View Full Version : 1850 GK Power Armor List

04-11-2013, 07:54 AM
Making a list that's all power armored grey knights and am looking for some feedback:


Librarian w/ Warding Stave,Empyrean Brain Mines, MC Storm bolter & Psybolt Ammo - 205 points


Terminator Squad x 5 w/ Daemon hammer, 2 Force Halberds, 1 sword, Psyblt Ammo, Brotherhood Banner & Psycannon - 270 points

Grey knight SS x 10 w/ Force Halberd, Daemon Hammer, Psybolt Ammo & Psycannon x 2 - 255 points

Grey knight SS x 10 w/ Force Halberd, Daemon Hammer, Psybolt Ammo & Psycannon x 2 - 255 points


Purifiers x 10 w/ Daemon Hammer, Force Halberd x 4, Psybolt Ammo, Warding Stave & Psycannon x 4 - 338 points

Fast Attack

Stormraven w/multi-melta, searchlight, locator beacon, psybolt ammo & hurricane bolters - 266 points

Heavy support

Nemesis Dreadknight w/Greatsword, Incinerator & Teleporter - 260 points

Total - 1849 points

Idea is that that the Librarian and the termies will be in SR for late game assaults/objective claiming, with the locator beacon on the SR for accurate deep striking ala Skies of Fury. Purifier squad will work in conjunction with the Dreadknight as harassment/assault units and Strike squads will be objective claimers/defensive units. All my justicars come equipped with halberds in the case of challenges. My biggest concern is that purifiers might be a little too expensive at this point and I'm considering paring back some of the options on various units in order to find enough points for a dreadnought or a vindicare.

Any comments or thoughts would be appreciated.

04-11-2013, 08:17 AM
Like my own army, it is a fairly low model count (normal for GK and CSM) but my only concern is you have put a hell of a lot of emphasis on the late game. Is this designed to be an all-comer list or just sort of a specific model? It is hard to give advice without knowing what you are building for... i.e. tournament or specific kinds of scenarios in pick up games.

You have over five hundred points in two models. This isn't uncommon. I'm not too far under five hundred for my Daemon Prince and Helldrake, but their is a question of return. Right now it looks to me like your army is all on foot. That is near certain death against some opponents (like me). It is highly likely that I will kill an entire unit a turn (starting on turn two) until you take my Helldrake out of the air. Your only unit for that is the Stormraven. Are there vehicles already included in those points and I'm just missing them? Another problem for an army like yours is you can't assume your scoring units will be able to reach the objectives without comign under a withering fire. I don't think you have enough harrassment to protect them.

Let me put it this way, we both have put up an 1849pt list. Would you want to fight my list? How would you deal with it? Can you deal with it. My view is you MUST kill the Helldrake and until you do so your Stormraven can't really engage much else. Most of your firepower is medium range while I sport a lot of long range killing power. You will literally have to try and shove that Terminator Squad and Dreadknight down my throat to try and protect those other units and let's be honest, I'm not going to have ANY trouble killing them. By contrast you have to crack me out of my cans which won't happen at the earliest until turn-2 with some deepstrikes and luck. I don't want to sound all negative. GK are a powerful codex. I'm just trying to point out the difficulties I see from an all comer standpoint.

You dont' have a broad spectrum of range threats. You are either mid-range shooting, close combat, or relying on a deepstrike crack or your bird. A Vindicare with a Turbo-Penetrator is usually worth the points. I'm just not sure what you are shooting for so I don't know how to suggest a shift in your long range shooting.

04-11-2013, 08:50 AM
All these points are valid and things I have been sort of worrying about myself, especially the short range and low model aspect of the army. First off though, this is definitely not a tournament list, just really a hanging around the FLGS list, so I'm not concerned with winning every game, but I don't want to get rolled obviously.

I'm considering dropping the warding stave from the purifiers and some of the excess options from the librarian in order to put the purifiers into a rhino so that they can be a little more mobile and work better in conjunction with the dreadknight as early game harassment and screen while I maneuver strike squads into defensive positions. My other thought was to drop the purifiers completely so I can put in a dreadnought and a vindicare for some extra range and then cut back some of the options elsewhere so I can also put in an aegis line with a quad gun in order to have a better defensive area with AA threat. With that option though now I'm down to just 25 infantry, which I know can work for GK, but feels like a real harsh cut.

Thanks for the feedback, btw, I appreciate it.

04-16-2013, 02:48 AM
Just a note, the Stormraven carries a Teleport Homer not a Locator Beacon so it won't help with Skies of Fury.

To my mind a Bro' Banner on only 5 termies is way to much to pay.

04-17-2013, 01:23 AM
Just a note, the Stormraven carries a Teleport Homer not a Locator Beacon so it won't help with Skies of Fury.

To my mind a Bro' Banner on only 5 termies is way to much to pay.

Actually, the death from the skies update gives it the option to take a locator beacon, either way though it should work because I would have terminators in there. a locator beacon is just cheaper and gives me the option of putting purifiers in there and deep striking them if I wanted to.

I do agree that a feel that the bro banner might be a little too expensive though