View Full Version : Plague Zombies - how do you use them?

04-09-2013, 12:05 PM
Do you blob them as ablative wounds for typhus? Do you shuffle forward and pressure the midfield, or do you skulk in the back line on one of your objectives. Are they a tar pit?

Anyone had radical success with them, or are they just a fluff novelty? Anybody else think it wierd you can't give the MoN?

Comments appreciated.

04-09-2013, 12:17 PM
Do you blob them as ablative wounds for typhus? Do you shuffle forward and pressure the midfield, or do you skulk in the back line on one of your objectives. Are they a tar pit?

Anyone had radical success with them, or are they just a fluff novelty? Anybody else think it wierd you can't give the MoN?

Comments appreciated.

I tested them out at length when the option was first presented, both as the big blobs and as the smaller ones in waves. I didn't find them particularly effective in any capacity. Plain old Cultists can still shoot and go to ground at least. The FNP they gain isn't worth the loss of even those largely ineffectual options. My final estimation is that Zombies are for those who want a fluffy zombie list.

04-09-2013, 11:21 PM
Used them in blobs and waves. Can't say I credit them with overall mission success, but I never lost because of them either. I think they are fun to use. I agree with Caitsidhe, they are fluffy and I like to use them as such.

04-10-2013, 01:27 AM
To camp objectives and to lock stuff in melee. Also meat shields

04-14-2013, 07:35 AM
since completeing my typhus, ive only used them once, a blob of 30 that i surrounded typhus with. in the 6 rounds of gameplay, they stayed on the board for 4.5 rounds, protecting typhus, tarpitting 2 units of Slugga Boyz and contributing to their removal from the board with the help of some VERY blessed Havocs of Nurgle..
All before getting beat dowin in 3 turns of locked combat with a unit of Nobz... the FNP is BEAUTIFULLY handy, as is the number you can take per unit. for their points, i'd take them again in a heartbeat, the only downside i can think of is that you cannot give them MoN... which should be given in my opinion.