View Full Version : 2000 pts Eldar w/ SW allies (looking for suggestions)

04-09-2013, 10:44 AM
I'm going to be playing in a team game in a few weeks against CSM and IG. I'll be playing Eldar and my friend is bringing SW. I'm not sure what he's going to be bringing, but he doesn't have much in the way of models beyond the Battlebox and Njal. I'm not sure what to bring. I have a pretty big army to choose units from (around 5000pts), but no Wrath(guard or lords). Any suggestions?

04-09-2013, 02:15 PM
Well your composition really does depend on your ally's composition... as he has Njal and the Battleforce I assume he is running exsculsively infantry with access to a single Drop Pod. You should accent this by providing long-range firepower, a durable scoring unit with med-long range, and aggressive/disruption units to complement the aggressive nature of Space Wolves. I play both Eldar and Wolves, so I am speaking from my experiences with them.

I would take something similar to this:

HQ of your choice (Avatar or Farseer, likely)
Avatars are good fire magnets and Fearless is always welcomed. If a Farseer is chosen then Doom and possibly Fortune are recommended to buff the Scorpions.

10 Striking Scorpions - Exarch w/ Shadowstrike and Claw/Biting Blade
Infiltrate allows them to get close to the enemy, supporting Njal and his unit in the Drop Pod. Take the Blade or Claw based on preference.

2x5 Rangers or Pathfinders
These provide a durable and scoring firebase. Other Eldar troops are rather lacking. Substitute one unit for Dire Avengers if desired.

Warp Spiders
I would take 1 or 2 medium sized units for disruption and vehicle glacing duties. They should deepstrike behind threatening vehicles or start on the board and support the flanks.

War Walkers - Dual Scatter Lasers
Along with the Warp Spiders, the Walkers provide excellent anti-infantry and MC firepower while being able to glance most vehicles to death. If a Farseer is taken, keep casting Guide on this unit.

As for the Space Wolf army:

Psychic defense and awesome powers. Give him Terminator Armor but don't put him in the Drop Pod - He takes up too much space!

10 Grey Hunters - 2 Meltas, Wolf Banner, Power Axe, Drop Pod
A good aggressive unit to drop down on turn 1 and take out a key vehicle. If they get charged, use the Banner!

10 Grey Hunters - 2 Plasmas, Wolf banner, Power Axe
Njal should join this unit and walk up the field to take objectives. Plasma is generally better than Melta for a unit on foot.

5 Wolf Scouts - Meltagun
They should Outflank and target a vehicle upon entry. Equip with Meltabombs or Power Swords to taste, but try to keep them cheap as they will die a horrible, horrible death.

Obviously the Space Wolf player can't make 1,000 points with the models he has, unless he make a very poor and wargear-heavy army. I hope these suggestions help!

04-09-2013, 05:53 PM
Thanks for the response. That's interesting, I hadn't really thought of taking so much CC. Hmmm.

At first I was thinking of taking an Autarch to run with Warp Spiders. Now I'm thinking of a Farseer with Guide and Fortune or Prescience and another power. I was also thinking of maxing out my HS slots and taking a lot of GJBs. Basically using that as an anvil for the SW hammer. I know that my buddy has been buying some units as well and I've been thinking that a regular Rune Priest might be a better point value than Njal. The scouts is interesting as well. I don't know if we talked about that.

I think that the IG (at least) will be pretty mechanized. At least one LR and probably a Master of Ordinance. I'm worried about bringing Pathfinders because of that. I was also thinking that parking a squad or 2 of WW onto a SSLP might be interesting. They're so slow anyway, they may as well sit and at least be shielded.

04-18-2013, 05:16 PM
If you're going to stick anything up on the SSLP then put the Pathfinders there and snipe snipe snipe! With the additional +2 to their cover save they will make a hard target for anybody and can whittle down opposition. They could be good to use against some of the key CSM targets, whilst your Scatter Lasers see to any plain old IG units. Whilst it's horses for courses, a unit of Fire Dragons in a Wave Serpent to get rid of some of the tanks wouldn't be a bad idea... Although you'll probably only get to kill one before they are horribly mangled. I guess the problem with a mechanised IG enemy is that they will probably be happy sitting back and letting you wander across the battlefield whilst he shoots the living daylights out of you...