View Full Version : IA 12: Fall of Orpheus now available

04-09-2013, 10:47 AM
from the Frog World: (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuff/IMPERIAL_ARMOUR_VOLUME_TWELVE_THE_FALL_OF_ORPHEUS. html)


On the edge of the Segmentum Tempestus, the Orpheus Sector has stood as a bulwark against the outer darkness for millennia. Forged in war and preserved by the blood of the Imperium’s soldiers, it has stood against the privations of the Orks from without and the treachery of the Ruinous Powers from within, but now a new terror has risen that is beyond anything it has faced before.

From their cold tombs beneath forbidden and dead worlds rise the Necrons of the ancient Maynarkh Dynasty. Tainted by madness and abominable hunger, undying warrior-legions and the fearsome war engines of a lost age strike without warning, seeking to exterminate the humans that now infest their former domains. The Space Marines of the Minotaurs Chapter and the relentless armies of the Death Korps of Krieg stand ready to defend the sector, but can even these forces hold before the nightmare that has come to Orpheus?

Imperial Armour Volume Twelve: The Fall of Orpheus (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuff/IMPERIAL_ARMOUR_VOLUME_TWELVE_THE_FALL_OF_ORPHEUS. html), written by Alan Bligh, is a mighty 232-page, full colour tome, packed with lavish maps, colour profiles and photographs. The horrors of the Orphean War are recounted in detail, alongside a new variant Necron army list – the Dark Harvest – which represents the tainted Maynarkh Dynasty, and full rules for new Necron units such as the Night Shroud Bomber, the Canoptek Acanthrites and the mighty Tomb Citadel.

The book also contains a new Death Korps of Krieg army list – the Assault Brigade – updated background, units and characters for the Minotaurs Space Marine Chapter, as well as rules for numerous Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine units.

Imperial Armour Volume Twelve: The Fall of Orpheus is available to pre-order now, for despatch from Friday 3rd May. Our YouTube channel contains an interview with writer Alan Bligh (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSku1oKFc1M).

04-09-2013, 10:54 AM
like the cover, definitely have to get one soon. Clearly Mr Garrison has designed the new necron skimming thingy there

04-09-2013, 01:05 PM
yeah I'll probably get one too... although there is far less Necron stuff in there than we all hoped...

Mr Mystery
04-09-2013, 02:29 PM
Fortnight today and it'll be ordered.

Roll on pay day!

04-09-2013, 03:19 PM

The imperials win :P

04-09-2013, 04:03 PM

The imperials win :P

Odds on I reckon, could be all their sparkly new stuff compared to the necrons handful of new units. I thought about buying it but after the lack of new stuff for the crons, I won't bother. And that thing on the front cover looks like a flying c-string thong.

04-10-2013, 01:11 AM

The imperials win :P

Probably. At least with IA11 the Eldar goal wasn't destruction/conquest so both sides could convincingly be written as winning, hard to see how this could be the case with the Necrons who are much more about conquest in general. Maybe FW will surprise us and have the Necrons win but I doubt it.

04-10-2013, 04:36 AM
the imperials don't win every campaign, there is no reason to assume they will win this one. It is called the Fall of Orpheus after all.

Mr Mystery
04-10-2013, 04:40 AM
Erm....Taros? Imperial Loss. Anphleion? Imperial Loss. Vraks? Imperial Win. Castorol GTX? Imperial loss. Malestrom one? EVERYBODY lost, except The Tyrant....

Surprise? What surprise?

04-10-2013, 04:41 AM
They win most of 'em though.:p IA11 was The Doom of Mymeara and said doom was averted by the eldar success so I'm not sure that is indicative. I'll be thrilled to be wrong, but I'm just not sure FW can see past Marines at the moment.

04-10-2013, 04:46 AM
It would be nice if Forge World didn't feel the need to shoe-horn Marines into every IA book. Mymeara really didn't need them and Armour of Gork would have been fine without. I just hope that Orpheus actually uses them in the story, rather than them being add-ons for the sake of sales.

Edit: and the Imperial wins are usually rather pyrrhic or tagged with long lasting negative consequences. Vraks was trashed and its armouries emptied, the IA8 mission was mostly a failure, we know what happened with Badab, and the others have been straight losses.
I would like to see a book where the Imperials are on the offensive and actually win, rather than it being a defensive or reactionary action. IA8 was a big disappointment in that we had this huge airborne assault force... who all get shot down and surrounded and fight a defensive ground war.

