View Full Version : Change a Codex yourself.

03-25-2013, 05:59 PM
If you were a codex writer, which codex would you write and why? What rules in that codex would you change, what background would you advance or deserves to be purged?

All answers to be posted beneath this one, thank you.

03-25-2013, 06:01 PM
Mods: Please rename this thread "The Giant Wishlisting Thread"

03-25-2013, 06:13 PM
Smart Arsed Comment

If you have nothing to say on topic, please amuse yourself elsewhere.

03-25-2013, 06:22 PM
I would want to write Tyranids; as much as I think I would want to go through every codex and "fix them up" according to what I personally think needs to be changed, the Tyranids need it most.

Firstly, I would drop the points cost of almost every unit in the codex, barring a few - such as Hive Guard and Zoanthropes. I would increase the points cost of the Doom of Malan'tai by a bit, or change its rules a bit so that it isn't so 'what the!?' powerful. I would change the silly costing of upgrades between units - i.e. Regeneration costing as much on a Carnifex as it does on a Trygon - and in general drop their points cost. I would swap Tyranid Warriors and Shrikes to Strength and Toughness five with two wounds each, as at the moment there are too many high rate-of-fire (or at least common) Strength eight weapons that ruin their day. I would increase the cost of some Tervigon upgrades, or at least change them around a bit - i.e. Toxin Sacs and Adrenal Glands - as at the moment the Tervigon is simply way too good a unit. I would give Genestealers a +4 armour save, maybe a better Toughness, and improve their combat profile - they are not supposed to be a horde unit. In fact, I would get rid of Ymgarls altogether (maybe) or at least give regular Genestealers similar reserve rules, something that means they don't die automatically when they pop up. The Tyrannofex needs a laughable points decrease, that and the pricing of its weapons is ludicrous. Make the Rupture Cannon worthwhile by either giving it more shots or at least making it twin-linked. Failing that, give us long-ranged anti-tank that is reliable and can be taken in greater numbers than a Tyrannofex - perhaps a dual-kit with the Biovore?

Fix the Synapse rules so that falling out of it doesn't give insane close combat buffs to our monstrous creatures (Rage). Either neuter Shadow in the Warp to keep the psyker defences in line with other newer codices (I expect Space Wolves and Eldar to get similar treatment), or keep it the same as an army-trait. Allow the Tyranid Prime to take wings. Fix the Harpy so that it can be used as an anti-air unit and it won't die the second a Hydra appears. Give us another flying monstrous creature as well - perhaps in Elites or Heavy Support - or at least give units such as Gargoyles or even Spore Mines rules to engage fliers and the like. Fix Lictors so that their reserve bonuses apply the turn they arrive, that they are much harder to kill (perhaps like Warriors, make them Toughness five with two wounds), they can charge out of reserves, or at least improve their armour save. Make them a bit nastier in combat and shooting, and cut their price massively. Make Pyrovores' template weapons Torrent, drop their price, make them tougher, drop the power weapon attacks altogether, give them different 'ammunition' to engage different targets, and maybe give them an anti-air role. They need a complete make-over. Make everything about our Hive Tyrants cheaper, and give them an option to be Mastery Level two. Fix Old One Eye and Carnifexes by improving their stats - Initiative three base, Weapon Skill four, etc - and dropping their cost significantly, as well as fixing the silly pricing on their upgrades; also, make Bio Plasma 24". Give Raveners a +4 armour save, but in general they only really need a price drop given that they are so quick and hard hitting. Fix the Gargoyle pricing compared to Hormagaunts and Termagants - they are way too good compared to those two units right now. Failing that, make Hormagaunts and Termagants cheaper; Termagants four points per model, Hormagaunts five points per model, and make the upgrades for both (Toxin Sacs and Adrenal Glands) one point each.

So much more to say. Oh, right, make the Parasite Toughness five, and make the Mawloc's attack ignore cover saves. Give the units that need it (Hive Tyrants) either a basic invulnerable save (for example, +5) or the option to take one. Failing that, make them full-on Independent Characters. Trygons/Carnifexes/Tervigons/etc don't need it. Give the Swarmlord a (+5 in general, +4 in combat) invulnerable save.

03-26-2013, 03:02 AM
A nice start, though wouldn't a fix for the Pirovore be to give it Piromancy and a torrent breath weapon?

Anybody else?

03-26-2013, 04:10 AM
Personally i would go for Codex: Grey Knights.

