View Full Version : Secret Weapon Miniatures Terrain Tiles

04-13-2013, 07:37 PM
A great looking set of 1x1foot tiles from Secret Weapon Miniatures (they also make top notch resin bases and pigments).
A little pricey for my needs, but already over $80,000 funded in 2 days!

I know of several gaming groups that all pitched in to buy a set with the walls and other terrain bonuses.

04-13-2013, 07:49 PM
There is already a thread on this down in the kickstarter forum.

04-13-2013, 09:15 PM
There is already a thread on this down in the kickstarter forum.

Oh, shoot! I didn't realize there was a Kickstarter forum. Thanks.
Mods, feel free to delete this (not that you need my okay, anyway :D )

04-14-2013, 12:30 AM
Oh, shoot! I didn't realize there was a Kickstarter forum. Thanks.
Mods, feel free to delete this (not that you need my okay, anyway :D )

I think it's fine to post a new thread here about the terrain tiles. I personally won't ever visit the Kickstarter Forum, but I'm sure interested to know of the existence of these tiles for when they're out on the market.


04-14-2013, 12:49 AM
I think it's fine to post a new thread here about the terrain tiles. I personally won't ever visit the Kickstarter Forum, but I'm sure interested to know of the existence of these tiles for when they're out on the market.

This is exactly why I'm not keen on stuffing the Kickstarters out of sight down towards the bottom of the forum main page. Far fewer people will see it than they would in the 40k/WFB news sections and new terrain/models available that can be used in 40k/WFB is still news. Podcasts and other non-official things are allowed but Kickstarters get relegated to a sub forum.

04-14-2013, 02:06 AM
Well...it is basically free advertising. On a site that makes it's money from ads. I can understand the impulse to keep them all together in one spot that's not near the top of the forum page. I could be way off base here though.

04-14-2013, 02:15 AM
So is talking about GW stuff and as far as I know GW doesn't pay for ad space. Some retailers who sell GW products might but then they may also eventually sell the products that come out of the Kickstarters.

04-14-2013, 11:14 AM
Frankly, I would prefer Kickstarter threads here in News and Rumours. As long as it's one notice the Kickstarter exists, and then folks discussing it, that's legit to news and rumors, same way Bitspudlo has one thread that they resurrect when they have new stuff. New stuff is new stuff, and that's what this sub-forum is for.

04-14-2013, 03:17 PM
So, getting back to talking about this particular Kickstarter, I really don't see the fuss, its a good looking tile, but 1x1 tiles just really turn me off, too many lines all over the table, i know its easier to store, but I hate the look of tables with 1x1 tiles

04-14-2013, 09:48 PM
So, getting back to talking about this particular Kickstarter, I really don't see the fuss, its a good looking tile, but 1x1 tiles just really turn me off, too many lines all over the table, i know its easier to store, but I hate the look of tables with 1x1 tiles

I use to use 1 foot terrain tiles (made on top of commercial wooden floor tiles), but I stopped for one big reason... not only are the lines annoying, but people figured out they could park their models right before a line and use the tiles to measure distances. After a week, everyone was doing it. They now collect dust in boxes.

If I ever did anything like that again, they'd all be random sizes and shapes on top of some kind of giant surface, also covered in random shapes and lines, just so no one could use it to premeasure distances again.

04-14-2013, 10:04 PM
I use to use 1 foot terrain tiles (made on top of commercial wooden floor tiles), but I stopped for one big reason... not only are the lines annoying, but people figured out they could park their models right before a line and use the tiles to measure distances. After a week, everyone was doing it. They now collect dust in boxes.

It took people a week to figure that out, and only because someone else started doing it first?

Chris Copeland
04-14-2013, 10:57 PM
Of course, now we are in the era of 6th Edition... you can measure any distance at any time... there is no longer any benefit in using the tiles to pre-measure...

I can definitely see myself owning a set of these tiles...

04-15-2013, 03:47 PM
I use to use 1 foot terrain tiles (made on top of commercial wooden floor tiles), but I stopped for one big reason... not only are the lines annoying, but people figured out they could park their models right before a line and use the tiles to measure distances.

Fortunately now in 40k at least, we can pre-measure, so that's less an issue. I intend to get a set of these, and while the cracks are an issue, I think some well-placed terrain will help to mitigate the unsightlyness (if that is an actual word).

04-15-2013, 11:29 PM
It's not like it was hard to do even on a single piece table, or am I the only one who has able to calculate distances in bases?:rolleyes: Look at my models, look at their models, look at the gap, compare to one inch base, calculate, done.