View Full Version : 6th Edition is killing Warhammer 40k for me.

03-30-2013, 06:46 PM
I personally really liked the 5th Edition rule book. It simplified things and there wasn't anything that ruined the fun in it. Where I found the most problems with 5th Edition was the codex balance. Towards the end of 5th edition I started feeling really good at where it was at. Things might of been a bit too powerful, but it seemed that many armies had ways of dealing with them. I was simply waiting on the Tau who were in a bit of a rough spot.

Then 6th Edition was announced and despite rumors I didn't like I got the book.

So, where I'm at with Warhammer 40,000 is the codex balance is still pretty bad AND changed the game in a way that I really don't like.

My main problems with the game lie in it's mechanics. I'm going to go over them now:

Randomized charts:
These aren't fun and they are very frustrating. You don't have much control (if any) and they often effect the game VERY heavily. I'm including random assault distances, too. This is annoying and breaks the game a bit, but I would be willing to accept it. The thing I can't accept is:
The Allies Chart:
This chart is so bad it's creeping into the story of the game and making it less amazing by adding things that are frowned upon by anyone who cares about the story of Warhammer 40,000. I think the allies chart could of been great, but GW went overboard.

The only faction that isn't messed up is the Tyranids. And I'm disappointed with many Tyranid players for complaining about it. If Tyranids could have allies I wouldn't of played a single game of 6th.

Too bad for the Necrons, though. They were done horribly wrong in regards to the allies chart. And now that Necrons can ally they are able to team with factions and have some sort of treaty. An argument could be that because the Necrons have the intelligence to ally means that it's not illogical for them to do so. Just because it works for the story doesn't make it good.

I can write a story that works, but that doesn't mean it will be good. Example:
The Pedro Cantor knelt on his right knee and said "Abaddon, will you marry me?". Then while fluttering his eye lashes Abaddon said "Yes!". And so it was settled... they would get married.

See? An awful story in 40k that COULD happen, but would disgust any 40k fanatic. Yes, it's funny as hell, but it would ruin the game forever.

The way I see it 6th edition was just a way to get our money with no devotion giving at all. That's why they copied Fantasy: Easy and the game mechanics aren't broken.

I know this rant may piss some of you off, but I'm not about to let GW kill my game without me getting a say in it. It's also nice to vent. I hoped none of you take offense.