised*? No

Provocative poses? No

Feminist problem? No

*Yes, yes the 2nd edition codex cover is slightly sexualised but that is one piece of art amongst quite a few that are not and it is still only mildly sexualised. You see a lot worse in womens magazines.

that art should be the cover. that hits the nail on the head for sisters. not over the top but not toned down

Power Klawz
04-18-2013, 08:05 AM
Well to be honest, they still have boob-armor-itis as I mentioned in my previous post. A lot of people seem to overlook that as though its a logical thing or something. Other than that though, yeah, they are monkish warriors who live a life of asceticism and wade into bloody battle against the enemies of mankind, not a whole lot of time for beach volleyball and lingerie modeling in that lifestyle.

I find it pretty hilarious that even the HQ units have Madonna-esque circa 1989 breasts according to their armor. Like, these are grizzled, battle hardened old ladies who are probably in their 50s. They really, really do not care about anything at this point except shooting things in the head. Gravity has done its thing by this point, there's no way they are properly filling out those D cups on their ceramite boob-holders, nor is there any way in hell they'd care to. I just imagine if my grandmother had, instead of being a teacher, been a warrior zealot. She'd probably be a bit thinner by the time she hit 50, but other than that she wouldn't be traipsing around in a getup like the SoB. She'd look like a short space marine, albeit with longer hair and a scarier disposition.

04-18-2013, 08:06 AM
Actually from a feminist perspective I can't think of a better scifi faction than SoB. Asari may be close but they are sexualised even if it is dressed up as a cultural thing. I'd like GW to drop ecclesiastical priests and the like from the book so it is all about the SoB, though. Even then you can convert some female priestesses easily enough.

Re: breast armour. It is heroic scale, features are exaggerated and this applies to breasts. With any luck they will be a bit toned down in the plastic sculpts but there is a difference between boob armour and sexualisation, you can have one without the other. It's not logical from a realism perspective but it is logical from a scale perspective. GW is locked into heroic scale whether we like or not so there will always be some degree of breast armour.

04-18-2013, 08:09 AM
Well to be honest, they still have boob-armor-itis as I mentioned in my previous post. A lot of people seem to overlook that as though its a logical thing or something. Other than that though, yeah, they are monkish warriors who live a life of asceticism and wade into bloody battle against the enemies of mankind, not a whole lot of time for beach volleyball and lingerie modeling in that lifestyle.

Not read the Ciaphas Cain book with the sister of battle in it?

04-18-2013, 08:09 AM
i don't think the breasts are that big. they seem ok. as i said not over the top but not understated.

Power Klawz
04-18-2013, 08:11 AM
That's a pretty sad commentary on the state of science fiction more so than any praise for Game's Workshops efforts at being progressive.

04-18-2013, 08:16 AM
That's a pretty sad commentary on the state of science fiction more so than any praise for Game's Workshops efforts at being progressive.
True but it doesn't make SoB any less fantastic, breast armour not withstanding. They aren't reliant on men at all, they are terrifying, they have scars, they are dedicated and comptent (read the SoB novels). Even with the lousy competition they are a genuinely great feminist faction in my opinion.

Power Klawz
04-18-2013, 08:19 AM
Well there's a lot of nuance to that summation that probably isn't worth getting into in this thread. I mean one could go into a discussion about whether or not they are even feminine characters at all, or whether they have simply been co-opted into masculinity and dressed up as feminine by sheer virtue of their gender, which in a lot of ways is counter-productive as it enforces the stereotype that "masculinity" and masculine traits are inherently good. In a lot of ways the SoB deny their femininity in favor of masculinity which is something of a perversion of characterization that you see often times, even in the most well received "strong female character" archetypes.

But yeah, probably not worth it in this thread.

04-18-2013, 08:19 AM
And they drink, gamble, and cavort...

They have equality, that's all.

04-18-2013, 08:20 AM
i don't want to offend anyone with this. i can't think what is a better symbol for a strong women then a SoB. They are strong, independent and bad ***. how is any of this a problem?

04-18-2013, 08:24 AM
Well there's a lot of nuance to that summation that probably isn't worth getting into in this thread. I mean one could go into a discussion about whether or not they are even feminine characters at all, or whether they have simply been co-opted into masculinity and dressed up as feminine by sheer virtue of their gender, which in a lot of ways is counter-productive as it enforces the stereotype that "masculinity" and masculine traits are inherently good. In a lot of ways the SoB deny their femininity in favor of masculinity which is something of a perversion of characterization that you see often times, even in the most well received "strong female character" archetypes.

