View Full Version : Crimson Slaughter Warband project log

04-11-2013, 12:41 AM
In the last 11 days I completed the prep, cleaning and assembly of these models. I have one Forgefiend to finish magnetizing and assembling to complete the army.

I'm going to try and prime them all Saturday.


04-11-2013, 12:42 AM
Cultists and Helbrute


04-11-2013, 12:45 AM
Krannon, Chosen, CSM Squad, Sorcerer


04-12-2013, 05:22 AM
last model for the army is complete.

http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0311_zps2d99c096.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0311_zps2d99c096.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0313_zps616410d3.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0313_zps616410d3.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0314_zps9fa1ac4d.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0314_zps9fa1ac4d.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0315_zpsa75bede5.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0315_zpsa75bede5.jpg.html)

04-23-2013, 01:54 PM
Been knocked out due to sickness, but I did manage to finish the CSM squad once the other Chosen with Bolters came in.

Yes, that's right. I am using Chosen with Bolters to make my CSM squads. Mainly because I do not like that the CSM models look so out of place next to the newer models... It's jarring enough to give my minor OCD fits...

But I think they turned out rather well.

http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0691_zpsc23d42b4.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0691_zpsc23d42b4.jpg.html)

Chosen with Bolt Pistol and Power Fist is the units Aspiring Champion

http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0693_zps60c28a6d.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0693_zps60c28a6d.jpg.html)

I also converted two Chosen to be Plasma Gunners. These are the Plasma Guns from the new Raptors kit.

http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0694_zps63d4da35.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0694_zps63d4da35.jpg.html)

04-24-2013, 10:25 AM
Awesome! :D I'm looking forward to seeing them painted.

04-24-2013, 11:26 AM
Awesome! :D I'm looking forward to seeing them painted.


I've actually got the 50 Cultists primer Skeleton Bone already. The 20 man squad is attached to empty prescription bottles awaiting painting. Had I not been sick (today being first day not feeling like crap), I'd have laid down some color by now.

The Chosen, CSM Squad, Krannon, Sorcerer, Heldrake, and Forgefiend; are all awaiting priming once my Dragon Red primer gets in. Should be in today or tomorrow.

I use Army Painter primer and paints.

I've got another 10 Chosen with Bolters on order. I plan to make a second CSM squad, but this time armed with Melta Guns from the Raptors kit.

04-25-2013, 12:37 AM
Cool. I'm looking to seeing the update. :)

Cpt Codpiece
04-25-2013, 06:01 AM
i love the look, actually contemplated doing the bolter guys the same way myself :)

though i do think they would look great a 1KS force :) but need the mutations removed and filled.

cant wait to see them with some paint :)

08-22-2013, 12:07 PM
So, I am blocking in some color and I am at a loss...

What color do I paint their pants?

http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Cultists/Color%20Test/IMG_0530_zps51d1f2cc.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Cultists/Color%20Test/IMG_0530_zps51d1f2cc.jpg.html)

08-22-2013, 08:17 PM
I think that if you went with a light/mid grey you'd keep the focal point on the upper body (The interesting part).

09-04-2013, 12:03 PM
So, I think I am pretty happy with these fellows, and I am considering calling them done. Other than the base of course. Please take a look and offer any advice or criticism they might warrant. I've not done any painting in a long time and I can pretty much say, these are the first I've done to a mostly completed state in a very long time.

This will be a unit of 20 Chaos Cultists of Nurgle. They are meant to take and hold the closest Objective. All I am going for is tabletop quality, and trying to keep it as simple a scheme as possible since I have 20 of these fellows, and another 30 Cultists to paint as well.

Please be honest, so I can get them done. My biggest request is advice on basing these guys. I guess I need to decide on a theme for basing for the entire army to tie them all together. Thoughts

http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Cultists/Color%20Test/IMG_0034_zps7386d648.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Cultists/Color%20Test/IMG_0034_zps7386d648.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Cultists/Color%20Test/IMG_0019_zps58baed86.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Cultists/Color%20Test/IMG_0019_zps58baed86.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Cultists/Color%20Test/IMG_0018_zps2a202245.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Cultists/Color%20Test/IMG_0018_zps2a202245.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Cultists/Color%20Test/IMG_0017_zpsf768b822.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Cultists/Color%20Test/IMG_0017_zpsf768b822.jpg.html)

09-06-2013, 02:59 PM
Today was a beautiful day for priming

http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0014_zpsbad1f296.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0014_zpsbad1f296.jpg.html)

Other than the one remaining converted CSM squad with Meltaguns, this is all of my Crimson Slaughter Warband now primed. I've used Army Painter Dragon Red Primer.

