View Full Version : Who has written the Best Codexs & Why?

10-30-2009, 06:18 PM
;) O.K. Gang!
Here is one to get your Teeth into!
Who has written the best & most Balanced Codexs?? Who has written the Worst??
Think back over both past & present Codexs & let us know who has penned the very Best & Worst.
Please give your reasons & comments. Go to IT! :)

10-31-2009, 01:55 AM
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that a bunch of Chaos players are going to chime in expressing their eternal and undying hatred for the writer of the Chaos codex:p. To them I have to say "why you gotta be such an [expletive]". It's a frickin' game.

I only started playing in 4th ed, so I don't know much about older codex releases.

I'll say that the best codex writer is the guy who did the IG codex. It's not the most balanced codex in the world (definitely near the top of the power totem pole), but I've heard nothing but good things from the people who use it.

Second best I know of is the Space Wolves codex. Aside from complaints about Jaws, and a fair number of unclear rules that have popped up (which is the norm for GW anyways), it seems very fun, fluffy and competitive.

10-31-2009, 07:03 AM
I'd second the Guard Codex's author, Robin Cruddace, it's a good solid army book, good core choices, and lots of nice toys which are fun and for the most part are also pretty balanced if not good all round choices, IMHO it's an example of how they should be, though I am probably a little bias!

10-31-2009, 10:59 AM
Well, that's quite a mixed question; best codex and balanced don't always have anything to do with each other.

I think the most balanced codex written is the Chaos codex. It's not the best, but it's really good. Although Fluff took a backseat to simpiler rules.

The worst: The angles of death (dark and blood angels). They are bland, pointless and outdated [even though they were made with this edition in mind]. If chaos feel there fluff was taken away, they need to read the dark angels codex. And blood angels have to carry around two issues of WD or a printout from the website (i'm surprised they didn't take away the red-fury part of the fluff, that codex is so poorly done).

10-31-2009, 02:52 PM
The Ork Codex is a great read. It's just dripping with Orkiness and hilarity. The Chaos Daemon codex has that same kind of flavor, too.

10-31-2009, 03:47 PM
Or who has the most teeth? Black Templars. It's not an instant win potion, but ACC, Terminators w/ 2x Assault Cans, Assault Terminators with Furious Charge, Neophytes to ablate wounds, the old Drop Pod Rules, Marshall granting Ld 10 to the whole army, the old smoke launchers rules, Ven. Dreads with veteran abilities and starting out 20pts less than a similar DA one... they can straight bowl over any army in assault with maybe the exception of khrone demons

10-31-2009, 08:37 PM
Or who has the most teeth? Black Templars. It's not an instant win potion, but ACC, Terminators w/ 2x Assault Cans, Assault Terminators with Furious Charge, Neophytes to ablate wounds, the old Drop Pod Rules, Marshall granting Ld 10 to the whole army, the old smoke launchers rules, Ven. Dreads with veteran abilities and starting out 20pts less than a similar DA one... they can straight bowl over any army in assault with maybe the exception of khrone demons

Yes, but remember NO Devestators,Librarians, Whirlwinds, Storm shields 4+ save only effective in C/C, Lower Machine Spirit & Pod BS, Chaplain Grimaldus & Retinue suck (imho), Marshall Halbrecht OK but no other Characters like Codex Chapters. However they can still give a good account in C/C as you say.

My vote goes to Robin Cruddace for the Guard Codex. He made them "Fluffy" & stronger without being overpowering & they still need to rely on lots of Grunts but the Squadron Rule for Tanks & Orders are great improvements.

11-01-2009, 07:16 AM
Noone, cause it ain't been written yet. Get to work on it, GW, ya lazy ****!

11-01-2009, 01:38 PM
Yes, but remember NO Devestators,Librarians, Whirlwinds, Storm shields 4+ save only effective in C/C, Lower Machine Spirit & Pod BS, Chaplain Grimaldus & Retinue suck (imho), Marshall Halbrecht OK but no other Characters like Codex Chapters. However they can still give a good account in C/C as you say.

But... we still have access to GK Grand Masters giving us S6 I5 Force Weapon that ignores Eternal Warrior and Psychic Hood =D Devastators and Whirlies wouldn't really fit well into most BT builds anyway, EC and BT rules are better than chapter tactics, not to mention we can still use 5 man tact squads w/ lascannon + plasma gun, Crusaders w/ ACC will still eat through Grey Hunters and Blood Claws... when most of the older 'dexs had to close shop moving into 5th ed. we just got sweeter with time

11-02-2009, 10:18 AM
I'd say Phil Kelly seems to do a consistently great job with the codex's that he writes. Orks I'd say are his best work. He managed to make a fun, fluffy and competitive army with lots of options. Robin Cruddance also did a good job on his debut codex with the Imperial Guard. Not gonna lie I was a little anxious when I heard that my beloved IG we getting a new codex and that it was going to be a guys first solo codex but hats off to Mr. Cruddance. I'm interested to see how he did with Tyranids.

Gav Thorpe did a great job rules wise with CSM. Yeah they do need some work flavor wise but when you think about it the CSM dex has held up pretty well to 5th ed changes and the 5 or so codex's that have come out since its release.

11-02-2009, 11:02 AM
well for me its a toss up.

allesio for the deamons - purely for the fact its my fav army.. really hard, unique, but with a way of playing that really can scupper it.. never a dull game.

But for me its gotta be phill kelly or robin, (orks and guard respectivly) now i dont know if this is a factor BUT they are the only 3 games designers i have seen play alot. Phill and allessio have gone to a fair few gts.. and i usually saw robin playing on a staff night. So im guessing "real world" experience goes in to alot of thier writing rather than "well i played the dudes in the studio and it seemed balanced" (naming no names. matt ward)