But yeah, probably not worth it in this thread.
Don't agree with that at all. Have you read the novels? They are written as women, they may not be overly feminine but they aren't masculine either. One of the other novels even has a canoness or abbess or something who flirts, gets drunk and has sex, in other words acts as a well-rounded human being, not some masculinised nun fetishist.

i don't want to offend anyone with this. i can't think what is a better symbol for a strong women then a SoB. They are strong, independent and bad ***. how is any of this a problem?
It isn't.:)

04-18-2013, 08:24 AM
i don't want to offend anyone with this. i can't think what is a better symbol for a strong women then a SoB. They are strong, independent and bad ***. how is any of this a problem?

One not wearing a space-corset with an iron garter belt would be good.

Power Klawz
04-18-2013, 08:27 AM
No I haven't read any of the novels. I'm just going off the stuff you see in the codices basically. Maybe someday I'll get around to reading those novels though. It would be nice to see even an attempt at proper characterization of women in 40k, even if they happen to be crazy battle nuns I guess.

04-18-2013, 08:30 AM
Well it is hard to build character in a codex because it focuses on the army as a whole. No all-women army is going to be feminine in anything but aesthetic. The novels focus on a handful of Sisters so they can do a better job.

04-18-2013, 08:31 AM
I don't know what novels you have been reading, but when Sisters of Battle appear in Faith and Fire and that last Caiphas Cain story, they are not wearing iron corsets. They are a serious, albeit fanatical, military force.

Incidentally, according to the Cain novels, Sisters of Battle aren't chaste, btw. They may be celibate (not allowed to marry), but they are allowed to carry on affairs, if they can find the time.

04-18-2013, 08:31 AM
It's not crazy when you're killing things that need to die.

Power Klawz
04-18-2013, 08:33 AM
That's actually not true at all, vis a vis PTSD.

Its a good thing that they are not chaste however, as removing sexual choice from women is pretty much the antithesis of feminism and its nice to see them being treated as full fledged people in that respect at least.

Their armor does sort of include garter and corset motifs however. Just look at a model closely, you'll see it.

04-18-2013, 08:35 AM
Personal feelings about an army I've never collected?:rolleyes:

Feelings don't come into it, we know they are being worked on in some capacity. This is just the same rubbish logic people used to say Dark Eldar would never get a new codex despite Jes Goodwin also talking about working on them as early as 2007. There is a difference between realism and moronic cynicism and people who think SoB are being squatted fall well into moronic cynicism. We know GW have no intention of squatting armies, we know SoB plastics are being worked on, we know the book was being worked on at some point and we know that GW produce WD stopgap codices every now and then. To argue that they are going to be squatted is nothing less than delusional.

The only one acting aggressive and confrontational in this discussion is you. Take a breath and chill out, no one is attacking you. There is nothing wrong with people believing the Sisters will be moving to a supportive role just like there is nothing wrong with people believing there will be a full codex.

Power Klawz
04-18-2013, 08:41 AM
The only one acting aggressive and confrontational in this discussion is you. Take a breath and chill out, no one is attacking you. There is nothing wrong with people believing the Sisters will be moving to a supportive role just like there is nothing wrong with people believing there will be a full codex.

I suppose there are more delicate terms than moronic cynicism, but the precedent has been set for aged army resurrection and I don't think we're deep enough in to start blacklisting any army still represented on the allies list in the current edition rulebook. (Yes, even Black Templars.)

04-18-2013, 08:46 AM
The only one acting aggressive and confrontational in this discussion is you. Take a breath and chill out, no one is attacking you. There is nothing wrong with people believing the Sisters will be moving to a supportive role just like there is nothing wrong with people believing there will be a full codex.
I know no one is attacking me, I'm just completely fed up with this absurd faux world weary cynicism that geeks seem to think is cool. The fact is there is something wrong with believing something that goes against all the facts:
a) GW have said repeatedly no armies will be squatted
b) Plastic SoB are being worked on
c) A stand-alone codex was in the works but delayed for whatever reason

This isn't religion, this is a corporation out to make money. This logic has been shown to be flawed repeatedly and yet people still come out with it.

04-18-2013, 08:47 AM
Apparently in my fit of laughter I lost track of where I was, digitally speaking. I fixed the sentence to be more... makey-sensey.

Honestly if and when they get around to the SoB re-sculpts I pray fervently that they don't include all that completely ridiculous boob armor. Boob armor is not a real thing nor has it ever been for any woman who has ever entered combat (and there have been quite a few of those throughout the ages.)

