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View Full Version : I actually painted something

04-07-2013, 03:05 PM
Over a year ago, I bought the Black Reach starter set because I wanted to play the game, and the universe of stuff intrigued me.

I promptly assembled, and then spray coated with black paint the pieces. I bought a ton of little jars of paint, for various paint schemes, and then. Well then I set it all on a desk and stared at it for over a year thinking I'll mess it up.

Today I sat down and base coated the marines. I wanted to try the dark angel paint theme so after about 20 or 30m of flicking a brush around I got this.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8394/8629500740_6079cb95c1.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/trekkie/8629500740/).

I think I need a light as after the flash on my phone went off I can see where I missed spots. Longer term I will probably airbrush a base coat on but I just wanted to get started and test out the things I've studied in the 'how to paint' stuff for over a year now. iPad paint book, the physical book, watched the movie. I have this weird anxiety thing where I build it up to the point of paralysis (see my first post...what..six months ago?).

The Ork's look a lot more involved, not as much common area. Plus I don't have a paint by numbers guide as much with the basecoat/etc that they do for the dark angels.

Should be interesting to see how badly these come out.

04-07-2013, 03:26 PM
do not worry about it, everyone has to start somewhere, very few people begin their painting careers at eavy metal standard, and many of us do not get there in the end anyway. All you can do is practice practice practice.

04-07-2013, 05:51 PM
Hey Trekkie, they look a billion times better than unpainted!!

I often take pictures of my miniatures, then look at them on a large screen. Allows you to see things you would not normally see. So much easier to look at what you missed blown up on a 30" Monitor than a 28mm mini in your hand!

A Space Marine enlarged on a 30" Monitor is easily over a 'foot tall'.

04-07-2013, 09:41 PM
Great start. I guess my advice would be to give them a wash at this point and see what that does to the paint job. I would wash with a dark brown or maybe black. As strange as it sounds, then I would paint the same color over the wash. Go slow, aim to be neat and start by only painting the higher, raised edges and leaving the washes in the deeper areas. Just play around and use this simple technique to build as much depth on the model as possible. Keep going until you get it right. A lot can be done with this and many people use only this one technique to paint entire armies. You have the GW painting guide. Use it as a guide, not a step-by-step instruction book. Nothing works like butting paint to model.