View Full Version : New Tau Codex, Old models

04-05-2013, 01:32 AM
With the new book I can stop being a closet tau player!

I got a chance to look through my Tau miniatures and was very unhappy with what I found. The models haven't hit a table since 3rd edition. My Vehicles are intact as well as a few fire warriors and the stealth suits which are metal except three. My Crisis suits and broadsides on the other hand.... Aside from the layer of dust that is so caked on a screwdriver needed to be used to get to the paint, the models themselves were broken, pieces missing, and of the pictures of the paint jobs... well lets say I can paint much better now!

Of the 6 or so firewarriors that were intact only 2 were unpainted. I decided to give one a quick (and I mean 30 minutes) paintjob to test a color scheme that I will be using for my "new" Tau army.

Here is the test model. Please note that it is just a model to determine where and what my colors will be and the actual army will vary a bit and quality will be better.


I decided on the bright colors because all the tables I play on are dark. They will really stand out and pop off the battlefield.
