View Full Version : Mechanicum!

Mr Mystery
03-28-2013, 08:18 AM


Back to the site to find more goodies!

We also have Legion Recon Squad


And the Legion Breacher Squad.


Asymmetrical Xeno
03-28-2013, 08:25 AM
nice to have some official mechanicum models. Hopefully this is just the start and they'll do a whole range, I can't see these selling poorly either. The Recon squad look way better than 40k scouts IMO, and I like that the Breachers are in Iron Hands colours. Overall a nice release...but I want more necrons :P

Mr Mystery
03-28-2013, 08:29 AM
I reckon we'll see the Mechanicum presence increase as the HH books roll out. Pretty minimal presence in the first one. Essentially that's a third of their unit's right there :p

03-28-2013, 08:41 AM
Those boarding guys look good. Iron hands ahoy!!!
But the MECHANICUM THALLAX COHORT look fandabidose!

Just seen that the MECHANICUM THALLAX COHORT have Iron Hand logos on the shoulder pads.
Excitement level rising!

03-28-2013, 08:50 AM
Very nice figures. I'm going to have to get me a couple of those Breaching Squads for my Imperial Fists. I love the look of the Recon Squad but only just got a 10 man sniper squad of scouts so will pass on those for now.

03-28-2013, 08:57 AM
Damn you forgeworld!

Damn you to heck!

I must have these miniatures. The recon squad look brilliant. I'm thinking as a retinue for my master of my scouts.

03-28-2013, 09:15 AM
I love how they're showing the Legions what will be in the next book too! So far we have Night Lords (the recon squad), Iron Hands (breachers) and Salamanders (the Legion Autocannon set)

Mr Mystery
03-28-2013, 09:29 AM
To be fair, you can work that out by looking at who was at Isstvan :p

But looking forward to the next book loads! And good call on the Legions.... It does seem to suggest the next book is on it's way...

03-28-2013, 10:06 AM
I love how they're showing the Legions what will be in the next book too! So far we have Night Lords (the recon squad), Iron Hands (breachers) and Salamanders (the Legion Autocannon set)

And technically Word Bearers with the Volkite Calivers set unless you think the marines in MK4 are Blood Angels.

Mr Mystery
03-28-2013, 10:26 AM
Just a thought......cheapo Ogryns anyone with a Mechanicum cohort?

03-28-2013, 10:27 AM
And technically Word Bearers with the Volkite Calivers set unless you think the marines in MK4 are Blood Angels.

I'd be surprised if it is the Word Bearers, I reckon they'll be in whatever book covers the battle of Calth/Ultramar. Night Lords and the 3 Loyalist Legions that get hammered at the Dropsite Massacre would be my bet for the next book. For Book 3 I'd guess at it covering the battles in Ultramar (Ultramarines & Word Bearers) and Prospero (Space Wolves & Thousand Suns).

03-28-2013, 10:27 AM
I'm hoping they will release some new Skitarii models soon. Being able to play a Mechanicus army without scratch building most of the models would be really fun.

03-28-2013, 11:43 AM
The ogryn idea sounds cool, and they're extremely cheaper than GW.

03-28-2013, 12:24 PM
Massacre book contains Iron Hands, Night Lords, Word Bearers and Salamanders. If they are continuing the Dropsite Massacre in the third book then we will see Iron Warriors, Raven Guard and Alpha Legion.

Lukas The Trickster
03-28-2013, 12:34 PM
Loving the new models, particularly the Thallax Cohort. But is anyone else underwhelmed (yet again) by the lacklustre paintjobs FW seem to be giving their HH models? The recon squad in particular looks like it recieved a five minute paintjob, with very little detail or highlighting and shading to the armour. I am not normally so critical, but for a company that supposedly pride themselves on the excellence of their products (and charge us accordingly), and with a studio packed with some of the most talented designers and model makers in the industry, I really think they can do better. :(

Edit: If you really cant paint stuff better FW, please send stuff pre-release to me, and I would be happy to give it the paintjob it deserves! ;)

03-28-2013, 01:57 PM
Anyone else notice that the Thallaxi lightning guns are clearly Imperial versions of Necron Tesla Carbines?

Also, that the Thallaxi helmets look a LOT like Zer0's from "Borderlands 2"?

03-28-2013, 02:35 PM
Gotta admit, those Thallax guys are tasty...