This is the Warband as it stands:

Chaos Lord
Chaos Sorcerer
Chosen x5
Chosen x5
Raptors x5
CSM x10
CSM x10 (still building)
Cultists w/Autoguns x20
Cultists x10
Cultists x10
Cultists x9

I am a bit annoyed... I seem to have lost a Cultist... One of the Melee Cultists...

Now, I just need to figure out a way to convert the many Chosen I have left over into Havocs... hmmm.....

09-06-2013, 05:16 PM
If you're not adverse to using third party parts, I would recommend getting the Anvil Industries' Missile Launchers and Autocannons.

09-07-2013, 01:20 AM
Or you can get the Forge World Heavy Weapons.

09-07-2013, 02:36 AM
It's not so much which weapons to use, it's how to effectively convert the Chosen models to be able to hold the weapons. That's my stumbling block in keeping me from trying it yet...

09-08-2013, 03:27 PM
Got some more work done, started with the sorcerer. Trying to block in some color.

There has already been two passes of highlighting on the red, I've not done the final highlight/edging yet. Picture drowns it out severely unfortunately

http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Sorcerer/IMG_0019_zps304a25e5.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Sorcerer/IMG_0019_zps304a25e5.jpg.html)

What do you think?

09-21-2013, 09:06 AM
So, these aren't the best pictures... But I am done with my Chaos Sorcerer for my Crimson Slaughter Warband.

http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Sorcerer/IMG_0058_zps6db642ea.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Sorcerer/IMG_0058_zps6db642ea.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Sorcerer/IMG_0055_zpsef81c5e5.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Sorcerer/IMG_0055_zpsef81c5e5.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Sorcerer/IMG_0059_zpsf62aa976.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Sorcerer/IMG_0059_zpsf62aa976.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Sorcerer/IMG_0061_zps04b6765d.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Sorcerer/IMG_0061_zps04b6765d.jpg.html)

I'm working on the Chaos Lord next

01-12-2014, 03:50 AM
It's been a while...

I've added a Daemon Prince to my army. I had it originally for my Warriors of Chaos army, but it wasn't Tzeentch enough... So I changed its head, added the Jason Mask from the Defiler kit. It's now my new Daemon Prince of Khorne.

I need a way to Khorne it up some more however...

http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Daemon%20Prince/CSMDPrince_zpsd7bef61c.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Daemon%20Prince/CSMDPrince_zpsd7bef61c.jpg.html)

http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Daemon%20Prince/CSMDPrinceCloseup_zps687eb115.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Daemon%20Prince/CSMDPrinceCloseup_zps687eb115.jpg.html)

Darren Richardson
01-12-2014, 05:03 AM
It's been a while...

I've added a Daemon Prince to my army. I had it originally for my Warriors of Chaos army, but it wasn't Tzeentch enough... So I changed its head, added the Jason Mask from the Defiler kit. It's now my new Daemon Prince of Khorne.

I need a way to Khorne it up some more however...

How about changing the sword for an axe of some kind, that would Khorne him up a bit....

01-12-2014, 05:47 AM
How about changing the sword for an axe of some kind, that would Khorne him up a bit....

I tried that... Unfortunately the arm is pretty solidly melded to the body... The arm was starting to show signs of stress much lower than at the attachment point... I use a polystyrene bonding glue... so I cant just stick in the freezer like with superglue...

I've got some Khorne bits laying around somewhere. I'll see what I can find. If not, I'll just leave him as is. I'm pretty happy with it anyway.

Darren Richardson
01-12-2014, 01:04 PM
I tried that... Unfortunately the arm is pretty solidly melded to the body... The arm was starting to show signs of stress much lower than at the attachment point... I use a polystyrene bonding glue... so I cant just stick in the freezer like with superglue...

Sorry I didn't take his whole arm off!

I meant can't you cut the blade off at just below the hilt, perhaps drill the fist out and pin an axe shaft in place instead, or if you don't have an axe around, get some brass tubing insert it into the drilled out fist and glue it in place, then using plasti-card and green stuff sculpt an axe head and shaft...

Asuming you have the skills and confidance to do that of course :) I know many modelers wouldn't....

01-13-2014, 08:24 PM
Sorry I didn't take his whole arm off!

