View Full Version : Leaked High Elf Phoenix picture

03-30-2013, 08:51 AM
Both Phoenixes and a bit of the flying chariot in the foreground. Courtesy of GW Denver (via the infadel at Warseer), hope no one loses their job.

03-30-2013, 09:11 AM
Those look really nice and yeah hope no-one gets fired for leaking that pic.

03-30-2013, 09:23 AM
That's interesting- only a month ago I was wondering how to convert one to have as the SoM ally - was thinking of a fire themed HE army (dragon prices, dragon mages, phoinex guard, phoinex and so on)

03-30-2013, 09:42 AM
I like the fact the 'eavy metal paintjob actually looks good for a change. First time since the Empire imperial griffon kit I think.:rolleyes: Getting more excited for this release, it will be good to dust off my High Elves.

03-30-2013, 09:49 AM
Yeah I have to agree. Not that fond of the blue one mind, think that's a bit too vivid but the couple of reddish ones there are very well done indeed. The riders look really good.

03-30-2013, 09:51 AM
I like the blue ice phoenix myself, but I agree the others are the stand outs.

03-30-2013, 09:54 AM
Some art,via Faeit this time:

Asymmetrical Xeno
03-30-2013, 10:07 AM
Thanks, i had a feeling the thumbnail size one (the model pic) on Faeit wasnt the "full size" one as blogspot seems to have a weird problem with picture sizes (its happened to my own blog too).

Now I can actually see the models, i must say they are very well done. Not too sure on those snowflakes but doesnt really bother me. This also confirms Hasting's release order even further (so I guess Eldar probably will be next for 40k)

03-30-2013, 10:18 AM
awesome looking stuff

03-30-2013, 10:38 AM
Hrmm... I may have to pick up High Elves before Empire. I could never fit a Griffon into a regular list and I didn't want to jump from one horde army to another (Skaven to Empire, ick).

I really like the ice phoenix but maybe that's just my fondness of the cold. The colors on it are really well done. I'm curious to see more of the flying chariot now too as what little we can see in the right hand corner looks superb (and oddly Dark Eldar-ish to me).

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
03-30-2013, 11:55 AM
I just want the Phoenix. Screw High Elves.

03-30-2013, 12:05 PM
veeeery nice! that might actually get me back into fantasy... maybe... we'll see!

03-30-2013, 12:33 PM
So I'm guessing HE must be the start of May release. To have those sort of shots available they must be done and dusted and ready to go.

03-31-2013, 12:22 AM
I think Hastings said late april advance order/early may release. Seems to be standard now anyway. Looking forward to it, especially if the rumours of Maidenguard and an Everqueen model are true. I was told about an Everqueen model back before Storm of Magic but then that source seemed to get everything wrong bar demogryphs so I dismissed it. But he also said no maidenguard so either way he isn't look so good lol.

03-31-2013, 01:31 AM
Well, the collection of rumours that said there would be an ice/fire Phoenix and described the flying chariot in near perfect (so far as we can tell) detail did say the Everqueen was back, amongst other things. Of course, it could just be regurgitated from elsewhere, but nonetheless;

Update from Best_Pone

I can confirm the flying chariot. It looks like a tiny boat with wings, and is pulled by a single giant eagle. It looks kind of silly in my opinion, but not much that can be done about that.

As for the phoenix, it can be made up either as a fire phoenix or an ice phoenix. This one at least look pretty cool (or hot, depending on the option you choose I guess )

Posted by Ozguard battlehammer on Bugman's Forum

I won't say how I know but I can say that the next army book will be High Elves.

They have a number of new things.

Flying Phoenix's (Frost and Fire) that can drop flame templates on units they fly over. Gets abilities based on what is roled on winds of magic
Great Eagle towing chariots (Which can have bolt throwers on them)
New Highmage of Hoeth (Swordsmaster/mage) Gets every signature from all 8 lores.
Silver Helms as Core
Martial Prowess across the board
Archer units with magical bows
Swordsmasters get a parry save vs shooting
New Shadow Warrior Models
The White Dwarf battle report is vs Ogres.

