View Full Version : Create your warlord table for books without 1

04-11-2013, 09:40 AM
My blood angels war lord table.

BA: Master of descent: The warlord is a master of the descent of angels tactic. Any unit in your army with the descent of angels rule may be held in reserve as if it were in a drop pod. In addition 1/2 (rounding up) of your units with the descent of angels special rule must deepstrike on turn 1. (I essentially would treat this as if your jump pack units were in drop pods and had drop pod assault. This would allow you to make an all jump pack army and balance it that they have to have some of the army on turn 1)

BA: Da Red ones goes fasta: The warlord has mastered lightening quick armored assaults and dodging enemy fire: Any unit with overcharged engines may roll a D6, and add it to their turbo boost every turn, a roll of a 1 immobilizes the vehicle for a turn (Give up your flat out move for this turn, and treat passengers as shaken). This gives them a jink save of 4+ if they turbo boost for that turn. (obviously they are giving up their shooting but it allows them to redeploy faster than they can now.)

BA: The blood is strong: The warlord has has trained as a sanguinary priest and carries the order's idols with him. Roll a D6 at the beginning of every turn (BA Player turn). On a roll of 2+ the Warlord, his unit, and any unit within 6 inches has FNP and furious charge. On a roll of 1 he and his unit succumb to the black rage. He no longer radiates the FNP bubble but he and his unit gain FNP, Rage, FC, and relentless. To symbolize their induction into the death company they will award 1 kill point at the end of the game to the enemy general if they have not been killed in duty as Astorath the Grim will finish what the enemy could not.

04-11-2013, 10:10 AM
Dark Eldar
1) From the shadows - the dark eldar player may choose to have nightfight on the first turn
2) Lightning Raid - 2 transports can make a 12" move after deployment but before siezing initiative
3) Soul Reavers - For each enemy character killed in a challenge by a dark eldar character, the dark eldar character (of his unit) gains a pain token
4) Class A Contraband - +1 to the roll on the drugs table, a result of 7 allows any choice. (re-roll if no combat drugs in army)
5) Bloody Swathe - the warlord and his unit gain rage.
6) Legendary Torturer - the whole DE army causes fear.

1) Eat-Apple-Pi - the warlord and his unit gain +1 to ressurection protocols (ie 4+ not 5+)
2) RTB01 - After deploying but before rolling to sieze initiative, d3 friendly units may be redeployed.
3) CTRLALTDELETE - when the warlord looses his first wound roll a dice, on a 2+ he regains it and looses this ability
4)Reboot - The warlord + his unit gain 'and they shall know no fear'
5)Assimilation - If the warlord sweeping advances a unit in melee, roll a dice for every swept model, on a 5+ add a necron warrior to the lords unit.
6)Upgrade - A single unit in the army gains +1WS and +1I

1) KRUMP 'EM! - The warlord and his unit may roll an extra dice when charging and discard the lowest. The count as being armed with assault grenades when charging.
2) MOAR DAKKA! - once per game 1 unit within 12" of the warlord can fire an extra shot with their guns (eavy shootas become heavy 4, loota gunz become d3+1 etc)
3) I KNEW TERDAY WAZ GONNA BE SPESHUL! - The warlord gets +1 to sieze the initiative rolls.
4) GER OURA ME 'EAD - the warlord gains +1 to deny the witch rolls
5) RAAAAwwwr! - the warlord gains 'rage' and causes 'fear'
6) I'M DA BIGGEST - when within 3" of an objective the warlord gains feel no pain (4+) and stubborn

1) OMNOMNOM - The warlord gains rage and preferred enemy (everything)
2) HULK STOMP - all monstrous creatures can make +1 more stomp attack than usual (so A/2+1)
3)They're coming out of the walls - one monstrous creature unit can deep strike.
4) Unstoppable Hordes - all non spawned termigaunts can be recycled once they are falling back.
5) Stay Frosty - All infantry choices count as having assault grenades
6) If it bleeds.. - For every 1 wound suffered by the warlord it gains +1 attack

04-11-2013, 11:47 AM
I'll just give my thoughts on your ideas for now... might do one for Wolves later...

@BA: 1) looks fine, maybe a tad too powerful... that one roll changes your whole army dynamics... 2) is interesting, but... they are already red and faster... 3) is way too powerful imo... fluffy, yes, but too strong... maybe just let it apply to the Warlord and his unit, although even that would be waaay better than anything in the BRB
@DE: strikes me as absurdly powerful, at least 3) and 6)... limit both of these to the Warlord himself and is looks nice enough...
@Cron: apart from the amusingly silly names, 5) is (from a fluff perspective and imho - no offense) just rubbish - Necrons are not Undead dammit! also, 1) is pretty powerful, 3) is kinda boring and 6)... who would need the I? pretty much no one...
@Orks: looks fine, nice one
@Nids: 1) hang on, Hive Tyrants can get that as an ability for free... 2) you mean Smash I assume? 3) that's what Trygons or Spore Pods are for... 4) waaay to powerful with the right army, utter trash with any other... the ones in the BRB at least are just trash with the wrong army and decent with the right one, so as not to break any games... 5) way too powerful again 6) is nice

04-11-2013, 12:31 PM
I'll just give my thoughts on your ideas for now... might do one for Wolves later...

@BA: 1) looks fine, maybe a tad too powerful... that one roll changes your whole army dynamics... 2) is interesting, but... they are already red and faster... 3) is way too powerful imo... fluffy, yes, but too strong... maybe just let it apply to the Warlord and his unit, although even that would be waaay better than anything in the BRB

1. turns assault marines into drop pods, which essentially saves them 35 points per squad...making 1/2 come on turn 1 is like old deathwing, old deamons, and current drop pod assault. the only 1 that would mess up someones day would be DC with bolters and honor guard with plasma...at the same time you defend it just like drop pod assault only with out the pods you arent protected from mishaps as much...