I meant can't you cut the blade off at just below the hilt, perhaps drill the fist out and pin an axe shaft in place instead, or if you don't have an axe around, get some brass tubing insert it into the drilled out fist and glue it in place, then using plasti-card and green stuff sculpt an axe head and shaft...

Asuming you have the skills and confidance to do that of course :) I know many modelers wouldn't....

It's no problem, I knew what you meant. I had already tried to remove the arm before you suggested it. It was going to break before the join gave way... So I gave up on it.

I'm good at bitzing conversions better than I am at sculpting... so making an axe from the sword arm isn't within my means... I "could" do it... but then it wouldn't be perfect and would set my OCD on edge... best to avoid that whenever possible lol

01-13-2014, 08:24 PM
Made my Quadgun. I need to build a new base, or chaosify it more. Either way, it isn't done yet.



01-14-2014, 04:35 PM
I think the base is what really needs more spikey looking bits - but maybe the arms could be beefed up a little as well. Just my 2 cents... :)

01-20-2014, 09:47 AM
So, here it is so far. I've added a few things to the Chaos Quadgun (more of a doubles).

I'm probably going to rework some bits here and there. I do like the Warriors of Chaos Chariot grill in front.

http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0019_zpsa96c19c4.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0019_zpsa96c19c4.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0016_zps5291f769.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0016_zps5291f769.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0017_zps87b15a93.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0017_zps87b15a93.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0018_zps72fecf15.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0018_zps72fecf15.jpg.html)

01-20-2014, 09:54 AM
Part of the reason I've kind of stopped modeling and painting is that I've been having some trouble with my vision... Every time I try to paint or model anything with small details I lose focus and I get a headache soon after... So, I decided to see if that was still going on after a break... I've been itching to get back to it (plus I have two commissions I really need to finish) but I didn't know how. So, after I reworked my Daemon Prince for my Crimson Slaughter Chaos Marines, I figured I might as well go big as far as painting. Maybe a larger model with bigger details would help..

Well, it did help... But only in as much that it took longer for my eyes to go wonky and the headache to appear... So, I guess I need to have my eyes checked after all...

Anyway, here is the progress I have so far. I am just blocking in colors... This is NO WHERE near done... But you can at least see where it is going.

http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Daemon%20Prince/IMG_0015_zps184354a2.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Daemon%20Prince/IMG_0015_zps184354a2.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Daemon%20Prince/IMG_0013_zpse46d3009.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Daemon%20Prince/IMG_0013_zpse46d3009.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Daemon%20Prince/IMG_0011_zps80699b4c.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Daemon%20Prince/IMG_0011_zps80699b4c.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Daemon%20Prince/IMG_0014_zpsc9c2ff86.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/Daemon%20Prince/IMG_0014_zpsc9c2ff86.jpg.html)

Darren Richardson
01-20-2014, 10:40 AM
Part of the reason I've kind of stopped modeling and painting is that I've been having some trouble with my vision... Every time I try to paint or model anything with small details I lose focus and I get a headache soon after...... So, I guess I need to have my eyes checked after all...

YourSword, go to the opticians ASAP, it sounds like one of your eyes might be weakening, as a result your other eye tries to take the strain and it leaves you with headaches.

I know this because I started getting the same problem 3 years ago, and it turned out I had what is known as a Lazy right Eye, the eye loses it's focus and the other one takes the strain, so these days I now wear glasses for all computer/tv/reading purposes.

01-25-2014, 05:35 AM
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0015_zps396a2854.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0015_zps396a2854.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0014_zpsbf0ad96c.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0014_zpsbf0ad96c.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0013_zpsf981a993.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0013_zpsf981a993.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0012_zpsbddef414.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0012_zpsbddef414.jpg.html)

Darren Richardson
01-25-2014, 06:55 AM
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0015_zps396a2854.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0015_zps396a2854.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0014_zpsbf0ad96c.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0014_zpsbf0ad96c.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0013_zpsf981a993.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0013_zpsf981a993.jpg.html)
http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae62/Yourswordismine/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0012_zpsbddef414.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/Yourswordismine/media/DV%20Crimson%20Slaughter/IMG_0012_zpsbddef414.jpg.html)

I like this new look for your Quad Guns, especially the crest along the back, side on it gives it a very sinister look.

01-25-2014, 07:01 AM
looks very cool, big improvement

Darren Richardson
04-06-2014, 01:18 PM
Hows the army going?

I remember you said you were having vision trouble did you get it checked out? how are you doing with the eyesight now, is it getting worse or has the eye docs helped?