Edit edit: I'd also like to see much more xenos stuff in the books, Mymeara was a major let down on that front.

Mr Mystery
04-10-2013, 04:51 AM
They win most of 'em though.:p IA11 was The Doom of Mymeara and said doom was averted by the eldar success so I'm not sure that is indicative. I'll be thrilled to be wrong, but I'm just not sure FW can see past Marines at the moment.

Dude! (Dudette?) They won a single campaign, spread over three books (or was it two? Memory is on the blink). That's not most of them!

04-10-2013, 05:07 AM
Meh, my cynicism about FW has just been heightened lately, it's true that the IA books featuring xenos (5 of twelve) the IoM comes out behind but their marine fell-atio is also reaching unparalleled heights so I'll believe the Necrons win when I see it.

Nice to know then that it might just be eldar who get the short straw in IAs though.:rolleyes:

04-10-2013, 05:22 AM
But they're called Imperial Armour, what were you expecting [/sarcasm] - actually had someone say that to me once... if I rolled my eyes any more my optic nerves would have detached.

The figure of 5/12 books featuring xenos is terrible, especially with how light the info often is. That there was such a huge block of Vraks & Badab in the middle hasn't helped either. I'm still holding hope that this book will be: 1) more in-depth on the xenos race featured, and 2) not as appallingly edited as IA12. My copy is ordered so I shall do my obligatory review when it arrives. (also, no signing the first 500 copies anymore)

Mr Mystery
04-10-2013, 05:38 AM
Gotthammer....if you can wait, I should be able to pick you up a copy and have it signed at the HH Weekender, then post it out to you?

Dunno if that saves you the aussie cashdollarmoney as well?

04-10-2013, 05:47 AM
Nah, it's no biggie but thanks for the offer :) just a bit of an annoyance as all my others are signed and everything must be the same!

Only saving would perhaps be a little on postage as it's paid for in pounds.

04-10-2013, 06:02 AM
But they're called Imperial Armour, what were you expecting [/sarcasm] - actually had someone say that to me once... if I rolled my eyes any more my optic nerves would have detached.
With that attitude from customers if they aren't careful all we will see from FW will be Marines vs Marines.:rolleyes:

Wait a second... (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/The_Horus_Heresy)

Maybe FW have gone for depth over breadth when it comes to Necrons in IA12, given the relative dearth of releases compared to what eldar/orks/tau got in their respective books? Can but hope, but optimism levels low.

Mr Mystery
04-10-2013, 06:11 AM
From the blurb, it looks like it's a Dynasty being consumed by the Flayer Virus.

sounds cool to me!

But I will get this one, despite having sold off all my others, simply because I currently (and will for a long time) play Necrons. New rules? COOL! New models? COOL! New background? EVEN COOLERER!

But overall yeah....less Marines would be nice, even though I'm doing a HH army.

04-10-2013, 06:15 AM
Wait a second... (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/The_Horus_Heresy)

*ahem* (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/Imperial_Armour_Books/IMPERIAL-ARMOUR-VOLUMES-NINE-AND-TEN---THE-BADAB-WAR.html) :p

Feel a bit bad making fun of them as they're really good books.

Asymmetrical Xeno
04-10-2013, 01:52 PM
From the blurb, it looks like it's a Dynasty being consumed by the Flayer Virus.

sounds cool to me!

But I will get this one, despite having sold off all my others, simply because I currently (and will for a long time) play Necrons. New rules? COOL! New models? COOL! New background? EVEN COOLERER!

But overall yeah....less Marines would be nice, even though I'm doing a HH army.

Shame they didn't invent any new Flayer units for it then. I always thought that concept has a lot of untapped potential - especially with the horror angle. Could of done some corrupted canoptek unit that uses the flesh or blood of it's victims to power itself for example, or a warped fleshy themed c'tan shard, or horrifying organ-collecting scarabs ect.

04-10-2013, 02:03 PM
Shame they didn't invent any new Flayer units for it then. I always thought that concept has a lot of untapped potential - especially with the horror angle. Could of done some corrupted canoptek unit that uses the flesh or blood of it's victims to power itself for example, or a warped fleshy themed c'tan shard, or horrifying organ-collecting scarabs ect.

getting a bit dark elder there though.

forge world are not required to use any races, they do what they fancy doing. given that they set up making guard tanks it is no wonder they always feature humans in some form. they make and write what they want to.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-10-2013, 02:27 PM
They win most of 'em though.:p IA11 was The Doom of Mymeara and said doom was averted by the eldar success so I'm not sure that is indicative. I'll be thrilled to be wrong, but I'm just not sure FW can see past Marines at the moment.

