View Full Version : FW Open Day on Sunday 7th April

04-04-2013, 05:29 AM
So who is going to this then, and does anyone else think it's odd that we've yet to see what the convention exclusive models for Forge World and Warhammer Forge are for this year? Normally they've been shown off at least a couple weeks in advance of the Open Day and usually in a newsletter showing off other pre-release goodies that will be avaliable in limited numbers on the day, but not this year.

If you are going, remember to take a camera along!

04-04-2013, 07:48 AM
Its in the newsletter this week.

04-04-2013, 09:06 PM
It was either attending this or the heresy weekender this year, I went with the latter. I suspect you'll see plenty of WIP that may be available for the HH weekend so hence my decision. Also, working over in Malaysia this month makes it one hell of a commute!

04-04-2013, 11:03 PM
I'm both hoping for and dreading any potential previews of a Warlord Titan.

04-04-2013, 11:16 PM
I'm both hoping for and dreading any potential previews of a Warlord Titan.
You think that's bad, us Necron players are desperately hanging out for any chance that FW has anything more than the four things seen so far to include in IA12.
(we're getting pretty worried that that's all they're going to bother making. There's precedence in the fluff for Necron Titans, but there's no hint thus far that FW are going to bother making one. Normally whenever they release an Imperial Armor book, the most "impressive" model tends to grace the cover... the cover for 12 was revealed in the latest White Dwarf, and all it had on it was Monoliths and that dog ugly Tesseract Ark. If that's the most impressive thing they're releasing, consider the majority of Necron Apocalypse players royally pissed off).

04-04-2013, 11:25 PM
I doubt you will get a Necron titan. FW can only do one very large kit like that every so often and I believe they have strongly been hinting that the next one (after the Phantom) will be a Warlord titan. So as much as I'd like to see another large xenos kit I expect Necron players will have to wait a while.

Having said that there is also no reason to assume what you have seen so far is all you will get. Eldar got shadow spectres, a phoenix lord, wasps, hornets, warp hunters, cobras and the Phantom titan plus several Corsair conversion kits. Every other xenos army FW have done have got a bunch of stuff with their books also.

For the love of kitties will someone please try and film the seminars.

04-05-2013, 12:19 AM
I suspect we'll get the Warlock Titan before Warlord.

04-05-2013, 02:31 AM
Warlock won't be done till the next Eldar IA.

I doubt they will ever realistically do a Warlord. Given the size thats one sculptor dedicated to it and nothing else for 2 years. Not gonna happen.

I don't think we'll see any "titans" for a long time. They likely sell more and make more off the littler projects

04-05-2013, 06:15 AM
http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Events/Forge_World_Open_Day_2013.html pics are coming up on the site now.

Models are Empire warrior preist and a DKOK quartermaster both £12 each.
I will be picking these up for definate on Sunday and taking loads of pics on the day.

04-05-2013, 06:43 AM
Forge world event models just shown up on their event page

04-05-2013, 08:14 AM
Hmm some interesting looking pre-release items shown up on the event page on FW now:

Crashed Thunderhawk Realm of Battle Board £90

Legion Mk IV Destroyer Squad £32.00

Earthworks Realm of Battle Board £75

We saw the WIP shot of the Earthworks board in last months White Dwarf, but the Crashed Thunderhawk board is totally out of the blue and very nice indeed. Gotta hand it to Blake Spence their scenery guy, he sure is cranking out these RoB sections!

I don't have the Heresy book so not sure about the Destroyer squad and what role they fill, but they look pretty neat. Twin pistol dudes ftw!


Imperial Armour Volume Twelve The Fall of Orpheus £48.00

A few preview page spreads can be seen here. (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/News/IA12.html)

04-05-2013, 08:17 AM
Warlock won't be done till the next Eldar IA.

I doubt they will ever realistically do a Warlord. Given the size thats one sculptor dedicated to it and nothing else for 2 years. Not gonna happen.

I don't think we'll see any "titans" for a long time. They likely sell more and make more off the littler projects

Warlord will share weapons with the reaver, so that is some reduction in work needed. And the demand for it would be worth the investment in time- They sculped a Manta afterall, for Tau. An Imperial titan would sell far better.

Love the new crashed thunderhawk RoBB tile. Probably going to have to get one.

04-05-2013, 08:58 AM
Does that destroyer in the middle have a psycannon?

04-05-2013, 09:18 AM
Does that destroyer in the middle have a psycannon?

I'd bet you could use it as one, but I'm going to guess it is the rad missile launcher.

04-05-2013, 09:56 AM
Forge World have just posted up a short video on YouTube with Alan Bligh talking about Imperial Armour vol 12. On the video you can see some of the new models including the Tesseract Ark that was seen as a WIP pic in White Dwarf, the Sentry Pylon and also another variety of the Canoptek Tomb Stalker thing (the head is different and it looks to have some sort of shoulder mounted weapon).


04-05-2013, 10:25 AM
Looks cool. Wonder if thats it for new Necron models or there will be stuff in the book thats due to be released.

Its a bit lame if you think the "board" is the coolest model you've produced.

Roll on May for the BL&FW Weekender...