Silver Helms as Core would be fantastic and actually give players a good reason to take them again, even if they are still outperformed by Dragon Princes. I don't think a force composed entirely of heavy cavalry would work in 8th Edition, but it would be awesome to try out nonetheless. Though it would be kind of funny losing and imagining Tyrion barking at you; "You led the nobles of Ulthuan to their demise! You shall be executed for your incompetence and arrogance!" Martial Prowess for every unit would make our army a lot more interesting though; I am guessing that this - on top of the rumoured "special rules unique to each unit" - is what we are getting to replace the heavily rumoured loss of Speed of Asuryan. Swordmasters getting a save against shooting (so with their Heavy Armour that would be +5 followed by +6?) would make them somewhat more survivable; I expect that they will retain their own form of Speed of Asuryan given their fluff, though I don't know what it would mean for High Elven characters and White Lions.

Phoenixes dropping flame templates on units would be sick, and the random abilities based on the winds of magic sounds interesting. I am guessing they are simply flying monsters rather than flying monstrous cavalry. The Highmage of Hoeth that gets every signature spell would be pretty cool. Archers with magical bows? I want to see what they do with the special characters, particularly the lead duo; Tyrion I expect to be buffed quite a bit to make up for the inability to take both Ward saves and Regen saves that previously made him extraordinarily difficult to kill, and from memory most think Teclis will actually be buffed, though his cost will predictably sky-rocket.
The Everqueen is perhaps the one I am most interested in though. Apparently she was in previous army books? What were her rules like? I assume she would be more of an army-buffer than follow the trope of a powerful warrior/mage like the brothers.

03-31-2013, 09:35 AM
absolutely loving these rumours.

03-31-2013, 12:56 PM
So what kind of goofy retcon are they doing to explain the giant fire/frost birds?

IIRC, the Phoenix Guard have naught to do with the mythical beast, and are a symbolic name.

03-31-2013, 01:28 PM
The Phoenix Guard are called that because they guard the Flame of Asuryan. After all, "flame guard" would just make them sound like those gauze cages you put around old fireplaces.

That said, I could see the phoenix riders being exclusively Phoenix Guard. Why? Because it's also symbolic.

03-31-2013, 01:38 PM
Really hopeful for this edition of the High Elves army book. The last book didn't allow me to field any of the armies that I preferred to use, and sort of forces you into using one of a few builds. It sounds like this one leads in the direction of being more flexible with choices. I am also excited to get the Maiden Guard back, they are one of my favorites, even if they were frequently overpriced for what they did.

03-31-2013, 02:30 PM
The Phoenix Guard are called that because they guard the Flame of Asuryan. After all, "flame guard" would just make them sound like those gauze cages you put around old fireplaces.

That said, I could see the phoenix riders being exclusively Phoenix Guard. Why? Because it's also symbolic.

It's not the symbolism that's the issue, it's the adolescent idea behind the new unit. High Elves deal with Griffons, Dragons, and Eagles.

Inventing a new aerial unit based on misinterpreting (or blatantly ignoring) the history of the P Warriors is not a good example of quality army book writing.

03-31-2013, 02:44 PM
A phoenix is just an eagle that's on fire.

03-31-2013, 07:17 PM
So what kind of goofy retcon are they doing to explain the giant fire/frost birds?

IIRC, the Phoenix Guard have naught to do with the mythical beast, and are a symbolic name.

The Phoenix Guard are guardian's of the Flame of Asuryan. Asuryan is the king of the High Elven gods and also referred to as the Phoenix King (just like the ruler of Ulthuan). The Flame is directly symbolic of a phoenix as each king must pass through it when they are crowned symbolizing the death of the previous individual and the rebith of the phoenix king of ulthuan.

I don't see how they'd have to make it a very far stretch that phoenix guard have tamed some phoenix and chosen to try riding them. Phoenix have been in the lore since 1st or 2nd edition. Now, as far as curiosity goes, I'm curious about the "ice phoenix". I find the idea rather absurd. If it can't immolate itself like a normal phoenix (by fire) then is it truly a phoenix? Nonetheless, I'm a fan of the cold so I'll probably still use one if the rules match my playing style and the model looks good.

03-31-2013, 11:40 PM
High Elves had lots of other beasties in the past, even treemen. Getting a phoenix isn't much of a stretch and as Chrono says they have been the background for decades.

04-01-2013, 04:48 AM
Nothing even says they have to be 'real' creatures. They could be creations of pure magic that the HE make for riding into battle on. Lets just wait and see what the book actually says before we get our knickers in a knot over this.

04-01-2013, 05:35 AM
I like the frost one, I think it looks "cool"

Sorry couldn't resist :o