Fluff / story advancement
To advance and/or alter the storylines, there are lots of other codexes and fluff in general to be advanced as well for it to work, and because of that, ill just give a shallow glimpse what i would do:
- Bring Draigo back to the realspace for good. Not sure if the deeds should be banished or just forwarded.
- I would open up the terminus degree a bit more, as well as other secrets that lay in the core of Titan.
- I would expand the fluff to reflect usage of grey knight specific psy weaponry, mainly on the vehicles (and probably unique to GK vehicles).
- I would try to create 1 or 2 new unique gk weapons as well, or alter the usage of old ones, probably in the way of different firing modes.
- I would ditch the inquisitor and henchmen stuff, because grey knights are subfaction under the inquisition and not the other way around. This is also why some new functional weaponry would be needed.

- I would expand the deeds and effects of the first GK founding, and its original members. Garro series with legion of one etc is the type of focus i mean here.

Force organization and unit re-arrangements
- I would most definately put in the Prognosticar Hyperion "The Swordbreaker" -named HQ. I would also bring in 1 or 2 more named HQs because of taking 3 named inquisitors away.

- I would give GK Captain mini-grand strategy and the possibility to take artificer armor instead of terminator armor.
- I would give Brotherhood Champion the possibility to take personal teleporter.
- Given how unique GK armor and weaponry is, i would try to do something to make their vehicles stand out as such as well. Perhaps a unique landraider, or a new rhino with some twist.

I wont go into point costs, because that is something you would have to know each codex well and the intended powerlevel and strenghts and weaknesses of each. But some general adjustments:

- I would make the stormbolter usable as pistol in cc, but only with sword. That way it would really be a choice among the other ccws.
- Falchions i would alter to re-roll hits most likely, probably on a first round of combat. In addition of giving +1A (but not as a special rule, but as 2ccws, just to put it make sense)
- I would alter Venerable Dreadnoughts "Venerable" rule, perhaps give it ignore damage (hullpoint) on a roll of 4+ or 5+ (functionality important, amount of roll required just a matter of balance)
- I would alter psilencer to be determined against models leadership value. And maybe even put the str of the shot to be the firing models LD. Also, make it affect all daemon vehicles with daemonic possession, or daemon usr on a fixed number. Perhaps 3+ on a AV10, 4+ on AV11, 5+ on AV12, 6+ on AV13/AV14 (again, functionality important, rest is balance adjustments)
- I would alter psybolt ammunition to have more than 1 possible buff, perhaps either +str or rending. The amount of increased strenght or the ease of at which the shot rends would be comparable to the amount of warp charges spent. So a lvl 2 psyker could boost his shooting strenght by 2, or rend at 5+ if he was to spend his both warp charges. I would probably not put it on a psychic test, but rather more like it is now, automatic, with the following exception: If used more than 1 warpcharge, then the shots would become "Gets hot"-shots
- I would change the heavy psycannon to have two firemodes one with large blast and one with multiple shots. This way the heavy psycannon could be put into more widespread use, for example to the unique landraider -variant sponsons.
- I would put Master Swordsman rule to affect all characters, not just independent ones.

- Lastly i would make (probably in cooperation with FW), Grey Knights a self sustaining Apocalypse force. I would like to see a sub-sized warhound -powerlevel titan just for the GK.

Mr Mystery
03-26-2013, 05:13 AM
I too would go with Tyranids.

Biggest thing? Alter their FoC to reflect the old Epic tile system.

The bigger the Synapse creature, the bigger the gribblies it can bring with it, and the more broods it can control. The smaller the synapse creature, the less comes with it.

For instance, using the original hexagons from Epic (Nid specific, for anyone extra confused!) you of course have six sides. Tyranid Warriors, as a brood, could have two attachment points, thus can be 'accompanied' by two other Broods, or a pair of big gribblers, or any mix thereof. Whereas a Hive Tyrant for instance, could have 6 attachment points, allowing you to really deploy large amounts of nasties. Really need to make some tiles up to demonstrate (don't hold your breath) but I reckon it would suit Tyranids down to the ground :)

03-26-2013, 09:22 AM
If you have nothing to say on topic, please amuse yourself elsewhere.

Yet Everything posted since my remark has been nothing but worthless wishlisting that can be found in any number of different places.

Hell if you want to experiment with 40k codex wishlisting, then go hangout with Stelek who is, from what I'm told, the 40k's version of Rebecca Black.

Mr Mystery
03-26-2013, 09:36 AM
Dude. Guy's initial comment remains.

Don't want to contribute? Sod off. Leave it to those who do to discuss their ideas. This is not your personal forum. Or indeed anyone's. Except the owner. That is a given.

