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View Full Version : Good Crisis Suit Loadouts?

Aspire to Glory
04-06-2013, 08:46 PM
Not as many Tau threads for me to lurk in as expected.

What are some fun builds for XV8 Crisis Teams? I've been playing with some setups in my army lists, but they're coming up flat.

Hopefully I can get some inspiration. Thanks in advance!

04-07-2013, 03:57 AM
I'm not competitive...the dice gods hate me and I refuse to be beaten in a dice game by a 12 year old acting like he's tough because they roll better than I do, but I used to have fun with burst cannons and missile pods, but now that plasma is cheaper, I say go with plasma and missiles.

Aspire to Glory
04-07-2013, 05:23 AM
I was thinking plasma/missile pod for one squad and burst cannon/flamer for another.

Have yet to fall I love with any support systems for non-bodyguard Crisis'.

04-07-2013, 08:22 AM
IMO, you need to think about what role you are planning on using your suits for and tailor them accordingly. Are they bolstering your gunline or are they hunting objectives/VP's? Are they dropping into enemy lines or responding to threats in your battle-line? They are the most versatile unit in the army and can do pretty much anything, so you need to be clear what they are going to do before you put them on the table or they'll suffer from 'jack of all trades, master of none' syndrome. I've tried multi-purpose suits/teams before but I've found they simply don't do enough of any one type of damage to be effective. I price up my suits last and equip them to cover any weaknesses in the rest of my army, or support the job another unit is doing.

04-07-2013, 09:57 AM
I always ran TL missile pods + Flamer (just in case) in the previous codex, but now that Broadsides can barely scratch a Leman Russ (despite the gun being twice the size of a Lascannon) Fusion Blasters are more desirable, especially their very much welcome and fitting 18" range. You can have them in Stealth suit squads but then you're wasting the Burst Cannons, so having them on Crisis suits and Piranha squadrons seems the way to go.

04-07-2013, 10:42 AM
missile pods seem to be a given, then it comes down to fusion or plasma for me.

04-07-2013, 12:46 PM
With the nerf to Broadsides at least a skeleton unit with Fusion Blasters may be compulsory. Otherwise the Plasma/Missile has always been the best overall loadout and it only got cheaper with the update.

Honorable mention to the classic "Deathrain" suit that has twin-linked missile pod. It may be less necessary nowadays with how cheaply Tau can get Markerlights but those missile suits are cheap, effective, and flexible.

04-07-2013, 03:00 PM
I always ran TL missile pods + Flamer (just in case) in the previous codex, but now that Broadsides can barely scratch a Leman Russ (despite the gun being twice the size of a Lascannon) Fusion Blasters are more desirable, especially their very much welcome and fitting 18" range. You can have them in Stealth suit squads but then you're wasting the Burst Cannons, so having them on Crisis suits and Piranha squadrons seems the way to go.

As before, you can give the stealth suits w/ Meltaguns Target Lock