View Full Version : Fortune And Allies

04-10-2013, 11:14 AM
I've recently taken to running Tau with Eldar and I have a question about how fortune works. Fortune does clearly say that you must target an Eldar unit, but now that non Eldar independent characters can join Eldar units how does that work? So far I've been assuming that a non Eldar character that has joined an Eldar unit that had fortune cast onthe unit would be affected by it. Is this wrong, is the character simply skipped?

04-10-2013, 11:25 AM
I've recently taken to running Tau with Eldar and I have a question about how fortune works. Fortune does clearly say that you must target an Eldar unit, but now that non Eldar independent characters can join Eldar units how does that work? So far I've been assuming that a non Eldar character that has joined an Eldar unit that had fortune cast onthe unit would be affected by it. Is this wrong, is the character simply skipped?

It is ambiguous but since the power has the word "Eldar Unit" in it, I'd go so far as to say that the unit cannot even be fortuned since its not an "Eldar unit" its a "Mixed Race Unit"

04-10-2013, 12:45 PM
It is ambiguous but since the power has the word "Eldar Unit" in it, I'd go so far as to say that the unit cannot even be fortuned since its not an "Eldar unit" its a "Mixed Race Unit"

Hmmm, you're quite right, it's a seemingly 'grey area'. My gut instinct would be to allow an Eldar player to cast upon an Eldar unit joined by an ally IC, and allow that to confer to the IC.

Conversely, however, I wouldn't be happy if he cast upon an IC that had joined an allied unit, and he/she suggested it also conferred to the unit.

Just my thoughts. But of course my opinion matters little in games I'm not actually taking part in!


04-10-2013, 05:47 PM
I think that many - even despite the FAQ - still do the Eldar Harlequins with a Shadow Field Archon up the front trick, backed by Fortune. Not sure if it works the other way though.
This does need a very specific FAQ ruling though on how to treat "mixed race" units.

Power Klawz
04-10-2013, 09:22 PM
There won't be a faq until they make the wording for the new powers just as ambiguous and then faq it on the same day the codex is officially released.

04-11-2013, 09:01 AM
Does it not say Battle Brother Psychic Powers can be used on Allies?

04-11-2013, 09:09 AM
I think that many - even despite the FAQ - still do the Eldar Harlequins with a Shadow Field Archon up the front trick, backed by Fortune. Not sure if it works the other way though.
This does need a very specific FAQ ruling though on how to treat "mixed race" units.

I believe the technical reason this works is because independent characters that have joined a unit count as being part of the unit for all purposes (BRB, page 39). The Harlequins are an Eldar unit, and the allied Archon is, for all purposes, part of a unit that is an eligible target, and the race identity of the unit being targeted is all Fortune needs to know. Note that you couldn't Fortune a Harlequin unit from the Dark Eldar codex, even if an Eldar character such as a Farseer had joined it - as the Farseer would count as being part of a unit that isn't a legal target. Harlequins' identity as Eldar or Dark Eldar depends on which codex they are taken from.

04-11-2013, 09:12 AM
Does it not say Battle Brother Psychic Powers can be used on Allies?

It does say that which is why it's even remotely possible but the fact that fortune specifically requires the unit to be an Eldar unit is what makes it iffy.

04-22-2013, 11:12 AM
It does say that which is why it's even remotely possible but the fact that fortune specifically requires the unit to be an Eldar unit is what makes it iffy.

At my FLGS we play it that the unit is the type of the joined squad since the IC rules state that they become part of the squad they join for rules purposes, so a Farseer can't fortune a Tau squad he's joined (kind of silly imo) but he can fortune an Eldar squad that's been joined by a Tau Commander.

04-22-2013, 11:58 PM
I have a feeling that this conundrum will disappear very soon. !!

04-23-2013, 09:47 AM
At my FLGS we play it that the unit is the type of the joined squad since the IC rules state that they become part of the squad they join for rules purposes, so a Farseer can't fortune a Tau squad he's joined (kind of silly imo) but he can fortune an Eldar squad that's been joined by a Tau Commander.

This is how we play it as well.