View Full Version : A newbie starting out

03-28-2013, 06:14 AM
Hello friends,

I have recently started taking interest in both Warmachine and Hordes. And after I heard that a friend of mine had picked up the Khadoran starter box I'm thinking of starting up playing the game myself.

Now I currently have a Khadoran starter box I bought roughly eight years ago but seeing that my friend wishes to play them I'd rather start up something different. So I turn to the people here for help in picking up/creating a fun starting packet.

Having taken a few days to do some research about the models, factions and backstory of the game these are the things that interest me the most:

Lord Carver and his plan to conquer the human lands and starting up his own empire. However I worry about getting new releases that'd fit into this as the pool of models is already relatively small.

Cygnaran group with heavy Mercenary influence. I very much like the Major Victoria Haley models and the looks of Vanguard, Nomad and Mule (especially the classic versions of them). This idea lacks a proper theme though.

Pure Mercenary group with Drake MacBain or Ashlyn d'Elyse. The MacBain idea is pure mercenary greed with heavy punch. D'Elyse would be more mobile, on the run type of freedom fighters.

Now I don't know a whole lot about either game systems or what kind of tactics really work in the game itself so thoughts and advice on the ideas presented would be greatly appreciated. There'll probably also be questions about things later on when the first step of deciding what models to buy is settled :)