I mean I guess its somewhat hard to convey gender on a small frame like a citadel model, but that's what the faces are for. Hair style would go a long way to make an aesthetic distinction. The sophistication of the sculpts these days leaves a lot of room for variation, you could more than likely distinguish a female from a male by bone structure and relative size. If you absolutely MUST include pronounced breasts in some form or another then just do a chest shelf thing. Please, for the love of god, don't throw more power armored rocket tits at me.

I know no one is listening and there will still be rocket tits on the new SoB.

And you objection to "rocket tits" just shows that I'm right, there will be objections.
I guess you don't really keep up with the news to much. If a person can be charged for having a Manga (http://travel.cnn.com/tokyo/play/how-japanese-manga-can-land-international-travelers-jail-333153)collection, what else is the PC lobby going to jump on?

They will have sensible shoes and armour, for the same reasons they toned down Slaanesh.

04-18-2013, 08:50 AM
No, Renegade, you are not right. Taking someone mild dislike of 'rocket boobs' on an old model range which will likely be retired in full does not translate to there being some kind of 'feminist objection' to SoB.

You can't seriously be comparing SoB to lolicon...

04-18-2013, 08:54 AM
And you objection to "rocket tits" just shows that I'm right, there will be objections.
I guess you don't really keep up with the news to much. If a person can be charged for having a Manga (http://travel.cnn.com/tokyo/play/how-japanese-manga-can-land-international-travelers-jail-333153)collection, what else is the PC lobby going to jump on?

They will have sensible shoes and armour, for the same reasons they toned down Slaanesh.

It's not "PC." Actually, boob armor is dumb because if you fall forward, the armor can break and drive the wedge - that wedge-shaped bit between the boobs - through the sternum and directly into the heart.

Also, can we please stop saying "PC?" PC is a straw man. The letters stand for "politically correct." The implication is that "oh, you're just saying that because it's going to get you elected or make you look good." I think that boob armor and other iterations of hyper-sexualized female characters in sci-fi/fantasy is bad because it's bad for the hobby, stupid, and boring. I mean, I like a bit of cleavage as much as the next (straight) guy, but I'd like to see a little change of pace.

Nobody is PC. Some of us are feminists, but "PC" is not a real thing. It's a straw man.

04-18-2013, 08:57 AM
. If a person can be charged for having a Manga (http://travel.cnn.com/tokyo/play/how-japanese-manga-can-land-international-travelers-jail-333153)collection, what else is the PC lobby going to jump on?

That's scary

04-18-2013, 09:08 AM
If a person can be charged for having a Manga (http://travel.cnn.com/tokyo/play/how-japanese-manga-can-land-international-travelers-jail-333153)collection

just read that. This is utter madness.

Power Klawz
04-18-2013, 09:10 AM
Its a manga collection of depictions of child pornography.

Yeah, not really getting the travesty of legal process here. Nor am I getting what this has to do with SoB. I'm probably not getting either of those things because there is nothing there to get.

You also appear to be completely ignorant of political process. There's no such thing as a monolithic "PC lobby." Lobbyists are by their very definition, special interest groups. In order for an interest to be special, it needs to be particular. In order for a lobby to be powerful, it needs money.

So what you see, then, is not a singular entity of upset college kids and bra-burning feminists, but a hodge-podge of special interest groups lobbying for one specific cause or another because they are funded to do so. Sometimes certain lobby's aims align, other times they do not. Like any enterprise involving humans, there is no global consensus, there is no universally proscribed lifestyle for the counter-culture. Its just a bunch of people doing what they think is either right, profitable or both.

04-18-2013, 09:12 AM
Its a manga collection of depictions of child pornography.

Yeah, not really getting the travesty of legal process here. Nor am I getting what this has to do with SoB. I'm probably not getting either of those things because there is nothing there to get.

i don't mean getting done for "child porn" its more that a cartoon can get you nicked.

04-18-2013, 09:13 AM
it's not generally, you have to bear in mind that anime girls are drawn pretty much the same to depict a character anywhere between 13-30

04-18-2013, 09:21 AM
Its a manga collection of depictions of child pornography.

Yeah, not really getting the travesty of legal process here. Nor am I getting what this has to do with SoB. I'm probably not getting either of those things because there is nothing there to get.

Firstly, in a society which believes unborn babies are not people and can be killed its rediculous that they believe FICTIONAL characters can be classed as child porn. Often the age in cartoons is NEVER defined and since they cannot have an age they cannot be child porn.