03-26-2013, 09:45 AM
Yet Everything posted since my remark has been nothing but worthless wishlisting that can be found in any number of different places.

Hell if you want to experiment with 40k codex wishlisting, then go hangout with Stelek who is, from what I'm told, the 40k's version of Rebecca Black.

Mate, now your just trolling.


Has GW ever done a rules for creating random dangerous creatures or plants?

03-26-2013, 09:52 AM
Yes, in the the rule book.

03-26-2013, 10:31 AM
Yes, in the the rule book.

Really? Then what page for the Catachan Devil?

03-26-2013, 10:44 AM
I would give Blood Angels back an initiative boost on the charge and give Dante's axe a special rule so that he is not striking at a stupidly low Initiative step with I6.

I would also like to have a campaign built into the next codex which deals with the invasion on all side the Blood Angels are facing that was mentioned in the last codex, with Ka'Banda coming from one direction and the Tyranids from the other.

I would also like access to the Landspeeder Storm since the codex marines have got our Storm Raven now!

03-26-2013, 05:24 PM
Really? Then what page for the Catachan Devil?

Rules for mysterious forest pp102. (Brainleaf fronds, carnivorous jungle, ironbark forest, overgrown spinethorn, razorwing nest), mysterious rivers (Daemon bile, hyperslime, fireblood, industrial ooze, iceblood) pp.103, battlefield debris pp104-5 etc.

03-27-2013, 01:39 AM
blood angels: remove the ****ty fluff. remove the option for Dc bolters, make it more like the paper dex, remove nipple dudes.
add in combat knives for tacticals

GK: back to the 3rd ed dex. remove baby stroller. add in mechanicus allies, add in more bizzare ][ and allies , S6 weapons back, add in more gothic and bizzare stuff

03-27-2013, 04:53 AM
Codex Chaos Space Marines for myself.

Allow all units that can take a rhino APC or Landraider to take a Dreadclaw Drop pod as a dedicated transport for 50 points with the rules as Forgeworld intended them assault on the turn it arrives. Dreadnoughts could take this transport option as well.

Change Veterans of the Long War to makes the unit fearless and gives them Hatred Space Marine.

- Make Typhus and Eternal Warrior.
- Add in a Raptor type Chaos Lord who makes Raptors a Troops choice instead of Fast Attack and Warp talons can also be taken as both fast attack and Elites .
- Make rules for Cypher and allow him to have Fallen Dark Angels
Make Sorcerers Fearless.

- Not many changes here except give the Chosen the Infiltrate rule back and increase their LD stat back to the old values.
- Make Mutilators 1-5 in a squad.
- Change the Noise marines sonic blaster to Assault 2/heavy 3 pinning ignores cover for 5 points per model. Bring back their additonal CCW and increase their price to 18 points a model. Make the Doom Siren Str 5 AP3 pinning, template, but also if a squad suffers a wound, then they are at initiative 1 for the 1st round of close combat to account for the sonic disorientation it causes to the squad make it 15 points for a Doom Siren. Replace the Icon of Excess from giving FNP to a random stat increase rolled up at the beginning of the game (WS, BS, S, T, I, A).
- Change the AP3 Bolters on the Thousand Sons to Salvo 2/3 as they would get use out of it more than the Noise Marines.
- Change the Nurgle Icon to give the unit FNP, and can cause enemy killed in the close combat to turn to zombies on a roll of a 6. Forms a unit on the table that follows the Nurgle squad around (They fall to dust and moldy flesh if the icon bearer is killed).

- Give the Cultist Champion the option for a power weapon and/or a plasma pistol.
- Make the standard Chaos Space Marine LD 9 and Champ 10. Give them the Skyfire option for their Missile Launchers, add the Plasma Cannon and Multi-Melta as an option for the heavy weapon trooper in a squad of 10 or more. Maybe make it 1 squad in every 2 can upgrade to it. Give CSM back their additional CCW as part of their base cost and increase their PV to 15 points.

Fast Attack:
- Increase the Raptors to max 20 in a squad, allow up to 3 special weapons if 15 or more in the squad, +1 LD.
- Increase the points cost of the Helldrake to better represent how powerful it is in the game at the moment.

