View Full Version : Frontpage: New Release Schedule, Still No Sisters, But...

04-07-2013, 01:03 AM
I noticed in the rumors that just got posted on the frontpage that there's (still) no mention of a Sisters of Battle codex. There is, however, mention of an Inquisition codex. Does anyone out there think that maybe Sisters and Grey Knights are going to get folded back together again into a single army book?

That would be interesting. I don't currently collect Grey Knights, but if they become the same army as my sisters, maybe I'll have to...

04-07-2013, 01:08 AM
*Wolves early / middle 2014, Inquisition fall / end 2014, Blood Angels fall / end 2015.*Not many releases for Wolves, just specific flyer variants.*Finecast big predator wolf.*Wulven units included.*They also get almost all Marine releases till then, apart of flyers.*Inquisition all three ordos, two different armies (grey knights and sororitas). Inquisitors can replace IG HQs.*Blood Angels on early re-design.
These rumours are pure, unadulterated bollocks.

Grey Knights will not be combined with anyone else after having a successful stand alone book.
SoB are no longer the Order Militant of the Ordo Hereticus since the WD codex so they will not be in an Inquisition book.

Whoever wrote this nonsense is just plain ignorant. The time that a combined Inquisition book could have worked was when both GK and SoB didn't have codices. Now GK have one and the SoB have their WD codex which has separated them from the Inquisition. There is no possibility that they will suddenly be awkwardly sandwiched in with GK and other Inquisitorial elements.

04-07-2013, 02:35 AM
These rumours are pure, unadulterated bollocks.

That is disappointing I was kinda wishing for a combined =I= Codex to fulfil my dream of an army of GK, Deathwatch and Sisters all lead by a cadre of Inquisitors. I'd love to see those with and without bollocks all combined into the one book !

Mr Mystery
04-07-2013, 06:48 AM
God I wish people would just stop making up rumours.

It serves no purpose, and they are so easy to spot.

04-07-2013, 07:58 AM
These rumours are pure, unadulterated bollocks.

Grey Knights will not be combined with anyone else after having a successful stand alone book.
SoB are no longer the Order Militant of the Ordo Hereticus since the WD codex so they will not be in an Inquisition book.

Whoever wrote this nonsense is just plain ignorant. The time that a combined Inquisition book could have worked was when both GK and SoB didn't have codices. Now GK have one and the SoB have their WD codex which has separated them from the Inquisition. There is no possibility that they will suddenly be awkwardly sandwiched in with GK and other Inquisitorial elements.
I'm curious, because I was not in the hobby when this occurred, but I was under the impression the Catachan book was successful as well, but this did not keep it from being folded back into the Imperial Guard and having their statlines reset.

04-07-2013, 08:31 AM
It was a free supplement to C:IG, hardly comparable to a full codex. It is still available on the GW website (http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1180160_Codex__Catachans.pdf) funnily enough.

04-07-2013, 10:03 AM
Both informative and demonstrative. Thank you.

04-07-2013, 12:34 PM
It was a free supplement to C:IG, hardly comparable to a full codex. It is still available on the GW website (http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1180160_Codex__Catachans.pdf) funnily enough.

I wish GW would produce more pseudo-codices. I mean, I love my Blood Angels, but I don't think they need their own full codex. Pseudo-codices would also open the path to distinctive army lists for lots of Space Marine chapters, Eldar craftworlds, maybe even Tau septs or Sisters of Battle orders? Or the long-mourned Kroot Mercenaries codex? It would be so easy - come up with a few extra rules, a dozen pages of fluff, formally integrate a forgeworld unit or two, and maybe add an extra unit or two that you can easily make by bashing some existing kits.

But... GW has totally lost touch with the fan-servicey DIY culture that made them great. They don't do stuff like this anymore. I really wish I'd started playing when I was eleven or so and the company was still awesome.

04-07-2013, 03:18 PM
It was a free supplement to C:IG, hardly comparable to a full codex. It is still available on the GW website (http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1180160_Codex__Catachans.pdf) funnily enough.

Not True. There is a printed book for the Catachans. I used to own one myself.

04-07-2013, 07:33 PM
The heyday of 3rd Edition is where all those supplement codices were from. Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolves, Craftworld Eldar, Eye of Terror, Catachans, Armageddon, were all from that time period.

For a few of the books they ran out, and there were so many errata that it wasn't worth updating books that they intended to replace within a year or two, so they released PDFs of them. Armies that were really far off got a re-print with the errata in, like Dark Eldar.

04-07-2013, 10:06 PM
Not True. There is a printed book for the Catachans. I used to own one myself.
I never said it was only a pdf, I said it was a free supplement and the pdf is still available.

04-07-2013, 10:09 PM
I never said it was only a pdf, I said it was a free supplement and the pdf is still available.

It was a Codex though, "supplement" or not. That was all I was saying.

04-07-2013, 10:12 PM
It was a supplemental codex like all the other mini-dexes. It requires you to refer to C:IG for wargear and such.

04-11-2013, 07:02 PM
The Catachan codex was so popular it was even updated from 3rd ed to 4th ed. The Steel Legion had their own list in the Armageddon codex as well (along with Black Templars, Salamanders and Ork Speed Freaks). I do agree that those little supplement codexes were awesome, I miss my Biel-tan Swordwind army and taking aspect warriors as troops :)

Asymmetrical Xeno
04-12-2013, 10:39 AM
Yeah, I liked the idea of the "mini codex" books too. Would be awesome if they did ones like that for "allies".

04-12-2013, 02:29 PM
Second post on Bell! I thought those little mini-dexes were cool. The eye of terror especially what with the 13th company for space wolves and other goodies.