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View Full Version : New to WOC

04-11-2013, 03:07 PM
Hi all :)
After years of playing 40k I've finally descended into the magical world of swords and monsters that is WHFB.
I've decided on Warriors of Chaos to be my army, with a blood and fire theme - the army will be made up of Khorne and Tzeench units.
Just wondered if anyone has any hints or tips, do's or don'ts for this newbie :P
Cheers, Luke

04-11-2013, 06:52 PM
My Warriors of Chaos is pretty much the same thing. :-)

Suggestions? These are specific to your theme suggestions

* Mark of Tzeentch only goes on Warriors with Shields
* Mark of Khorne goes on everything else (Warriors with Extra HtH, Halberds, Knights, etc)
* I'd avoid marking Chariots, just not worth it usually (but, if you have to, MoK is again the best)
* Marauders are best used without a mark to keep them cheap (personally, I'd avoid them)
* Warhounds are the best redirect unit, just make sure to buy them vanguard
* Chimera with Flame breath and regen... 'nuff said
* While the "invulnerable" tzeentch sorceror lord may be tempting... lore of tzeentch is mediocre (and can actually benefit the enemy). I'd suggest a combat lord or demon prince (MoK) and then some unmarked sorceror heroes with lore of shadows or death

05-31-2013, 01:40 AM
^That's the internet wisdom, and its not exactly right.

Mark of Khorne on everything makes it really easy for your opponent to dictate combats - use it on units that are going to be doing the majority of the killing. Your chariots, for example.
Lore of Tzeentch is AWESOME. Warpflame take a bit of getting used to, but if the thing your hitting already has a shield, you're not giving them anything extra. And if you're really worried about it, stick the flaming banner on a unit. Alternatively, just use lore of metal.
Agree 100% with the marauders - they're not bad...but everything else in the book is better.
Skullcrushers.....'nuff said.
Marauder cav are the best redirectors (pref with mark of slaanesh)
Avoid taking ogres- like marauders there's nothing wrong with them but Trolls or Drogres to the same job and better.
MoT is awesome for most of your characters.

Check out the chamber of the everchosen (Warriors army-specific forum) forum for some guides on builds and advice on lists.

05-31-2013, 01:35 PM
^That's the internet wisdom, and its not exactly right.

Mark of Khorne on everything makes it really easy for your opponent to dictate combats - use it on units that are going to be doing the majority of the killing. Your chariots, for example.
Lore of Tzeentch is AWESOME. Warpflame take a bit of getting used to, but if the thing your hitting already has a shield, you're not giving them anything extra. And if you're really worried about it, stick the flaming banner on a unit. Alternatively, just use lore of metal.
Agree 100% with the marauders - they're not bad...but everything else in the book is better.
Skullcrushers.....'nuff said.
Marauder cav are the best redirectors (pref with mark of slaanesh)
Avoid taking ogres- like marauders there's nothing wrong with them but Trolls or Drogres to the same job and better.
MoT is awesome for most of your characters.

Check out the chamber of the everchosen (Warriors army-specific forum) forum for some guides on builds and advice on lists.

They are neither right nor wrong... they are an opinion based on many game plays both using my WoC and against other people's WoC.

I'm 50/50 on skullcrushers. It really depends on who you are playing against. Going up against cannons or doomwheel type multiple wounds? Knights are better. Going up against armies with no cannons or easy ways to deal high strength multiple wounds? Skullcrushers are better. In general I default to Knights as I can reliably get more of them into combat when playing in my local area. Personal choice though

I find that Mark of Nurgle is typically a more solid choice for characters. Most enemies will need 4s or 5s to hit a WoC character and with Nurgle that chance drops even further. I'd only go MoT on a character that is running around by himself and not inside a unit.

Lore of Tzeentch isn't awful... it's just subpar compared to pretty much every other Lore available. Warpflame is a big detractor as many of the big powerhouse units in the game don't have shields. So saying that it doesn't matter because of parry is a bit of a misnomer. Plague Monks, MoK anything, Ogre Ironguts, White Lions, Phoenix Guard, Executioners, Corsairs, etc don't have shields. Shield units tend to be tarpit or attrition units and attacking them with random Tzeentch powers isn't the best tactic. Secondly, Tzeentch has one non-damage spell. This means that as the battle progresses the wizard will be more and more likely to not be able to cast his spells (since direct damage spells can't be cast on units in combat). Admittedly, the Hex spell is pretty horrendous, but, it's not so fantastic as to redeem the rest of the lore.

Mark of Khorne isn't as serious of a detriment as past editions. Yes, you have to check for Frenzy, but you are checking leadership somewhere between 8 and 10 depending on unit/general/other factors. Also, remember that the BSB let's you reroll all leadership tests... this includes frenzy checks. In my dozen or so games since the new WoC book, I haven't failed a single Frenzy check. The only downside is having to pursue/overrun and the no parry effect. However, since MoK works best on halberd & 2x HW units they shouldn't have shields :-)

I'm not a fan of marking chariots. Paying the points for an additional 2 attacks at the cost of always pursuing/overrunning isn't worth it in my book. I commonly suggest leaving them unmarked.