03-28-2013, 06:29 PM
Loving the new models, particularly the Thallax Cohort. But is anyone else underwhelmed (yet again) by the lacklustre paintjobs FW seem to be giving their HH models? The recon squad in particular looks like it recieved a five minute paintjob, with very little detail or highlighting and shading to the armour.

This comes up every time. FW doesn't adhere to the 'eavy Metal aesthetic. Colors are subdued. Armor is dirty and chipped. No extreme edge highlighting. It's closer to scale modeling than GW's bright colored circus style.

I prefer it. Looks less like a cartoon and more like an army.

03-28-2013, 06:40 PM
Damn you forgeworld!

Damn you to heck!

I must have these miniatures.
Yup my preorder is in for thallex cohort. Thanks FW for taking my well deserved money from my pocket so I can have more resin/plastic crack.

03-28-2013, 11:55 PM
The next book is almost certainly on the way given the salamanders (autocannon set/ mk 2 assault marines), iron hands (cerberus and legion breacher squad), and word bearers (volkite charger squad). At gamesday the team confirmed that word bearers, iron hands, night lords, and salamanders would be in the next book so there isn't really much debate about that.

Here's whats interesting In the recent email sent out about the upcoming Horus Heresy weekender in May they included a finalized schedule. Of particular interest they have events such as “Massacre- Forgeworld Gaming Board,” and “Preview of a Massacre.” Which is also what they confirmed the title of the next book to be. I'm pretty sure these models are going to be in the Diorama board mentioned in the news letter. the Preview is probably the announcement of the next book especially since they said there would be "all new models." of course that probably just means that they'll finish up most of the releases for the first book and announce the next one.

A for the paint jobs I agree that I like the forgeworld paint jobs they look more realistic and very fitting. I really like the iron hands paint job I think they used some kind of wash that really makes it look like a dull/green/bronze type of black rather than the pure black that I don't think looks very good on them. Ditto for their deathguard paint jobs.

03-29-2013, 03:49 AM
In the recent email sent out about the upcoming Horus Heresy weekender in May they included a finalized schedule. Of particular interest they have events such as “Massacre- Forgeworld Gaming Board,” and “Preview of a Massacre.” So for whoever alluded to them announcing the new book soon above, I think thats pretty likely. I bet the guys with the new paint jobs are part of the "gaming board"/ diorama, and that we'll see some previews of the book. the email also alluded to "new" models so maybe some WIP for minis from the new book?

also did anyone notice the Iron hands symbol on the thallxi cohort left shoulder pad?

edit: got impatient for moderator approval and just edited this post so this may show up again....

03-29-2013, 03:54 AM
forgot to add this in....
In the recent email sent out about the upcoming Horus Heresy weekender in May they included a finalized schedule. Of particular interest they have events such as “Massacre- Forgeworld Gaming Board,” and “Preview of a Massacre.” So combined with the new paint jobs for the nightlords on the recon marines, salamanders on the autocannon set, the iron hands with the breacher siege squad and the cerberus, and the word bearers with volkite calivers I think that its pretty likely they'll be announcing the new book at the Horus Heresy weekender perhaps showing off some "new models" that are WIP from the new book which is alluded to in the email, and the new paint job guys are probable part of the diorama.

03-29-2013, 04:12 AM
also did anyone notice the Iron hands symbol on the thallxi cohort left shoulder pad?

from the extended blurb on the newsletter "The Ordo Reductor deploy these hulking war-robots both in their own forces and alongside the Legiones Astartes. Such long standing arrangements often result in the Thallaxii adopting the heraldry and iconography of their allies."

Lukas The Trickster
03-29-2013, 05:05 AM
This comes up every time. FW doesn't adhere to the 'eavy Metal aesthetic. Colors are subdued. Armor is dirty and chipped. No extreme edge highlighting. It's closer to scale modeling than GW's bright colored circus style.

I prefer it. Looks less like a cartoon and more like an army.

Pah! I disagree. Well I do and I dont. You are right that FW have always had a grittier painting style and finish to their vehicles which sets them apart from the main 'Eavy Metal painters, and like you I prefer it, but the standard of presentation of their figures has definately slipped of late - and as for the same comments 'come up every time', then doesnt that tell you something? ;) Remember the World Eaters Rampager squad last month? The paintjob on them was so poor that they have since pulled all of the painted close-up shots and replaced them with bare resin pics.


