View Full Version : Wonder book....

Mr Mystery
03-31-2013, 09:10 AM
So, it came with my PS3, and the Book of spells.

Got round to giving it a whirl today, and you know what? It's really rather fun! Granted being very much a kids game, it's far from challenging, but it is good fun.

As for the peripheral? I'd say its got some serious potential, and just needs the software to back it up. It goes from showing you on screen, to a more familiar digital playground really nicely.

In the future, I'm hoping it will break out of the family gaming arena, and give us say, a mystery thriller type game. Something old fashioned noir, a private detective sort. Using the book to tell the story, and let you look for the clues. Would be even better if missing certain clues leads to the wrong conclusion!

So overall, a groovy piece of kit awaiting its full potential to be explored and realised. Well done boffins, well done indeed!