Heavy Support:
- Allow the Chaos Landraider to get a Chaos version of Power of the Machine Spirit.
- Make the Forge Fiend/ Mauler Fiend into a single entry which can have a cheaper base cost and can then be made more expensive by purchasing weapons upgrades to suit a either a close combat role or a medium to long range support shooting role.
- Give the Defiler the Skyfire rule similar to the Soulgrinder, but you have to purchase it as an upgrade - i.e. take a second reaper and the skyfire for a dedicated AA Defiler, while another has a pair of close combat flails giving it extra attacks, and reducing the enemies effectiveness in close combat.
- Increase the Obliterators to max 5 in a squad, reduce their wounds to 1 and drop their points value down to 55 points each. +1 LD, They will die quicker, but they will be able to pump out more weapons fire per turn. Replace their slow and purposeful with relentless so they can overwatch. Give them and the Mutilators the Daemon rule (If they do not already have it) - not looking at codex right now.
- Allow Havoc Squads to have a max 20 models in the squad. Give them back their Addit CCW. +1 to their LD. Add in the Plasma Cannon as an upgrade for them (max 1 squad per army).

I would like to be able to build your armies to make one of the Legion armies, so Iron Warriors Lord will get a Warlord Trait set for Defence such as Tank Hunter skill, or all iron warriors get stealth while in terrain/ behind walls, etc. Night Lords Character allows you to choose which turn night fighting comes on (warlord Trait), and all standard troops and raptors can infiltrate and get stealth while in cover. Alpha Legion get stealth Special Rule, Scout and infiltrate, and can force enemy to re-roll their successful reserve rolls (snipers and ambushes). You could make a list up for the different Legions like allowing vehicles in Emperor's Children armies to have noise weapon upgrades, and if they do not have it, they get "It Will Not Die" if the vehicle is Daemonically Possessed, they also come with Dirge Casters for free.

You would see more themed armies like Hordes of Noise Marines, Noise Marine Havocs, backed up by a Sonically armed hellbrute which is dropped down in a Dreadclaw Assault Pod. or a Raptor and Warp Talon heavy Night Lords army rushing up to overwhelm an enemy in Defence. or a Berserker army rushing in their 20 strong squads with vehicles upgraded with assault rams/rollers and landraiders (with Frag launchers) disgorging Berserker Terminators and Marines into the thick of it (however they will be a little light on the Havoc and Obliterators though).

Yes big Wish List.

03-27-2013, 06:18 AM
I would liked to have seen TH/SS Terminators in the Chaos Dex, or at least Storm shields with a power weapon or claw.

03-27-2013, 06:38 AM
Personally i would go for Codex: Grey Knights.

I like those ideas, well most of them anyway.

Would the Inquisition get their own Codex in your Brave New World ?

03-27-2013, 10:12 AM
Rules for mysterious forest pp102. (Brainleaf fronds, carnivorous jungle, ironbark forest, overgrown spinethorn, razorwing nest), mysterious rivers (Daemon bile, hyperslime, fireblood, industrial ooze, iceblood) pp.103, battlefield debris pp104-5 etc.

None of those is a Catachan Devil or Grox herd or pack of feral whatevers.

Not sure it the Solitaire and avatar of the Laughing God would fit in. Is the Solitaire some kind of avatar of the Laughing God anyway? never sure exactly how they fitted...

Attack dogs for the IG, something to make charging a little more off putting and adding something that could give IG some cc abilities. something like WS3 BS0 S4 T3 W2 I5 A3 Ld 6 Sv6 Beasts Special Rule Lock Jaw If a dog manages to successfully would an opponent, its laws lock and is almost impossible to shake off. The model that god has lock jawed must make a strength test as the start of the combat phase minus the strength of the attack dog for each one lock jawed, if the locked unit fails it takes D3 wounds wounds and can make no attacks that turn as the dog tries to pull it apart. A Dog that is lock in this way can not attack another model or units in base contact. Let Loose The Dogs can charge even is the unit they are attached to cannot, they will always charge the closest enemy unit they can effect. If the Handler is slain or more than 9 inches away, the dogs will hunt in a pack and move as fast as they can to attack another enemy unit. Born Hunters The Attack dogs and any unit they are attached to have Acute Senses.


03-27-2013, 10:22 AM
No, the page reference was for the "rules for creating random dangerous creatures or plants".

Consider the attack dogs and what they would do to a Space Marine Captain, if he suffers a wound. He then automatically fails his strength test, takes D3 wounds and cannot strike back. How many points would this be?

03-27-2013, 10:24 AM
Imperial Guard

Change "Hotshot Lasguns" back to "Helguns" and increase their range to 24". The idea that a more powerful laser has a shorter range is just dumb.

Make Voxes available to Heavy Weapon Squads and Special Weapon Squads.

Make Commissars available for Veteran Squads.

Put Commissar Gaunt, Col. Corbec, Maj. Rawne, and Mad Larkin in as special characters.

Remove the laspistol and frag grenades from the Astropath's equipment. The blind guy shouldn't have a gun, let alone grenades!