Power Klawz
04-18-2013, 09:23 AM
i don't mean getting done for "child porn" its more that a cartoon can get you nicked.

I don't think I speak this kind of English haha.

You mean that you are astonished that someone can be arrested and sentenced to jail time for cartoon child pornography?

I think that's what you mean. I will respond as though this is what you mean.

My personal opinion on the matter is conflicted. On the one hand I am loathe to see civil liberties infringed, even if those liberties are disgusting so long as no actual children were victimized in the process I think that, conceptually, such things should probably not be prosecuted.

On the other hand, its child porn. Like, I don't feel sorry for these creepers at all. So I guess my ambivalence towards their plight translates into less propensity to want to fight for their civil rights. Its kind of like gun control, I really don't care about guns that much and while I can see the logic in owning firearms for any number of reasons (and hell, for no particular reason at all, so long as you don't commit crimes with them) I really don't care enough to do anything about it.

EDIT: Legal abortion of a fetus means child porn is OK? This is strange new logic you are using sir, perhaps you could clarify your position some?

04-18-2013, 09:25 AM
Its a manga collection of depictions of child pornography.

Yeah, not really getting the travesty of legal process here. Nor am I getting what this has to do with SoB. I'm probably not getting either of those things because there is nothing there to get.

No they are not, they are pretty everyday manga depictions that they were done for. If some nutter can make them out to be child porn, then they can rip right in to Repentia, the Penitent Engine and nuns in armoured corsets with Priests.

An Iowa man was convicted of possessing child pornography last week because some of the books in his vast collection of Japanese manga (comics) appeared to depict minors engaged in sexual acts. How exactly can a court determine whether a comic book character is a "minor" or not? (http://io9.com/5272107/manga-collection-ruled-child-pornography-by-us-court)

I am not the first to point out that the background, art and miniatures are becoming more safe.

04-18-2013, 09:26 AM
I don't think I speak this kind of English haha.

You mean that you are astonished that someone can be arrested and sentenced to jail time for cartoon child pornography?

I think that's what you mean. I will respond as though this is what you mean.

My personal opinion on the matter is conflicted. On the one hand I am loathe to see civil liberties infringed, even if those liberties are disgusting so long as no actual children were victimized in the process I think that, conceptually, such things should probably not be prosecuted.

On the other hand, its child porn. Like, I don't feel sorry for these creepers at all. So I guess my ambivalence towards their plight translates into less propensity to want to fight for their civil rights. Its kind of like gun control, I really don't care about guns that much and while I can see the logic in owning firearms for any number of reasons (and hell, for no particular reason at all, so long as you don't commit crimes with them) I really don't care enough to do anything about it.

o come on you know what i meant. Anywho are we not meant to be talking about SoB?

04-18-2013, 09:29 AM
EDIT: Legal abortion of a fetus means child porn is OK? This is strange new logic you are using sir, perhaps you could clarify your position some?

Since there was no CHILD in the images, there cannot be child porn. If a living being inside a mother is not a child, a drawing cannot be a child.

Power Klawz
04-18-2013, 09:31 AM
o come on you know what i meant. Anywho are we not meant to be talking about SoB?

Fair enough.

I am predicting (making a wild guess) that we'll see the new SoB 'dex sometimes near the end of next year or the beginning of 2015. They'll churn through the more popular non SM armies first that are in need of updates (eldar, probably orks) and more than likely cram in enough power armored dudes into next year to make anyone happy (or depressed). Then I suspect they'll hit up the remainder as they wind down 6th edition. My guess is that SoB, GK and IG will be the last on the list in some order. You can throw BT in there too if they manage to survive long enough to get a new 'dex.

@gcsmith: You crazy bro, keep on keepin' on I guess.

04-18-2013, 09:34 AM
IG will be before that.

Power Klawz
04-18-2013, 09:36 AM
That would be best, in the hopes that they tone down their flyers at least a little, tiny bit. I was just going off of current dex's that still function perfectly well in 6th. GK and IG are still good to go.

Of course Orks are too in most respects, but everyone knows orks are just green space marines and will always get the new, dedd killy stuff furst.

04-18-2013, 09:41 AM
Fair enough.

I am predicting (making a wild guess) that we'll see the new SoB 'dex sometimes near the end of next year or the beginning of 2015. They'll churn through the more popular non SM armies first that are in need of updates (eldar, probably orks) and more than likely cram in enough power armored dudes into next year to make anyone happy (or depressed). Then I suspect they'll hit up the remainder as they wind down 6th edition. My guess is that SoB, GK and IG will be the last on the list in some order. You can throw BT in there too if they manage to survive long enough to get a new 'dex.

