View Full Version : Markerlights: How Much is Enough?

04-15-2013, 12:59 PM
I had time to think while the boards were down, and a pair of threads popped out.

I don't think that the calculation is ever going to be as simple as "X markerlights per Y points of models," but this is a conversation I'd very much like to have. Depending on the size of the game, the markerlight-dependence of your units (ie. hammerheads need more markerlight support than broadsides because hammerheads have single weapon while broadsides have twin-linked weapons), and your strategy. However, I think it's possible to create a set of rough guidelines, or at least have an enlightening conversation.

Looking at the codex and the math, I think there are a few axioms we can accept to begin with:
• For every markerlight token you want to have on the board, you want at least two BS 3 markerlight.
• Higher quality markerlights (BS 4, BS 5, twin-linked) have commensurately better ratios.
• A railhead wants 3 to 4 markerlights (one or two to boost BS, two to ignore cover).
• Some units don't count as needing markerlight support depending on your list. For example, fire warriors in a mechanized list where they are driving around in devilfish do not need markerlight support - fire warriors in a walking gunline with a cadre fireblade do.

Additionally, while there is not necessarily a clear game size to number of markerlight ratio, there is probably a clear game size to number of markerlight sources ratio, because the larger the game, the more hammer units you are likely to have, and commensurately the more high value targets your opponent will present you with. You're never going to have enough markerlights to light up every target, of course, but you probably want more marker units in large games than in small games, so you have more options to blunt multiple offenses.

So, where do you fall on markerlight theory? How do you figure out how much markerlighting a list needs, and how many marker units at what game sizes?

04-15-2013, 06:27 PM
This is something that a lot of Tau players are going to have trouble with, I think, not because of the number of markerlights, but the sources.

I see a lot of people throwing Markers onto Fire Warrior Shas'Ui's or onto Stealth Suits with Target Lock, spending more points on that one model than they would if they got a single Pathfinder. Those one-offs are going to be hard to keep track of, and ultimately I don't think they're going to be as useful.

So we look to the two other places to get decent numbers of Markerlights. And by 'decent numbers' I mean spam.

1. Pathfinders - up to 10 Markerlights in a BS3, T3, 5+ squad.
2. Gun Drones - up to 12 Markerlights in a BS2, T4, 4+ squad.
3. Crisis Suits with Drones - up to 6 Markerlights at BS3 (with Drone Controller), T4, and a 4-3+ squad.

There are a few others.. Obviously there's the Skyray, and you can give Drones to about every Shas'Ui in the Codex, but the trouble is finding a good bundle of them that you can focus-fire onto squads that you really want dead.

Let's take it from the other perspective. Let's assume you need an average of 6 Markerlights per enemy squad to deal significant damage to it. That's enough for two separate units to be buffed to BS4 and remove the enemy's cover save from each of those units weapons.

10 Pathfinders will reliably get you 5 Markerlights a turn, at a base of 110 points. (22 points per light)
12 Drones will get you about 4 Markerlights a turn, at a base of 166 points. (41.5 points per light)
6 Drones with Crisis Suits will get you about 4 Markerlights a turn, at a cost of 72 points just for the drones, not counting all the other junk you gotta put on Suits, making this option pretty much bunk.

Then, if you take a Marker'el with 7 Drones, you'll get about 6 Markerlights a turn.
-If you give the Marker'el the Drone Controller, Target Lock, Missile Pod, he comes out to 113. With 7 Drones, two of which are his and 5 which come from the squad, it all comes out to 205 with no further upgrades. But that's about 34 points per markerlight, in a squad that can also shoot a couple of missiles at another long-range target.
-The drones are also relentless, jet-pack units, which means they can keep up with the commander and continue to fire their weapons. The commander in turn can soak up a few wounds before the drones start losing effectiveness.
(Please correct me if my math is wrong)

Point for point, the Pathfinders are the best way to get markerlights onto the table, but if you want 6 shots onto one squad, you'll have to devote multiple squads to light up that unit.

The Marker'el is the most versatile, mobile, and probably the most durable of the options, and definitely will get markerlights where they're needed, but he's also the most expensive, and can reach 300 points in a hurry. Two cheap Marker'el's however, will get you two sets of 6 markerlights where you need them, but it does take away from other HQ options that might be more fun.

04-15-2013, 10:28 PM
Take a Commander with Drone Controller and the thing that makes the unit twin-linked if he doesn't fire, maybe a few of the defensive upgrades (or all of them) and attach him to a Marker Drone Squadron from the Fast Attack section. It is possible to have up to 14 marker drones. You can make the unit bare bones cheap or decked out depending on your needs. Use him very elusively with plenty of JSJ. His only jobs are to mark targets and survive, and he can be very, very good at both.

04-15-2013, 10:33 PM
Take a Commander with Drone Controller and the thing that makes the unit twin-linked if he doesn't fire, maybe a few of the defensive upgrades (or all of them) and attach him to a Marker Drone Squadron from the Fast Attack section. It is possible to have up to 14 marker drones. You can make the unit bare bones cheap or decked out depending on your needs. Use him very elusively with plenty of JSJ. His only jobs are to mark targets and survive, and he can be very, very good at both.

The amount of Lights he can apply though can get stupid. I mean admittedly, this setup can compensate for losses easier but its VERY expensive. The Upside is that with Supporting Fire that many Shots are gonna land a few hits more than likely which means anyone else's overwatch is instantly gonna be much more effective.

