View Full Version : F**K you Disney! Disney close Lucasarts

04-03-2013, 12:02 PM

Disney confirmed they have shut down LucasArts studio today.

150 out of a job, and 1313 and First Assault cancelled. I had to check the date on the news story to make sure it wasn't a April Fools

How could you close LucasArts. No Battlefront 3 :'(. No 1313. The loss of a great studio today....

04-03-2013, 12:06 PM
Damn you Disney!!! :mad: I always had a slither of hope of Battlefront 3 being made and now it's been crushed. :( I was looking forward to 1313 as well.

04-03-2013, 01:02 PM
Just heard on the news, sad times.

04-03-2013, 01:07 PM
I ... have mixed feelings about this. I have to agree with the Kotaku article that LucasArts wasn't exactly batting 1.000 lately when it comes to quality Star Wars games ... or quality anything games. I thought Republic Commando and The Force Unleashed showed a high level of craftsmanship, but beyond that ... what? I was very excited about 1313, but only because I thought it showed promise. I was excited to see what the game was, not excited to buy it, because I wasn't confident that LucasArts could execute.

I don't know why this was - what combination of management decisions and talent acquisition/loss led to the slew of bad or mediocre Star Wars games we saw over the past decade and a half. But LucasArts hasn't shown itself able to consistently deliver high quality games for a long time, and Lord knows Disney Interactive hasn't either. This isn't analogous to, say, shuttering Marvel or leaving Marvel alone to continue doing what it's always done. Unlike LucasArts, Marvel actually knows what it's doing. So if they're serious about continuing to license Star Wars games, I'm not sure there's a downside here.

I don't really care who makes my Star Wars games. I just care that they get made, and made well. For about fifteen years, LucasArts has only consistently been able to deliver on one half of those requirements.

04-03-2013, 01:15 PM
grr, I was still hoping for a Xwing vs Tie Fighter remake...

04-03-2013, 01:25 PM
There are plenty of HD mods for X-Wing Alliance.

04-03-2013, 02:33 PM
I have one of these lying around in my garage somewhere under some sheets.


Back in the 80s it was fantastic.

04-03-2013, 10:54 PM
Very disappointing, though I can understand why. As someone has already mentioned LucasArts really haven't had a big hit since the 90s. Force Unleashed was good but it didn't seem to be a raging success and the PC port was considered sub-par which is unfortunate. I was really, really hoping 1313 would revitalise it but evidently Disney didn't want to take a risk.

I just hope they license Star Wars to some premier game developers and we get some good games, in the end that is what matters more than loyalty to any one developer.

It is worth noting that we are looking for proven external partners who can help us provide video games to our fans. We still believe in the video game industry, we still will provide Star Wars games, we're just looking at different models rather than internal production... They're evaluating everything. There's always a possibility that it [Star Wars 1313] can still come out via licensing.
Sensible, hope they actually do it.

04-03-2013, 11:39 PM
There are plenty of HD mods for X-Wing Alliance.

I don't know, XWA never really seemed to click for me

it was XvT (and its expansion) that really caught my attention I don't know why, but I enjoyed it so much more

04-04-2013, 04:51 AM
Some good news:

Raven Software has released the source code for Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy as a tribute. That means modders keen to bend those old Star Wars games to their whim now have all the tools they need.

Mr Mystery
04-04-2013, 05:27 AM
I have one of these lying around in my garage somewhere under some sheets.


Back in the 80s it was fantastic.

I hate you. I hate you in the face! GIMME!