@gcsmith: You crazy bro, keep on keepin' on I guess.

Crazy for believe fictional images don't count as children but living beings do right....

Anyhow, SOB have a strong future, hardly understand why anyone would think they don't.

Games Workshop won't give up on a range which if it were plastic and worth it would sell like mad.

04-18-2013, 10:06 AM
Enough with the lolicon nonsense, whatever you think of it's legality or morality it has no relation to SoB who are all well over the age of consent.:rolleyes:

04-18-2013, 10:24 AM
Enough with the lolicon nonsense, whatever you think of it's legality or morality it has no relation to SoB who are all well over the age of consent.:rolleyes:

Hey! I did go back onto topic, eventually. Besides it was all based on the premise that SOB won't make a feminist angry. At least not a reasonable one. Some of the feminists I've met and seen will be offended whatever happens with SOB so I guess both sides of the argument can be right.

I agree with u Eldargal though, SOB will come and I look forward to it, another army I can actually play against that I haven't been against in 5 years.

And if I was to be a complete arse to you EG, we have no proof ALL SOB are over age of consent. Not that it matters since the game is about blowing things up and models come clothed and isn't about sex.

04-18-2013, 10:33 AM
Ok, so, we're all agreed finally, anime is for paedophiles. Great, close thread.

04-18-2013, 11:11 AM
Since there was no CHILD in the images, there cannot be child porn. If a living being inside a mother is not a child, a drawing cannot be a child.

Pro choice is a completely different debate and one where you being a fella have no real perspective to be able to preach as such.

04-18-2013, 11:19 AM
Pro choice is a completely different debate and one where you being a fella have no real perspective to be able to preach as such.

This is just as inflammatory and poorly thought out as the comment it referenced.

04-18-2013, 11:26 AM
Pro choice is a completely different debate and one where you being a fella have no real perspective to be able to preach as such.

First of all, you don't know gcsmith - or anyone else's - gender or sex. This is the Internet. I could be a dog, or a brain in a jar, or a space alien, for all you know.

Secondly, it's not fair to say that male-bodied people can't have an opinion on abortion. We are discussing something about how our society will handle certain fairly important stuff. Agnostics can weigh in on the question of how separate is the separation between church and state, filthy hippies who live in communes can weigh in on matters of finance, and men have a vote on women's issues. Like it or not, that's the way democracy works.

That said, I do think that people who aren't ever going to be pregnant ought to approach the matter with some humility. When your vote is far more determinative of someone else's life than it is of yours, you should be careful. But he policy matter is... well... a policy matter, and that's a public debate.

04-18-2013, 11:50 AM
I made the mistake of thinking we were talking about well armed ladies punching heresy so hard it makes the Emperor smile. Eldargal brought up a pretty important point about the model design issues. The GK used to have ammo belts running from their storm bolters to their backs when in power armor and a huge drum when in terminator armor. In the current design they have sickle magazines they can't even reach. Their existence shows they may have given up on keeping the belt feed on a modular model and shoved some magazines on.

04-18-2013, 11:59 AM
Am i the only brain in a jar then?

Power Klawz
04-18-2013, 12:01 PM
Am i the only brain in a jar then?

I'm sure there's at least one more Marine on this site.


04-18-2013, 12:01 PM
First of all, you don't know gcsmith

Actually yes I do, I have even played against him in a tau v tau game in a doubles game, some time ago and a jolly nice fella he is too. So I guess I'm not the only presumptuous poster EP :p

Also happy to debate this further, but maybe further down the forums.

As for Sisters of Battle, when they do get a new codex, what do we think or want the Sisters to have in terms of improvement to their army and play style ? Also I guess we all can agree the models are rather dated. But besides the current vehicles they have etc what BIG kit could they have.

04-18-2013, 12:10 PM
Actually yes I do, I have even played against him in a tau v tau game in a doubles game, some time ago and a jolly nice fella he is too.

I try to be, and I wasn't saying anything about a womans choice, it's their choice. I was merely commenting on how a picture counts as a human more than a human. And who are you? Hard to tell the name from deadpanda :D

04-18-2013, 12:14 PM
I try to be, and I wasn't saying anything about a womans choice, it's their choice. I was merely commenting on how a picture counts as a human more than a human. And who are you? Hard to tell the name from deadpanda :D

It doesn't though, a picture of child abuse is a picture of child abuse and is against the law, thats all.