2. I am making them even faster. or not moving

3. This one turns the warlord into a priest for the most part so is worth 50 points there and if you roll the 1 you turn 1 unit to DC...

I did forget to type that they would lose ATSKNF...just like DC...

04-12-2013, 03:41 AM
1. turns assault marines into drop pods, which essentially saves them 35 points per squad...making 1/2 come on turn 1 is like old deathwing, old deamons, and current drop pod assault. the only 1 that would mess up someones day would be DC with bolters and honor guard with plasma...at the same time you defend it just like drop pod assault only with out the pods you arent protected from mishaps as much...

2. I am making them even faster. or not moving

3. This one turns the warlord into a priest for the most part so is worth 50 points there and if you roll the 1 you turn 1 unit to DC...

I did forget to type that they would lose ATSKNF...just like DC...

@2:fair enough
@1: exactly - a free 35pts per squad (or maybe a bit less since you don't let them stop before they mishap? but doesn't give up an easy kill point either, so maybe that balances out) can quite easily give you a ~100pts advantage - and that's way too much for a warlord trait IMO, as is the 50pts you get from 3)... on the other hand, that might make a priest you actually bought for 50pts redundant... hmmm... still, in comparison to the ones from the BRB it's way more powerful... and there should still be some semblance of balance in basic power levels, although yours naturally fit your army better...

04-12-2013, 05:07 AM
Here is my go for the Iron Hands codex that we all know will definitely come out soon.
Sorry it's long but I got into it.

1. Flesh is Weak : The Warlord and any unit he begins the game attached to have had extensive bionic enhancements making them more resilient to enemy attack. They benefit from ‘6+ FNP’. This still applies to the unit even if the character leaves that unit. This character can only join units from their Primary detachment.

2. Pure Rage : The Iron Hands have at their core a hatred that they have nurtured since the days of the Horus heresy. This pure rage gives them a strength of purpose and an iron will to see the enemies of the Emperor vanquished. The Warlord and any unit within 12” receive a +1 to deny the Witch rolls.

3. Cold Fury : The Iron Hands have ever been a wrathful chapter. Powered by a cold fury that drives them to violence in the name of the emperor. The Warlord radiates death as he closes upon his prey. The Warlord gains the ‘Rage’ and ‘Fear’ special rules.

4. Scions of Manus : Ferrus Manus created some of the most potent weapons in the history of the Imperium. His love of technology and affinity with the machine was legendary. This trait has been passed down to his sons whose wargear is of the upmost quality and potency. The Warlord and any unit he begins the game with count all their weapons as 'Master Crafted’. This still applies to the unit even if the character leaves that unit. This character can only join units from their Primary detachment.

5. Extensive Modification : The Warlord, being a true son of Ferrus Manus, has undergone many bionic enhancements to purge the weakness from his flesh. Replacing muscle, bone and brain with hard, cold efficient machinery. The Warlord may increase their ‘WS’, ‘BS’ and ‘I’ by 1 to represent their machine enhanced abilities.

6. Wisdom of The Ancients : The Iron Hands see the Dreadnought as a Holy union of man and machine. They revere them as living embodiments of the Omnissiah’s will and are an integral part of their way of war. Any Dreadnoughts, Venerable Dreadnoughts and Contemptor Dreadnoughts chosen as part of the Primary detachment count as a scoring unit.

04-12-2013, 01:57 PM
Tyranid Warlord Traits

1: Hyper Regeneration: The Warlord gains the Feel No Pain (4+) special rule

2: Sense Weakness: The Warlord and all friendly units within 6” gain the Preferred Enemy special rule.

3: Stealth Swarm: During the first game turn, all friendly units gain the Stealth special rule.

4: Vanguard Broods:Nominate D3 units units in your army before deployment.These units gain the Scout special rule

5: Psychic Lash: Your Warlord and all friendly units within 12” add D3” to the result when rolling their charge distance. (Roll a separate D3 for each unit)

6: Life Eater: Your Warlord regains a single wound lost earlier in the battle, (up to it’s starting number of wounds) for each enemy character slain while fighting a challenge.

04-13-2013, 05:48 AM
nice ones, both of those!

Let's see what we could give the Space Puppies... I'll be partially inspired by the various named Characters we have, just because I like the idea... I'll indicate from whom I took the respective idea
1) Lord of the Wolves (Canis would get this automatically I'd say): Any Fenrisian Wolves (unit or attached) or unit of TWC with a model within 6" of the Warlord may use his Ld for any tests and gain +1I (this applies to the Warlord himself if he rides a Thunderwolf).
2) The Silent Hunter (in the vein of Bran Redmaw from IA11): D3 units in your army gain either Flanking or Stealth (choose separately for each).
3) Stormbringer (this would obviously fit Njal...): Before the first game turn, roll a D6 for every enemy unit on the table. On a 5+, the unit reduces its BS by 1 and counts as moving through difficult terrain during the first game turn. [is this too powerful? depends heavily on your rolling I'd say... might be toned down to 6+, although then it would be too weak IMO)
4) Pack Hunter: Every enemy model that is in base contact with at least two models of your Warlord's unit recieves -2 to its WS (excluding models in a challenge). [again, too good? just -1?]
5) Fury of the Iron Wolf: Rhinos and Razorbacks in the army become Fast vehicles.
6) Alpha Male: The Warlord may reroll any failed to-hit and to-wound rolls in a challenge, and no enemy can refuse his challenges. If he has not slain an enemy character in a challenge at the end of the game, your opponent recieves an additional point to the game result because your Warlord shamed himself.