View Full Version : Stormtalon from Darktalon

04-12-2013, 04:46 PM



I've converted a Dark Talon into a Stormtalon, as I never liked the ST model. Admittedly, the DT is a more expensive model, but I much prefer the silhouette. As you can see I've flipped the wings, meaning the stylised Aquilla wings can be seen by ground troops as the ST flies overhead, as well as making giving the wings a dihedral angle rather than anhedral the model has built in. I also lowered wings as they looked really odd high up with the upward angle. I did originally stick the dark talon's missile racks on, but they really didn't work. I still need to fill the holes left from removing them, as well as the gaps from where the wings normally attach.

I also swapped out the heavy bolters with the two assault cannons from the ravenwing sprue. I was originally going to use the missile racks from the DT, but I kinda ruined them taking them off the wings, so more stuff of the ravenwing sprue in the shape of the Typhoon missile launchers.

04-12-2013, 04:57 PM

As a nod to the original Thunderhawk, I turned the tailplan around so the elevators were on the front. Not particularly pleasent aerodynamics-wise, but... well, none of the GW flyers are particularly, so who cares? Along with the backwards sweep matching the upper tail fin, I think it helps make the rear end seem more streamlined.


I went with the jets from the Nephilim Jetfighter, which reminded me a lot of the vectored thrust from a Harrier. You can also see the wings here and also the welding I used to attach the wings.

So it's good bye from me, and good bye from him;

Note how I have removed more or less all the Ravenwing symbols from the pilot and aircraft

04-12-2013, 07:44 PM
Very good looking conversion, but just one problem... doesn't the Stormtalon have a 360-arc on its Assault Cannon? So it should be underslung in some way off the nose, not front-mounted, in order to have the weapon's appearance match its firing arc in the rules.

And believe me, that 360-degree arc is a huge reason for taking the Stormtalon.

04-13-2013, 04:47 PM
On the original model yes, but in the rules it doesn't say how it is mounted and the bulky, awkward looking turret is one of my least favourite features of the stormtalon design

04-26-2013, 10:30 AM
Damn that's awesome! great conversion work much better than the storm talon model.

06-18-2013, 09:56 AM
Update time (after quite a long hiatus!)

I have finally got some paint on this bird;


Not much fancy; a dry brush of Wazdakka red over a black undercoat, metalics done in lead belcher with anuln oil wash, free hand flames and chapter symbol, and a little OSL on the pilot. Speaking of whom...


Slightly clearer version of him, without the lighting making the back of the cockpit unnaturally bright. I didn't want the eyes to look like there were glowing, as too mush OSL can ruin a model in my opinion.

Just waiting on the undercoat for the base to dry, along with the nose piece that sits over the clear plastic canopy, then I can get this kite finished. Might come back to it at a later date, but for now this is plenty good enough for me.

06-19-2013, 03:21 AM
really liking the work Soton, looks awesome!

06-19-2013, 04:06 AM
Not sure about the missle pods, but a massive overall improvement on the hideous stormtalon.
Like the paint scheme. Especially the reflected displays.

06-19-2013, 06:49 AM
Aaaand, we're done...

Base to start off with;


Nothing too fancy, but nice to make use of the space available on the big oval bases. I can let anyone know how I built up the colours if they are interested, but won't bore you otherwise.


Close up of the casualty. I'm tempted to do some blood on the bullet holes, but I'm not entirely sure. Bart of me wants him to be little more than a hollowed out suit of armour that did centuries before, part of me wants him to be freshly shot down by the stormtalon. What do you all think?

06-19-2013, 06:55 AM

The whole kite. Your eyes aren't deceiving you, the whole aircraft is banked to it's left, as well as being in a slight dive. That is part of the reason for the odd, non-central position of the flying stand on the base.


Once out of the glare of the sun, you can still see the pilot inside nice and clearly, which I am really pleased about. Again, normally he doesn't seem quite so bright; that's just the sun shining a little too brightly for this photo.


I only include this pic because I managed to get a beautifully framed shot by accident!

06-19-2013, 06:56 AM
Estimated build cost?

How many kits did you use?

06-19-2013, 07:53 AM
Hard to say; 1 Darktalon obviously. I all ready had the Assault cannons and Tempest Missile Launchers from a near complete Ravenwing upgrade sprue, same for the fallen column (half a column from the Temple of Skulls kit) and wall (left over from my 3rd Ed 40k starter box). There is some milliput there to neaten things up and form the ridges around the column. The Swooping Hawk was a miscast return from my local GW when they were clearing out their bitz box as part of the 6th Ed release celebrations, heavily cleaned up by me and posed to hide some of the worst parts.

So £45.00 if I had bought it from GW, less because I bought it from another retailer, whose prices I get a further discount on for being a member of the local Uni's gaming club.

06-19-2013, 05:06 PM

As a nod to the original Thunderhawk, I turned the tailplan around so the elevators were on the front. Not particularly pleasent aerodynamics-wise, but... well, none of the GW flyers are particularly, so who cares? Along with the backwards sweep matching the upper tail fin, I think it helps make the rear end seem more streamlined.

not really "Forward elevators". It have trailing edge elevators and leading edge slats/spoilers! /nitpick

06-20-2013, 05:13 AM

Love the shade of the thing. Love the OSL - I normally detest this because most people do too much but I think you have it just right. I am respectfully not a fan of the flames - they are admittedly better than my freehand, but look to me more like some sort of re-entry effect rather than the careful painting a techmarine would expect from his paint servitors...

Base is top as well - an excellent conversion.

06-20-2013, 08:24 AM
Cheers. Part of the fluff for my army is that the pilots/drivers of all the vehicles in the chapter paint their own flame motifs on as an act of communion with the machine spirits upon being assigned to said vehicle. In battle it also acts as a secret form of identification, each design being unique.

It also means I don't have to be too uniform in free-hand flames. I did come up with the fluff thing first through :P

06-20-2013, 09:50 AM
Yeah that's all shades of awesome :)

I love the base, and the wings especially. I can't convert or kit bash for toffee, so I'm in awe of this. Nice 1 mate :D

06-20-2013, 12:45 PM
not really "Forward elevators". It have trailing edge elevators and leading edge slats/spoilers! /nitpick

You are absolutely correct sir, but it's a pain trying to explain the concept to the masses who are less aware of correct aviation terminology.