View Full Version : Nottiingham Venue New ootion for gamers

Matt Adlard
03-28-2013, 07:05 AM
Wargames Foundry have now decided to open their doors to allow gamers ato use their Factory Shop floor space as a Venue.

Foundry are quoted as saying.
"So: get in touch if you would like to come and run events here.
What we would really like would be to have a regular club group meeting here at Foundry every Saturday. So, we would welcome local gamers looking for a venue to get in touch with us.
Attendance & tea and coffee at all these events is free".

This is being taken up by a number of gamers including Foundry Arena's God of Battles, on the first of the Month. And newer clubs planned oldhammer and even an a warhammer Ancients game


Contact Marcus.

Hope that helps those one was chatting to that asked about new places to game

Matt A