View Full Version : Weapon destroyed and sponsons

10-30-2009, 08:26 AM
When we were playing last week, my Necron opponent scored a "weapon destroyed" result on my Predator Destructor. He choose the left HB sponson. I thought that weapons bought as a pair (like sponsons) were also lost as a pair and so offered to take both sponsons off but he was adamant that it was only the one.

I was already a little confused but this is what really confused me - guys I have played a dozen or more games against agreed with him. Now, I know that in some of those games, we have both taken both sponsons off various vehicles for a "weapon destroyed" result.

Did I miss an FAQ or have we all been wrong but I missed the reinterpretation? :confused:

10-30-2009, 08:30 AM
It only effects one of the sponsons. They are treated as sperate weapons for firing purposes, and are therfore seperate for damage purposes. This is why co-axle weapons specifically say that both weapons are lost on a weapon destoryed result.

10-30-2009, 11:29 AM
Gir's right, for damage purposes sponsons are separate. Your opponent was being rather sporting by refusing to let you remove both though! :D Some might not have made a fuss.

The correct way to do it is to remove one sponson per WD result.

10-30-2009, 01:23 PM
Too bad we can't get twin-linked reduced down to a single after a WD result :-)

10-30-2009, 01:59 PM
i Beileve there is one sponsons that as two weapons on it, the razorback, plasma gun/ lascannon (i think that is it) in that case, u only destroy one weapon not the hole sponsons, I believe it in the FAQ on the GW website

10-30-2009, 08:34 PM
i Beileve there is one sponsons that as two weapons on it, the razorback, plasma gun/ lascannon (i think that is it) in that case, u only destroy one weapon not the hole sponsons, I believe it in the FAQ on the GW website
The Razorback doesn't have any sponsons, nor is the Razorback weapon purchased as a pair of sponsons, so it is a different situation.

10-31-2009, 02:25 PM
This razorback combo sparks another question. If it moves up to 6", can it fire all the weapons, or just one?

Some consistency is needed here. A twin-linked mount is counted as one weapon for firing and weapon destroyed purposes, so it follows the same ruling in both situations. The lascannon/plasmagun mount should either count as two weapons for firing and weapon destroyed results, or one weapon for both.

10-31-2009, 02:35 PM
Since the lascannon/plasma gun turret counts as two weapons for Weapon Destroyed purposes, I think it's fairly clear that it counts as two weapons for purposes of shooting as well.

10-31-2009, 02:51 PM
They've since taken it down, but Forgeworld had a FAQ for the Landraider that has sponsons with two pairs of linked heavy bolters. It used to say that the whole sponson was destroyed; so two weapon systems at once.

I think that that rare razorback is the only thing that should even cause one to wonder; as it's clearly a single mounting (for a three barrelled weapon of death), but is treated as totally different weapons.

11-03-2009, 08:06 AM
Thanks for all the replies guys - I can't even think of how many oppponets let/made me take off both sponsons. I will definitely remember that for the future.