View Full Version : Storm Eagle now

Duke Vorian
04-03-2013, 09:42 PM
Hi all, just wanted to hear people's thoughts on Forgeworld's Storm Eagle. Mainly curious if anyone has actually used it in a battle. The model is sexy, and I really want to get it but I want to justify my purchase.

Right now I'm looking at it to carry 4 Wolf Guard and a Wolf Lord in Terminator Amour to the enemy.

04-04-2013, 02:18 AM
I've fought them and used them. Building: Getting the resin parts to sit flush with the plastic stormraven parts was a lil bit of a chore. Used plenty of green stuff to fill in gaps. At one put on the top fusalge I had to cut and reshape a part to get it to fit at all. Everything was easy enough though.
Rules wise I think it works out well. Makes for a good delivery system.

04-04-2013, 05:38 AM
yup, I got one for my Space Puppies as well.. assembly was a bit of a pain as sangrail said but it's doable... I was sorely tempted to use a Rhino cupola or something to have a pistolero marine shooting from on top of it, but barely restrained myself... not even Space Wolves are usually THAT crazy... although that might put a whole new spin on the "drive me closer I want to hit them with my sword" thing...
sadly ever since I have only played Apoc games, and so didn't bother to put anything serious inside - just way too much firepower to risk a 600+pts unit falling out of the sky to one lucky shot... the firepower in and of itself is fearsome though! so I'd definitely recommend it!

04-04-2013, 02:16 PM
I had a friend pack one with around 500 to 600 points, it didn't really work out for him as I was able to take it down in the first round of shooting when it came on the table. He was highly upset. Besides that though it seems to work out ok.

Duke Vorian
04-04-2013, 05:12 PM
I don't plan on throwing 500 pts inside of the Storm Eagle. The plan is to put a 5 man Terminator Wolf Guard inside it and transport them up and then use the Storm Eagle for flying support.

The big thing is my Wolves are lacking heavily in the flyer realm, both use and against.

04-06-2013, 11:04 PM
I had a friend pack one with around 500 to 600 points, it didn't really work out for him as I was able to take it down in the first round of shooting when it came on the table. He was highly upset. Besides that though it seems to work out ok.
There was only about 400 points in there. But you are right still highly pissed about that but i have to say great bang for the points.

04-06-2013, 11:16 PM
Although about using the rhino top dore part i think using one on the bottem of the modle you could creat your own "bomber" varent or do some moddling like you are using it for a blood angels stile fly by assault. Could look cool

04-06-2013, 11:36 PM
Its an interesting model as you kinda get two options for your cash.

In normal 40K, its an ok flyer, pretty effective delivery vehicle for certain armies (like CSMs) who would otherwise struggle to get access to high speed transports. For other armies (like Blood Angels) its kind of a curiosity.

Now in 30K, the Storm Eagle is the only flyer that is a default part of the army list. Other flyers are available, but compete with super heavies and primarchs in the Lords of War FOC slot - leaving the Storm Eagle as every Legion's trusty ride. Combined with the relative rarity of anti-air options in the Legion army list - its a solid choice.