04-05-2013, 10:32 AM
Its a bit lame if you think the "board" is the coolest model you've produced.

Alan does mention that the Tomb Citadel can be taken as a fortification by Necron players in the video, which means it's more than just a board, it's their version of a Fortress of Redemption in essence.

Also on the subject of the Destroyers, it pays to check my email inbox as the FW Newsletter has this to say about them:

Will Hayes has designed the Legion MkIV Destroyer Squad; units within the Legiones Astartes that are equipped with, and expert in the use of, otherwise proscribed and forbidden weaponry. Considered dishonourable by some Legions, who eschew them altogether or make little use of them, the Destroyers’ arsenal includes rad-weapons, bio-alchem munitions and the crawling horror of Phosphex. These weapons, which irrevocably taint the ground upon which they are used, are otherwise forbidden by the Emperor’s own edict. The fire-blackened and chem-scalded Destroyers are often shunned and distrusted by their Legion brothers, yet none can deny the potency of their relic-weapons.

They sound even cooler than they look!

04-06-2013, 04:56 AM
Anyone noticed on the krieg tank commander page the reference to them having access to the 'rarer ragnorok siege tank'? I so hope it's on it's way! :rolleyes:

04-06-2013, 01:58 PM
I'd rather the Destroyers not come with jump packs. It'd raise the price even higher. All we have to do is nail down some Sanguinary Guard JPs.

For folks without Betrayal, Destroyers are basically an assault marine variant. They have access to some cool wargear like rad grenades, phosphex grenades on the sgt, and dual pistols/CCW/counter attack base. The weapon featured in that picture is probably a rad missile launcher with suspensor web. It allows the model to fire as if relentless, but at half the weapon's range. They value in around equal to a five man terminator squad. That's a lot of points so they aren't a bad option inside a Rhino to make them cheaper.

I run mine with my Moritat so it's JPs all around.

04-06-2013, 03:21 PM
by the way, anyone got any info on the release date of Fall of Orpheus?

04-06-2013, 11:13 PM
Is anyone else annoyed that the Forge World terrain pieces are all these Realm of Battle boards now? I mean, don't get me wrong - they look awesome and it's great to see such well-detailed pieces. I'd love to have a crashed Thunderhawk for a terrain feature, but the only options you have are buying a real one and intentionally trashing it (for those with more money than sense), scratchbuilding one (for someone on a budget that doesn't mind a cobbled-together eyesore occupying a centerpiece position on their game table), or, to quote Joe Pesci, this... ridiculous... thing! I'm sure that it's probably much easier on them to vaccum-mold these Board segments than to injection-mold individual little terrain pieces (I once worked with a guy that manufactured Star Wars Stormtrooper armor, so I know something vac-formed when I see it.) It's just - with all due respect to the designers - not everybody owns those effing Battle Boards, and just plonking one down on a regular table is wonky, at best

Anyway, just my little mini-rant on the subject. Anyone else think that?

04-06-2013, 11:15 PM
The old terrain was too expensive to produce, so I'd rather FW produce these than no terrain at all. Not to mention it isn't hard to make your own boards that fit with RoB boards even if they don't lock together perfectly.

04-07-2013, 02:40 AM
If they made trench terrain boards with room for artillery positions I'm sure they would convert a lot of people here. Especially if the same on could be placed side by side to extend a real 40k no mans land. I'm hoping with this little offering of love for the krieg that this is on their 'to do' list?

04-07-2013, 08:02 AM
Tons of Pics here folks - Heresy Land Speeders, new Dreads, Fantasy monsters and more...

We want pics folks!


04-07-2013, 09:22 AM
Tons of Pics here folks - Heresy Land Speeders, new Dreads, Fantasy monsters and more...

We want pics folks!


Wow these are amazing. The Landspeeder looks like its from the '30s, and the Dreadmaw is such a cute little guy.

04-07-2013, 10:39 AM

04-07-2013, 10:48 AM
Good to see some Night Lords stuff

04-07-2013, 08:38 PM
Is anyone else annoyed that the Forge World terrain pieces are all these Realm of Battle boards now? I mean, don't get me wrong - they look awesome and it's great to see such well-detailed pieces. I'd love to have a crashed Thunderhawk for a terrain feature, but the only options you have are buying a real one and intentionally trashing it (for those with more money than sense), scratchbuilding one (for someone on a budget that doesn't mind a cobbled-together eyesore occupying a centerpiece position on their game table), or, to quote Joe Pesci, this... ridiculous... thing! I'm sure that it's probably much easier on them to vaccum-mold these Board segments than to injection-mold individual little terrain pieces (I once worked with a guy that manufactured Star Wars Stormtrooper armor, so I know something vac-formed when I see it.) It's just - with all due respect to the designers - not everybody owns those effing Battle Boards, and just plonking one down on a regular table is wonky, at best

Anyway, just my little mini-rant on the subject. Anyone else think that?

Maybe. But the price for the board as a while is less than it would have been as an individual terrain piece. And there is nothing stopping you from taking the board, cutting out around the thunderhawk, then grinding down the bottom to make it sit flusher on the table and using it as a normal terrain piece.