View Full Version : Meta: BOLSLounge

04-05-2013, 07:22 PM
Question - why is there not as much anal douchery on BOLS than say whineseer or derppaderppa?

I seem to rub mods up the wrong way on both of these sites - I get the feeling that one mod in particular common to both sites has it in for me *paranoid* I could state a fact - e.g. 'table salt is sodium chloride' and if a mod disagreed with me I'd get <femalekroothound>slapped (ok so not quite salt but you get the idea)

Additionally there seems to be less whining about GW eg; 'ZOMG RIPTIDE RUINz TAU 4EVA', less 'GW are fecal matter' and no 'DERP HOBBY TOO EXPENSIVE ZOMG I'M TAKING UP GOLF' threads. FFS I even tried starting a 'best and worst value for money thread' (eg kroot warsphere = £41 = lol) and got mod slapped 'we already have a thread about GW pricing feedback' (actually a thread 6 miles long <femalekroothound>ing about GW and how stuff is too expensive etc and with no real continuity)

Why? Is it that bols is smaller and not a victim of its own 'success' or just that the people here are cooler generally and it's quite a smallish community?

04-05-2013, 07:35 PM
1) better moderators, 2) those of us who arn't douches tend to stay away from those that are douches :-)

04-06-2013, 12:21 AM
You answered your own question, were just cooler :) less anal and far more laid back I suppose. The more heated debates are generally down here and it hardly gets personal.

The Girl
04-06-2013, 08:33 AM
Can't comment on moderation policy, but I will say that you should read the front page comments [once] if you don't already. For some reason there seems to be a self imposed Mason Dixon line of sorts - it's laid back and more people/community driven here, while the front page thrives on anonymity and gets pretty dang tense. And it doesn't really cross over all that much. I think having separate communication streams helps keep the Lounge more like a lounge than a boxing ring.

... or I could just be talking out of my butt.

White Tiger88
04-06-2013, 09:10 AM
Can't comment on moderation policy, but I will say that you should read the front page comments [once] if you don't already. For some reason there seems to be a self imposed Mason Dixon line of sorts - it's laid back and more people/community driven here, while the front page thrives on anonymity and gets pretty dang tense. And it doesn't really cross over all that much. I think having separate communication streams helps keep the Lounge more like a lounge than a boxing ring.

... or I could just be talking out of my butt.

^ She's the friendly mod the rest walk around with Cattle Prods and whips.....as a slaanesh player i love it here!

04-06-2013, 11:37 AM
1) better moderators, 2) those of us who arn't douches tend to stay away from those that are douches :-)

This. It's basically a self-perpetuating cycle. The mods have created and help maintain a generally friendly atmosphere and those who don't like the more 'hardcore' elements found on other forums (like myself) use BoLS because of it's welcoming nature (rules forums aside ;)), thus ensuring it remains a nice place to be.