04-18-2013, 12:18 PM
It doesn't though, a picture of child abuse is a picture of child abuse and is against the law, thats all.

Lets not continue this discussion in a place that is not fitting for it. Especially since we wont agree with each other.

So.... Sisters...

04-18-2013, 12:23 PM
So.... Sisters...

Good for you :)
So how would you improve them.

Power Klawz
04-18-2013, 12:26 PM
Well given that there is no real information of a contemporary vintage (which is to say that any info on SoB is old) there's probably not much left to do in this thread other than start wishlisting.

So... They're going to need some sort of dedicated mid to close range ap3 squad. I'm betting Seraphim will be able to fill that role somehow, maybe dual plasma pistols? (OMG That's so awesome I can't believe I just wrote it.)

They're pretty good to go on standard troop choices, will invariably see an update to their special rules and I'd wager that update would constitute a buff. Penitent engine will get a redesign in rules terms at least, its a pretty quirky but still nifty looking model so you might not see a model update. Not sure where they'd go on the flyer angle other than some sort of transport. Maybe they'd get valks with fleur de lys on them? That'd be amazing.

Some kind of TEQ unit would probably be too much to ask for, but I mean come on. A "Big Bertha" squad of some sort that rocks a bunch of flamey-purgey type weapons is just too cool to not randomly blather on about.

I'm taking up too much space with random wishlisting.

(Give them all heavy flamers and power fists I say! DO IT!)

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-18-2013, 12:40 PM
First of all, you don't know gcsmith - or anyone else's - gender or sex.


*waves hand in the air*

04-18-2013, 12:49 PM
Personally I want to see the Musical Organ of death become less random so say 2d3 instead of d6 or just a set shot weapon say 4 shots. I would love to see them get 2 new flyers. One which is a transport and the other which is a anti flyer flyer. I would love to see retributers which get a harness to get skyfire *not interceptor so you get to shoot flyers or not*.

Would love to see an expansion of the priests side of the list so maybe some pilgrims/fanatics.

04-18-2013, 12:54 PM
Actually yes I do, I have even played against him in a tau v tau game in a doubles game, some time ago and a jolly nice fella he is too. So I guess I'm not the only presumptuous poster EP :p

Ah! I am struck! You got me.

04-18-2013, 12:55 PM
Well given that there is no real information of a contemporary vintage (which is to say that any info on SoB is old) there's probably not much left to do in this thread other than start wishlisting.

So... They're going to need some sort of dedicated mid to close range ap3 squad. I'm betting Seraphim will be able to fill that role somehow, maybe dual plasma pistols? (OMG That's so awesome I can't believe I just wrote it.)

They're pretty good to go on standard troop choices, will invariably see an update to their special rules and I'd wager that update would constitute a buff. Penitent engine will get a redesign in rules terms at least, its a pretty quirky but still nifty looking model so you might not see a model update. Not sure where they'd go on the flyer angle other than some sort of transport. Maybe they'd get valks with fleur de lys on them? That'd be amazing.

Some kind of TEQ unit would probably be too much to ask for, but I mean come on. A "Big Bertha" squad of some sort that rocks a bunch of flamey-purgey type weapons is just too cool to not randomly blather on about.

I'm taking up too much space with random wishlisting.

(Give them all heavy flamers and power fists I say! DO IT!)

I would love Sisters of Battle terminators with heavy flamers and power fists. Holy cowballs, that would rock my lizards.

Also, seraphim with twin plasma pistols? Be still my beating heart! I'm going to tell my wife that we need to open up our relationship so I can date a seraphim with dual plasma pistols. Maybe I can bring home one for each of us :P.

04-18-2013, 12:55 PM
SOB would be a great revitaliser, i dont really see there being no avenues for advancing their range/fluff especially with all the novellas and novels theyve been in recently.

a dex with them and the arbites would maybe turn out decent if there was to be one

Ok, so, we're all agreed finally, anime is for paedophiles. Great, close thread.


Power Klawz
04-18-2013, 01:21 PM
Thinking about TEQ options for sisters, they don't necessarily need to have actual terminator armor since that might not be feasible fluff-wise.