> Sees more anti-Marine posts from eldargal
> Grabs pistol
> Places a shot through the nose...

(oh, and before I get a witty retort, I have gone back to my old days of being a solo Tau player so any Marine love comments fizzle out...)

Mr Mystery
04-10-2013, 02:38 PM
Shame they didn't invent any new Flayer units for it then. I always thought that concept has a lot of untapped potential - especially with the horror angle. Could of done some corrupted canoptek unit that uses the flesh or blood of it's victims to power itself for example, or a warped fleshy themed c'tan shard, or horrifying organ-collecting scarabs ect.

But we won't know that until the book is out.

I for one don't expect them to just be the same units with a themes name.

04-10-2013, 05:49 PM
Copy paste from another forum:

================================================== ======
Flayed Ones don’t have Shred but Maynarkh Flayed Ones 10pts and other units such as Maynarkh OverLords 5pts, Maynarkh Lords 5pts, Maynarkh Warriors10pts, Maynarkh Immortals 10pts and

Charnel Lynchguard 10pts can be upgraded to have Flensing Scarabs which give Shred rule in the first round of assault for the points above.

New Scarabs called Charnel Scarabs have Shred and Rending but no Entropic Strike, WS improved to 3 from 2 and is 20 points a base so extra 5 points to upgrade to Charnel type, everything else the same.

New Sentry Pylon (HS Choice), 135pts each basic with 120″ S9 AP2 Heavy 2 Gauss Exterminator, has interceptor and skyfire, is artillery with 3 Wounds, 3+ save and T7, can take 1-3 in battery’s, +40pts for Heat Cannon 36″ S10 AP1 Heavy 2 Blast Melta or +25pts for Focussed Death Ray pick point in 24″ roll 3D6 and extend line between the two points, S10 AP1 Heavy 1.

Tomb Stalker is still 205pts but i still think its better due to the rules it has than previous ones.

Toholk the Blinded 125pts WS, BS & S 4, T5, W2, I2 A2 3+Sv, Aeonstave, Timesplinter Cloak and Trans Beamer, Slow and Purposeful, always gets the +1 or -1 to your reserve rolls if is your warlord, unit joined gains night vision and cannot be blinded, may also reroll a single D6 in each of their turns, other ability at start of game roll D3, this amount of vehicles in your army get the It Will Not Die rule and regenerate Hull Points on a 5+ of which you choose.

10 warriors in a unit minimum instead of 5 no points difference with the Maynarkh units compared to their standard counterparts, need two troop choices filled in before can use Immortals ie they cant be used in compulsory slots as they are classed as rare in the Maynarkh army but really its just so people field more Flayed Ones.

Almost forgot to mention but the Dark Harvest army list can be taken as Allies of Convenience for a Necron Codex army or vice versa so the usual things apply ie cant join the other necron codex characters to the Dark Harvest units etc.
Acanthrites still have 3+ save, 50pts each, 3-9 per unit.

Charnal Lychguard 5-10 a unit, 45pts base per model, Swords and Shields +5pts, comes with Rage, Fear and only one unit allowed per Overlord in the army.

There’s an image with the other Overlord’s rule’s page on FW’s site.


Rending and rerolling wounds (shred) on WS 3 Scarabs? 50 Attacks on the charge... nasty business indeed!

Rumor has it that the Tomb Stalker has been moved to the rarely used Elite slot.

04-10-2013, 07:34 PM
Probably. At least with IA11 the Eldar goal wasn't destruction/conquest so both sides could convincingly be written as winning, hard to see how this could be the case with the Necrons who are much more about conquest in general. Maybe FW will surprise us and have the Necrons win but I doubt it.

Really? Usually the Imperium loses big time in the Forgeworld Books.

04-10-2013, 10:00 PM
Maelstrom, any posts of the dkok lowdown by any chance? Those sentry pylons look pretty bad news for the krieg :(

04-10-2013, 11:35 PM
getting a bit dark elder there though.

forge world are not required to use any races, they do what they fancy doing. given that they set up making guard tanks it is no wonder they always feature humans in some form. they make and write what they want to.
So maybe they should hire some people who like to work on xenos kits. Because at the moment there are huge incentives to collect IoM armies simply because you have such a variety of vehicles and infantry kits available it's a lot easier to make your army look unique without having to convert anything.

