View Full Version : Sons of Medusa Help!

04-02-2013, 10:37 AM
Hi Guys
Sally here, Ive actually started a personal project and I really need your help. Ive never played 40k I'm actually coming from a Fantasy background but here in the studio we are having a little bit of fun and doing a 'tale of X gamers'

So firstly I have little to no idea about whats hot and whats not in 40K. :S

I have currently these 10 bad boys:


5 termies, an attack bike and a land raider redeemer housed under my desk. The problem is whilst I'm alright with a paintbrush I'm certainly clueless when it comes to 40k gaming. I know you guys know your stuff and don't want to go an invest heaps of time into models that may be pretty much useless in the game. A big part of Fantasy gaming for me is keeping with the fluff and giving my armies character so I've read up on the Son's and to my knowledge they're very into the machine god. Do any of you already have a Son's List? how do you find them? did you build your list round fluff or solely competitive play?

I'm pretty lost here, not only being the only girl in the studio I'm also the only one who doesn't have a clue when it comes to 40K :S eek!
Would be awesome to rock up to games night having at least some idea

Thanks guys! Any help will greatly be appreciated!

04-02-2013, 11:17 AM
Sons of Medusa are an Iron Hands successor chapter. So you're after lots of bionics and dreadnoughts :)
They have a special character in IA 10 part 2 ( I think ) that makes your devastators double hard.

04-02-2013, 03:59 PM
If you can get your hand on some Forge World stuff then you can't go wrong with a mortis pattern contemptor dread. Buy the 2 Kheres pattern guns and the the missile launcher and you will have a dreadnought that's equally good at taking down flyers as well as anything else. These are a heavy support choice and my favourite
Dreadnought. Tough as boots and lay down a huge amount of fire power. The only thing better than one of these is two




If not then an Ironclad dreadnought in a drop pod is a good investment, drop one of these in your opponents backyard and he will have to deal with it ASAP and they too are very tough. And whilst they are preoccupied with him, the rest of your army is being ignored with any luck.

If your using Terminators then you really should look at the guys with the Thunder Hammers and Storm shields, they don't have any shooting but are easily the best Terminators to have IMHO, I would go as far as saying the best terminators in the game for the points.

For an HQ you could look at Vaylund Cal who is in the Badab war book (2) from Forge world but there is no model for him. He is basically a Master of the Forge tech marine with a Thunder hammer and some nifty rules. He is a fluffy choice for you and allows you to make any Devastators you take have a "feel no pain save"


Half way down the above link will give you his stats

But I think to begin with you would be better of with a Librarian in Terminator armour. Give him a power weapon (axe) and a storm shield and have him lead your Terminators. Gate of infinity is a fantastic power he can use and allows you to move him around the board quickly with any group he is attached to. A standard Master of the a forge is a good HQ too, on a bike with a conversion Beamer is nice but again no model, you would have to make one.

Troops, tactical marines are great and again more suited to your chosen chapter, but seriously if you want a good solid troop choice, then scouts with sniper rifles are fantastic. Give them cloaks and stick then behind an Aegis Defense line (ADL) with your weapon of choice. I usually use the quad gun. You can upgrade the Sarg to a "counts as" Telion and have him man the turret for some very good pinpoint shooting. Use Tactical marines to hold and grab objectives but scouts add fire power. Plus being behind the ADL and having cloaks they get a cover save which makes them very hard to shift. If I remember correctly with the cloaks, ADL and Telion combo they get a 2+ save which is awesome. If you do take tacticals as troops I like taking the plasma cannon and Flamer combo as my special weapons in 6th. Plasma cannons are great and the Flamers are handy if you get charged. As for dedicated transports, well many don't bother in 6th but I feel a couple of Rhinos are handy to have. Especially as mobile cover if not anything else and again points wise worth the investment.

Thunderfire Cannons aren't bad and can be found in the heavy support section of the codex.

I would also invest in some sort of flyer, I like the Storm talon with assault cannon and missiles. (Of either type). The recently added Storm Raven is expensive points wise. It's good but not for me.

But as for modelling, you want as many bionics as you can get on your models. These guys are descended from the Iron Hands and as such really see flesh as weak and look to improve themselves with any bionics they can. I am not sure if these guys do but all Iron Hands when joining the chapter have a hand removed and replaced with a bionic. I expect these dudes do too. Any Dreadnoughts you have in your army will be a well respected fallen warrior in the eyes of your Chapter and I would expect to see the Dreadnoughts armour quite ornate to represent the respect these guys have for their brothers in arms.

Here is a link to some of their history


While its nice to have a full on "fluffy" list don't let it dictate your list too much as the Space marine codex has some fantastic units.

I apologise if my quick reply is a bit random in places and my grammar is never the best lol, but I haven just finished a 14 hour shift and its time for bed :) either way i hope this helps oh and your painting is fantastic.

04-05-2013, 04:13 AM
I agree with the above. Especially about thunderfire cannons.. Awesome models, good rules and pretty fluffy i'd say. I also really like vindicators, those blasts can kill pretty much anything and the models are cool (big factor in most of my decisions). Really awesome paintjob btw, excellent vibrant green my salamanders are jealous of

04-05-2013, 04:56 AM
It should be noted that the Sons of Medusa are not actually a new founding, but rather composed of Iron Hands who were involved in an internal war and afterward made into a new chapter (although they now do their own recruiting of course). This means they still hold the same views as Iron Hands, some would say even more zealously. As such they aren't bothered by fancy heraldry and decoration. The Iron Hands and by extention the Sons of Medusa are the definition of function before form. Their detail should come in the form of bionic augmentation rather than seals, scrolls and decorations which don't actually serve a functional purpose. For example I wouldn't use the Venerable Dreadnought kit for their Dreadnoughts as it's too fancy and pretty, go for the standard Dreadnought kit, Contemptors or Ironclads. The Sons of Medusa wouldn't be quite as well equipped as the Iron Hands because the schism that brought about their formation made the Mechanicum a bit distrusting of them, but their relations would probably still be better than most chapters, so they would have a fair bit of up to date kit.