A totally logical solution to this is artificer armor with some form of prayer or some such that has a chance to grant them an invulnerable save. You can then outfit them with some sort of nasty assault weapon(s), preferably of the burning type so as to overcome their lack of relentless. Obviously giving them eviscerators with built in ap4-3, str5 flamers or meltaguns is the solution. Two attacks base and maybe some optional ability that lets them choose between defensive or offensive posture. (Like a choice between the aforementioned invulnerable save or... I don't know maybe letting them strike at initiative with unwieldy weapons for a turn? They'd be strength 6 so its not that broken, lulz)

04-18-2013, 01:53 PM

Naked girl with the face/characteristics of a child? Yeah, proved your point

04-18-2013, 01:53 PM
@ Power, You should write this up and send it to GW. Might be the kick in the bum they need if SoB aren't done already.

04-18-2013, 01:53 PM
Thinking about TEQ options for sisters, they don't necessarily need to have actual terminator armor since that might not be feasible fluff-wise.

Humans wear power armor all the time. I don't see why they couldn't wear terminator armor, too.

04-18-2013, 01:56 PM
Humans wear power armor all the time. I don't see why they couldn't wear terminator armor, too.

Inquisitors do ?

04-18-2013, 02:03 PM
They're pretty good to go on standard troop choices

Almost everyone has at least two choices for Troop units, generally one "baseline" one that shares its stats with the majority of units in the Codex and one weaker, cheaper one (Boyz and Grots, Tacticals and Scouts, Immortals and Warriors... I would consider Kabalites and Wyches a major exception though).

Back in Codex: Witch Hunters they had the Inquisitorial Stormtroopers (who could also be rekitted as Arbites) as the weaker, cheaper choice, but right now they've just got the Battle Sisters and squat-all else.

I doubt we'll see the stormies return (maybe the Arbites, though) but some kind of sister-novitiate squad wouldn't be out of the question.

04-18-2013, 02:25 PM
Almost everyone has at least two choices for Troop units, generally one "baseline" one that shares its stats with the majority of units in the Codex and one weaker, cheaper one (Boyz and Grots, Tacticals and Scouts, Immortals and Warriors... I would consider Kabalites and Wyches a major exception though).

Back in Codex: Witch Hunters they had the Inquisitorial Stormtroopers (who could also be rekitted as Arbites) as the weaker, cheaper choice, but right now they've just got the Battle Sisters and squat-all else.

I doubt we'll see the stormies return (maybe the Arbites, though) but some kind of sister-novitiate squad wouldn't be out of the question.

I would put in "Fanatical Militia" in.

While the Ecclisarchy use the Sisters of Battle to twist and abuse the wording of no Standing Men at arms this millitary force is sometimes not enough to get the job done and so other ways to supplement the main force must be found.

While the Ecclisarchy cannot maintain fighting men, there is no ruling saying they cannot equip the locals they defend to better defend themselves and that is what the Priests that oft accompany the Sisters of Battle strive to do.

With words and prayers from the books that the priest carries on their persons at all times they drive the local population into a fighting frenzy, ready to fight and die for their homes and more importantly in the way of the bullets aimed towards the sisters of battle. They are lightly equipped by the Sisters of battle, provided only Lasguns and the ammunition to fire them -this is of no cost to the ecclisarchy since they can just retrieve them from the remains after the battle.

Fanatical Militia

WS - 2
BS - 2
S - 2
T - 3
W - 1
I - 2
A - 1
LD - 6
Sv - 6+

Work dress - provides their 6+ save

Special Rules:
-The Emperor Is Watching Us: Fanatical Militia have Stubborn.
-Failure in Death: Fanatical Militia will fight onwards to prevent their homes falling into the hands of the enemy, their death failing in their duty to protect their family. 6+ feel no pain.

Points 4

Power Klawz
04-18-2013, 02:25 PM
I think some sort of rabble or mob unit type would be a perfect troops addition, with a similar aesthetic to flagellants. It would be very similar to chaos cultists and let you take cheap blob squads to either soak bullets or sit on objectives. You could even allow them to benefit from the sister's faith based abilities much the same way cultists can still take marks of chaos. Toss in some preacher type HQ choices and you've got yourself a great troop alternative.

EDIT: beat to the punch, although I wouldn't implement them quite that way, the same basic idea applies.

It might be interesting to limit their gear choices to only close combat weapons and make them REALLY cheap. Like I don't know, 3 or 4 points a model cheap. No armor, only two ccw each, maybe the leader can take a power weapon or something, give them rage and try to swamp your opponents dangerous units in endless wounds.

Or better yet don't give them any special rules and low leadership to justify cheapness, then put those special rules on an HQ choice.

