View Full Version : Planning Ahead: Old School Tau Players and the New Bits

03-31-2013, 12:15 AM
Once the enthusiasm started to wear off, I started to be concerned. I already have a large collection of Tau. The new models indicate that the new codex changes the rules for some of my old models in some rather drastic ways... what am I going to do with my old collection?

It looks like I'm going to need do to/buy the following things:
• My pathfinder squad will need a ginormous drone and two little drones.
• My four broadsides will need bigger bases and missile drones (which I might be able to improvise with missile pods and shield drones, come to think of it...)

I'm sure there are other Tau players in similar situations.

So... what does it look like we are going to be able to do about it? Any suggestions?

03-31-2013, 01:25 AM
My first suggestion would be to simly wait for the moment until you got the codex and know if these changes are mandatory or optional :-)

And if they are mandatory you already had some good ideas and you could also just wait until the first parts are up on Ebay; )

03-31-2013, 01:45 AM
Don't worry about them :) The old models will be perfectly legal, and I'm not sure if the Pathfinders actually require the Drones to be taken.
The only thing you should really be worried about as far as I can tell is how the units are rules-wise, but you'll have to wait a week or so for that.

03-31-2013, 03:32 AM
As an opponent, I have so rarely played against tau I wouldn't even know which models are old or not. Nor would I care, it would be simply a case of more aliens to slaughter.

03-31-2013, 03:58 AM
Tbh the pathfinders box is cheap enough. Plus the new models are so nice.

I think ill be swapping my heavy selection up. Going from 2broadside units and a hammerhead to 2 HHead and 1 broadside

03-31-2013, 06:05 AM
Commander - looks fine but as i have already two cmdr and a the shas´o´myr from FW, i don´t really need a another one

Riptide - a big yes

Scouts - a yes here, new plastik box is not too expensive, new drone-types looking cool, a new toy in form of the ion-gun is always welcome

Flyers - a i have none, a yes here too

broadside - i like the knew model. I still have three of the old ones. Know need to upgrade here, perhaps new bases, but the old models will look lost on the bigger bases
i still give the new model a try and perhaps over the course of a year or so - i replace them, maybe... The only new weapon is the missile-fist, don´t give a lot to it, optical it is not nice, rules wise - we´ll see ... i feel the maingun is better.

shield-missile drones - yes maybe a nice to have option. I have not enough missilepods, maybe an old smart missle system for the hh - if not, i will simply not play them

03-31-2013, 09:25 AM
I have to admit that I am thinking about getting the scout "one-click" bundle. I only have two devilfishes, and I do prefer mechanized forces, so if both fire warriors and pathfinders got a boost, I might need an extra, so I can field two squads of mechanized fire warriors and a squad of mechanized pathfinders.

That way, I can build a devilfish such that the pathfinder drone can fit in the cupola, as intended.

03-31-2013, 11:15 AM
Or you could just get the stuff you actually want being that there's no savings.......

03-31-2013, 05:37 PM
I'm in the wait and see category, as opposed to the panic category. What GW seems to have done in recent years is let you field your old unit as it was, but make options that may make it worthwhile to upgrade. For example, the Stealth Teams. The original Stealth armor has no Fusion blaster options, but you don't need to purchase new models unless you plan to use them in the new role that they are now capable of. I assume Pathfinders are going to be far more flexible than they used to depending on load-out, and you can always scratch-build things from spare battlesuit systems. The one thing I'm thinking may be a must-take are going to be those Ion rifles, but I'm still going to wait and get the Codex alone and see what it looks like.

03-31-2013, 09:30 PM
1. I'm going to have to liquidate 9 broadsides. I was planning on just changing to 60mm bases and putting them on risers, but that just seems kinda cheap given the new model. I could just convert a gundam and call it a broadside if I wanted to go that route.

2. I don't need anything pathfinders have (Drones might be an exception, but it's nothing I can't make with bits). Tetras have made pathfinders obsolete (IMHO).

3. I don't need the new flyer. That's why Tau jesus invented Remora drones

4. The Riptide? Maybe. I'll look at the stats. It just looks like a HUGE bullet magnet to me.

5. Fireblades? Wait and see the stats. Between sensor towers (1 unit/tower is TL per turn) and ethereals (re-roll for morale/fearless if attached) Might not need a character if there's a way around it.

So, we'll see what's up with the codex. It might be good. It might just completely turns the Tau'Va on its ***. Time will tell.

Uncle Nutsy
04-02-2013, 11:28 AM
Well, seeing as I already have a shas'el, I will add the new commander to the mix to act as a second shas'el, or a shas'o. It'll be nice to have a mix of the old and new working together. Sort of like Majors and Lieutenants in a division.