View Full Version : Old School Realm of Chaos Event BIG!!

Matt Adlard
03-28-2013, 06:30 AM
Hosted at Wargames Foundry Nottingham

On the 31st August and 1st September we have a fairly large event with perhaps fifty or so Oldhammer fans celebrating the 25th anniversary of the publication of Warhammer Realm of Chaos.

The Oldhammer movement sprang up a year or so ago. It's enthusiasts continue to play Warhammer Third Edition. They have some very impressive websites between them, and all of them seem to paint to a very high standard (a higher standard than anyone was managing 25 years ago)http://realmofchaos80s.blogspot.co.uk (http://wargamesfoundry.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c387bacdcec2214a5ed65e7d9&id=9ca306680a&e=2035eb7996)

So far they will have 25 tables to fight Chaos War Band against Chaos War Band, and they will have one big table where they can all battle chaotically together. We plan to provide them with a bar and food.