Max unit size: 50 HA HA HA

As far as SoB TEQ it just doesn't really seem to sit well with the fluff for them to have actual tactical dreadnought armor. It makes sense for inquisitors since they are basically the princes of the universe and can do whatever they want, sisters not so much.

Plus big bulky suits aren't really a part of their aesthetic at all, highly ornate and shiny artificer armor is definitely where it's at. Closer to sanguinary guard than termies. And since artificer armor is all about looking like a renaissance era sculpture you could actually include boob armor and have it not be completely ridiculous (maybe there's a tiny refractor field generator in each nipple, who knows?)

They need a deep strike delivery method and just handing them jump packs seems like a lazy solution, not to mention it would make them very expensive. I'm envisioning a mid range shooty destruction unit that can basically park in the middle of the table and not care at all about finding cover while it burns the heretic. Dropping them out of flying transports sounds like a hoot, maybe just something as simple as grav chutes would do the trick.

Now that I think about it you could just add some of these buffs to celestians since they're basically garbage right now, give them some options on par with chosen or DA vets and whammy, instant badassery.

04-18-2013, 02:39 PM
Give this militia "incense burners" of a type to give them shrouded to compensate for the lack of armour.

04-18-2013, 02:42 PM
Give this militia "incense burners" of a type to give them shrouded to compensate for the lack of armour.

Same save as an ork. Although maybe 3 points and the option to give them the invun save sisters get by upgrading them to have incense burners.

Power Klawz
04-18-2013, 02:56 PM
I say let them die in droves for the glory of the emperor, if you can get 50 of them for the price of 2 obliterators lulz.

04-18-2013, 04:39 PM
Ok, so, we're all agreed finally, anime is for paedophiles. Great, close thread.

really really not...

04-19-2013, 01:43 AM
really really not...

Sorry, I should have clarified, all anime and My Little Pony is for paedophiles.

04-19-2013, 01:48 AM
I'm surprised you're out of bed in mersyside at this time of day, or are you on your way home from a hard nights burgling?

See anyone can make ridiculous generalisations.

04-19-2013, 01:51 AM
I'm surprised you're out of bed in mersyside at this time of day, or are you on your way home from a hard nights burgling?

See anyone can make ridiculous generalisations.

I'm at work, not many in this city can claim that though, but then, I do work giving out benefits, so I'm pretty busy.

04-19-2013, 01:51 AM
lmao, brilliant.

04-19-2013, 02:59 AM
I'm at work, not many in this city can claim that though, but then, I do work giving out benefits, so I'm pretty busy.

So you're the one Scouser in a suit who isn't in court?

04-19-2013, 03:04 AM
I'm assuming you've not been unemployed, they don't wear suits in job centres lol

04-19-2013, 03:05 AM
There was me thinking we grown ups had stopped this bickering. People please play nice.

04-19-2013, 03:07 AM
There was me thinking we grown ups had stopped this bickering. People please play nice.

Grown ups? where? :D

04-19-2013, 03:14 AM
Grown ups? where? :D

I'll rephrase. I thought we " grown ups " had stopped bickering.;-)

04-19-2013, 03:15 AM
I'm assuming you've not been unemployed, they don't wear suits in job centres lol

Unemployed right now actually, hard for a student to get a job.

Although I've never claimed dole or benefits so I wouldn't know, all I've ever had was EMA for studying. I admit I was just having a cheap joke at the expense who said your awesome avatar would mean ur a pedo :D.

Anyway, lets get back to the Sisters of battle wishlisting.

I think Celestine needs a bit of balancing. She's far to weak for her points.

04-19-2013, 03:20 AM
oh I know lol

Back O/T I want plastic sisters, and I want them now.

They're the only army I ever painted a full army in a week...

04-19-2013, 03:20 AM
I think she's ok after all the cow doesn't stay dead. By the end of the last game i played she must of looked like swiss cheese.

04-19-2013, 03:24 AM
I think she's ok after all the cow doesn't stay dead. By the end of the last game i played she must of looked like swiss cheese.

Was kind of a wishlisting joke, she is fine, but I've met sisters player her call her under powered...

04-19-2013, 07:21 AM
I think she's ok after all the cow doesn't stay dead. By the end of the last game i played she must of looked like swiss cheese.

I am really sorry but does this mean she is a Holey saint. As i said I am sooooo sorry for the joke. I just saw it.

04-19-2013, 09:32 AM
I'm surprised you're out of bed in mersyside at this time of day, or are you on your way home from a hard nights burgling?

See anyone can make ridiculous generalisations.


Calm down calm down