As ive said its an Expensive way to go, but it is the way im going so we will see how it works ;)

04-15-2013, 10:54 PM
The amount of Lights he can apply though can get stupid. I mean admittedly, this setup can compensate for losses easier but its VERY expensive. The Upside is that with Supporting Fire that many Shots are gonna land a few hits more than likely which means anyone else's overwatch is instantly gonna be much more effective.

As ive said its an Expensive way to go, but it is the way im going so we will see how it works ;)

I think the key to the Marker'el is going to be keeping the Drone squad around 4 or 5 models, not going the full 12. Getting two Marker Drones of his own saves you 4 points (squad upgrade drones are two points cheaper than the Drone Squadron addition). You'll still get a good 6 markerlights out of the squad, which IMO, is all you'll need.

I think the effectiveness of the Marker'el goes up dramatically when you hit 2000+ points, where you can fit in more cheap HQ's to help the rest of your army, like Ethereals.

Otherwise, bigger squads of Pathfinders will be cheaper, and will get the markerlights you need, so long as you keep them in cover.

04-15-2013, 11:59 PM
I think the key to the Marker'el is going to be keeping the Drone squad around 4 or 5 models, not going the full 12.

This is definitely true.

Going the full monty with a Marker'el squad is going to net you extremely reliable markerlights. At BS 5, twin-linked, pretty much every shot is going to hit. And really... what do you need with 12 markerlight tokens on one unit? Seriously, what's the point? How many BS 3 units do you plan on having shoot at them? How many times do you need to eliminate their cover? With that many marker drones, how the heck do you have enough points to pour into hammer units to make use of thise marker tokens?

04-16-2013, 06:20 AM
Well, O'Lightsyouup would also be a primary target: HQ and markers in the same unit. So, taking the full squad is a good idea, but don't take all markers, take some Shield Drones.

Give that Commander a Target Lock!
SMS Missiles!

04-16-2013, 10:45 AM
Well, O'Lightsyouup would also be a primary target: HQ and markers in the same unit. So, taking the full squad is a good idea, but don't take all markers, take some Shield Drones.

Give that Commander a Target Lock!
SMS Missiles!

Agreed. I think for this configuration, the Target Lock will become very necessary. You could give the commander a Missile Pod, and keep the rest of him super-cheap, using LOS-blocking cover as your survivability. With the Target Lock, Missile Pod, and Drone Controller, you've got a 113 point commander to attach to those drones, and his MP will be the same range as the ML. This I think is the bare minimum, and will be most effective in larger games where you can take other harder-hitting HQ options alongside this.

04-16-2013, 03:28 PM
My 1500pt list has 17 Markerlights, one for each fire warrior squad, 10 for the pathfinder unit and 4 for the bodyguards.

Ive yet to have game with them so I don't know if this is enough, I might find two squads of 5 pathfinders would be better.

04-16-2013, 03:51 PM
Now, one use I could see for marker drones on a crisis team is as a form of insurance. Think of it like this:

• Crisis team lands near an assault pathfinder team (small squad, rail rifles or ion cannons - whichever you prefer - and recon drone) that is in range of a high value target, using the recon drone to avoid scattering.
• Marker team (tetras, marker'el, a larger squad of pathfinders halfway across the board - whatever) lights up the target.
• Crisis team smashes the target with their elite weaponry (plasma rifles, fusion blasters, whatever you're using).
• The marker drones can leave a couple of marker tokens on the survivors.
• Use the assault pathfinders' weaponry (three rail rifles, at least one pulse carbine, and one burst cannon from the recon drone) to mop up the survivors.

If the crisis team didn't have those marker drones, then the pathfinders wouldn't be supported (ie. BS 5) to mop up the survivors, and both the pathfinders and the crisis team would be in danger of reprisal. In a pinch, the drones can still act as ablative wounds.

That said, I'd probably want a couple of shield drones around, just to be sure. Given that one can field up to six drones in a commander + bodyguard squad (and four in a commander + ordinary crisis team squad), that won't be a problem.

04-16-2013, 05:27 PM
Not a bad plan, certainly, and I can see how Markerlights used in that capacity, as part of a squad with other weapons, can help carry over to other squads that need to use markerlights to focus fire a target down. It's only really in this case that I can understand Marker Drones as part of any other squads, like Fire Warriors or Crisis Suits. If you cascade the markerlights like this, hopefully you'll have enough to finish mopping up a squad. The bummer would be if you overkill something. Then those markerlights are wasted.

04-17-2013, 03:09 AM
My commander has a drone controller and 2 shield drones for himself so the two bodyguards have 4 marker drones between them and they use the commander's BS5.

Mr Mystery
04-17-2013, 05:17 AM
Other things to consider.....

The splitting fire Shas'Ui arguably has a higher calling now...lighting up units for Pathfinders. This is of course due to a lack of restriction on Marker Lights benefitting from Marker Lights.

And I think it mostly depends upon the size of the game, although as covered, no exact formula can be applied. To my mind, Tau are about singling out a single unit for utter annihilation, and then severely mauling a second (be gentle, it's ages since I played Tau...). The number of Marker Lights can therefore be extrapolated.

For full effect, your ideally wanting 4 markers for each 'kill shot'. 2 to boost BS, 2 to strip cover. Average of BS3 of course requires 8. But then, that only benefits a single unit.

Honestly? I say fit them in where you can. On a densely terrain board, you'll need more. A more open board? Not so much.