04-10-2013, 11:40 PM
Maelstrom, any posts of the dkok lowdown by any chance? Those sentry pylons look pretty bad news for the krieg :(

Scrounging for scraps wherever I can find them....

Mr Mystery
04-11-2013, 12:31 AM
Mmm! Death Rayalicious!

Certainly one hell of a way of locking down a flank!

Asymmetrical Xeno
04-11-2013, 05:00 AM
getting a bit dark elder there though.

Maybe, but if it's done in a sufficiently different way (i.e. Matrix style) then personally - I don't mind as there's already a ton of overlap between factions anyway and I don't think an obscure IA list will ruin things, of course others may beg to differ in which case each to their own.

But we won't know that until the book is out.

I for one don't expect them to just be the same units with a themes name.

That's a fair point :) The rules side however is personally completely irrelevant to me since I don't use official 40k rules as I have extremely poor memorization skills. If you mean maybe they'll do Conversion kits for warriors, immortals ect like they did for Eldar Corsairs or Nurgle and Khorne chaos marines - that would indeed be awesome!

04-11-2013, 06:05 AM
Crossing universes, as I am wont to do, the being meat fueled sounded more Cryxian than Dark Eldar. I like it, I also like the idea of a Necron model desperately trying to fit things in its non-articulated mouth hole. It doesn't even have to be gory, I like the idea of one trying to enjoy a restaurant.

04-11-2013, 12:53 PM
So maybe they should hire some people who like to work on xenos kits. Because at the moment there are huge incentives to collect IoM armies simply because you have such a variety of vehicles and infantry kits available it's a lot easier to make your army look unique without having to convert anything.

Indeed - the problem becomes a self fulfilling one too, with more market for Imperials due to a majority of people collecting them over any specific Xenos, and maybe/probably more Imperials collected than all Xenos combined. However, then with more model options for them, they become more appealing too.

For IA11, I think my biggest issue with it wasn't necessarily the loss, but the way that almost every paragraph seemed to follow the pattern of "Imperials looked doomed due to Eldar awesomeness. Situation desperate for Imperials. Imperials do something awesome. Imperials win specific skirmish". Only at the end do the Eldar seem to score their little victory of rescuing Irillyth due to some very James-Bond-Villian-esque behaviour from the Inquisitor (I have a huge army at my disposal but I'll only take a handful of men so that you can easily escape type thing). There's a few specific bits that come to mind too that are individually irritatingly stupid, like where a couple of war walkers are leading space marine bikes into an ambush by Wraithguard / Wraithseer... yet then don't actually take any part in the ambush themselves leaving the ambushers to get messed up by the SW.

Eldargal - my interpretation of the very end of it was that it didn't end well for Mymeara. Although they rescued Irillyth, I thought it implied that they had also brought about their own impending doom in doing so? Under the basis that he was dispatched to prevent that doom, I would say at best that they "managed to score a VP for a secondary objective" as it were, but far from a "win".

Also, with comment of 5/12 IA books featuring Xenos: none to my knowledge are Xenos vs. Xenos, meaning ALL feature Imperials....

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
04-11-2013, 01:00 PM
Mmm, I agree that the "Imperials are the most popular, give them more models" is probably a vicious cycle - probably because it leads to lots of interesting variation. The Eldar could probably be varied into distinct factions too; "normal" Eldar, Wraith-construct-heavy "necromancers", savage Wildriders, expanded Harlequins, Exodites, Corsairs, "normal" Dark Eldar, Haemonculous Cabals and so forth.

Perhaps if Forgeworld use Chaos as the "relatable human" faction instead of Imperials for a book or two - say, a book where an Eldar/Dark Eldar/Harlequin alliance defends the Black Library from Ahriman's prodigal sons. That'd let Forgeworld focus on making some fun Tzeentch-specific models (say, the Tzeentch flyers from Epic), to give Daemons a Flyer option), but also release a couple of Eldar/Dark Eldar models and include a usable Harlequin army list. Perhaps even some Old One tech that can be shared between all Eldar factions.

I like the sound of this Necron Dynasty tho, it goes back to the imagery of the "Red Harvest" which was completely abandoned in the current codex.