Contrast the paintjobs on the latest pre-orders with the Raven Guard squad that got released last year (link above) - the miniatures still have a grittier feel to them but with far more attention to detail, like the flesh on the sergeant for example, or the eye lenses in the helmets, which dont look like they have even been painted in the new recon squad. I'm not criticising the quality of Forgeworlds stuff - its fantastic and better than ever - but rushing to paint stuff so you can have painted images in the pre-release is just silly as it detracts from the quality of the sculpts and potentially can put people off buying it.

03-29-2013, 06:24 AM
I'm pretty sure they're painting these guys up for their "massacre" game board for the horus heresy weekender, so they probably have a bit of a lower painting standard as they have to mass produce these guys if the gamesday diorama tells us anything.

That said they could probably do to have nicely done version for the website. Not sure how much time their paint crew has on their hands with massive displays and the like as well as the forgeworld open day in about a week. Of course I don't dislike the paint style, I'm a fan of the grittier style that forgeworld presents and I'm personally satisfied/ not put off because they have pics of the resisn sculpts along with the painted models so I don't beleive people would be "put-off"

03-29-2013, 06:52 AM
sick- Iron hands thallax here I come

03-29-2013, 08:32 AM
The eyes on the recon squad member without a helmet are the wrong color for the Night Lords!

Mr Mystery
03-29-2013, 08:36 AM
Just noticed the Sniper Rifles are extended barrel Bolters. I really like that!

03-29-2013, 09:09 AM
Just noticed the Sniper Rifles are extended barrel Bolters. I really like that!

Yeah I did the same thing with my Sergeant Telion, added the long barrel from one of the spare sniper rifles I had in my bits box which I think makes his Stalker pattern Boltgun look a lot better.

03-29-2013, 09:16 AM
And technically Word Bearers with the Volkite Calivers set unless you think the marines in MK4 are Blood Angels.

Unless FW forgot Word Bearers are green in the Heresy then they are Blood Angels.

Mr Mystery
03-29-2013, 09:20 AM
I was under the impression they had grey livery? Or was that an autocorrect derp?

03-29-2013, 09:30 AM
Pah! I disagree. Well I do and I dont. You are right that FW have always had a grittier painting style and finish to their vehicles which sets them apart from the main 'Eavy Metal painters, and like you I prefer it, but the standard of presentation of their figures has definately slipped of late - and as for the same comments 'come up every time', then doesnt that tell you something? ;) -(snip)-

The paint jobs look good enough for the table top, which is good enough, and better than the horde of unpainted models that are constantly presented by opponents.

If you think you could personally do better, you could always write to them to see if they want someone to sit there and paint what they say in the scheme they want.

03-29-2013, 09:54 AM
Finally some decent models to act with my Skullz Ltd Edition Adeptus Mechanicus models. :D

Lukas The Trickster
03-29-2013, 11:47 AM
The paint jobs look good enough for the table top, which is good enough, and better than the horde of unpainted models that are constantly presented by opponents.

Yeah but the FW website isnt the tabletop - its an online catalogue that is supposed to showcase their models. Games Workshop is a company that prides itself on the excellence of its products, and charges a price that reflects that. Their studio painting should set a standard that we can all aspire to and be inspired by.

If you think you could personally do better, you could always write to them to see if they want someone to sit there and paint what they say in the scheme they want.

I know I could do better than that - I'm not being egotistical (the ability to paint toy soldiers isnt really something you can boast about to people is it;)) - from the standard of the stuff that gets posted up in the projects section I think that most of us could. I dont know about you, but I have to scrimp and save to buy every purchase from FW, so I paint my stuff to the best standard I am able to as I feel I am making the most of the money I have spent. That makes me dissapointed all the more when I see stuff on their site with a lacklustre paintjob.

And, as regards writing to them, somehow I doubt I would get much of a response, do you? ;)

03-29-2013, 04:48 PM
Yeah but the FW website isnt the tabletop - its an online catalogue that is supposed to showcase their models. Games Workshop is a company that prides itself on the excellence of its products, and charges a price that reflects that. Their studio painting should set a standard that we can all aspire to and be inspired by. )

FW isn't GW. FW is an entirely independent company who run themselves. They don't have access to 'eavy metal studio, they are model makers who have to paint up their own stuff.

03-31-2013, 02:55 PM
FW isn't GW. FW is an entirely independent company who run themselves. They don't have access to 'eavy metal studio, they are model makers who have to paint up their own stuff.

finally, someone with the facts. all painted FW models on the site are FW staffs personal armies.
personally, i prefer them showing models which look like they belong on the board rather than a display cabinet.