03-27-2013, 10:59 AM
GK changes:

Stick to GKs being the chamber militant of the Ordo Malleus and get rid of the Ordo Xenos/Ordo Hereticus inquisitors.

Make the GK brother-captain cheaper, (or maybe a GM more expensive, either way.) Even from a "I'm not trying to make tailored/OP lists" perspective, there's literally no reason to take a BC over a GM

Brotherhood Champion should have the option to take a teleporter, and if challenges are so important, they should be forced to challenge and be able to use their stances in the challenge, IC or not.

Frag grenades on terminators? No, probably not. Or everyone else's terminators need them.

Change the profile of the heavy psycannon to just have more shots, (probably an increase in points then too.) Ain't nobody got time for large blast scattering.

I'd probably keep Coteaz's rules the same, but give him a points increase to something like 150. He's seriously -too- good for 100 points IMO.

I'm sure there are other ideas, but those are the ones that immediately jump out at me.

03-27-2013, 11:15 AM
Imperial Guard

Change "Hotshot Lasguns" back to "Helguns" and increase their range to 24". The idea that a more powerful laser has a shorter range is just dumb.

Make Voxes available to Heavy Weapon Squads and Special Weapon Squads.

Make Commissars available for Veteran Squads.

Put Commissar Gaunt, Col. Corbec, Maj. Rawne, and Mad Larkin in as special characters.

Remove the laspistol and frag grenades from the Astropath's equipment. The blind guy shouldn't have a gun, let alone grenades!

They are noted as having some kind of witch sight, that allows them to see about as well as a normal person.

No, the page reference was for the "rules for creating random dangerous creatures or plants".

Consider the attack dogs and what they would do to a Space Marine Captain, if he suffers a wound. He then automatically fails his strength test, takes D3 wounds and cannot strike back. How many points would this be?

How many will die to over watch or end up grappling with some normal dude thanks to Look out sirs! and this is totally ignoring the rolls to hit, amour saves and FNP and other nonsense (ever see a dog throw a grenade? neither have I). If you lose combat, then that more down to the dice than those stats and rules, if they are the ones charging. If charged, it could be rather brutal, like one would expect it to be.

Lets be honest, they die to any kind of shooting.

16pts for a handler and 2 dogs,which is slightly more than a Space Marine that could a dog in one round of shooting.

03-27-2013, 09:47 PM
blood angels: remove the ****ty fluff. remove the option for Dc bolters, make it more like the paper dex, remove nipple dudes.
add in combat knives for tacticals

GK: back to the 3rd ed dex. remove baby stroller. add in mechanicus allies, add in more bizzare ][ and allies , S6 weapons back, add in more gothic and bizzare stuff

Death company bolters are there so you can do a "death company army" like the old armageddon list. the bolters are meant to be so that you can reperesent tacticals and veterans that have very recently fallen to the rage (like a company going nuts after battle lines have been formed)

so please no don't remove it.

Shotgun Justice
03-28-2013, 08:18 PM
Imperial Guard

Change "Hotshot Lasguns" back to "Helguns" and increase their range to 24". The idea that a more powerful laser has a shorter range is just dumb.

Make Voxes available to Heavy Weapon Squads and Special Weapon Squads.

Make Commissars available for Veteran Squads.!

I'd take a chainsaw to guard, firstly on the fluff and use that as a basis to trim the codex. Rissan has got it right on the Hellgun front although I'd keep the range, however, I feel Commissars belong with the untrusted rank and file.
The Guard were meant to be slow and grinding, an unremitting advance. Now Guard can do everything except launch good CC assault. In "my" Codex the vast majority of guard forces are no longer capable of lightning insertions and do not possess fast vehicles. Boots on the ground, Chimeras and big tanks thats how they win. They do not posses a specialist tool to unpick every lock, they do not have chemical hellhounds or melta tanks. Storm bolters are reserved for Astartes, Rhinos and Yarrick, same with bolters. Guard put stubbers on their tanks, pintle weapons can overwatch.

Company Command Squads can buy specialities. These unlock options similar to the old Doctrines. So one can style a Catachan force but loses artillery replaced with more sentinels, Tallarn ability confers outflank and stealth, veterans gain acute senses. Steel Legion gain Preferred Enemy:Orks and every infantry unit can take a chimera - special weapon squads that do so become fast attack. Mordians gain First Rank Fire and stubborn when the whole unit is in base to base.

Consign Valkyries and Vendettas to the scrap heap or to specialised lists like the Elysians. Replace them with Navy fighter-bombers - a specialised ground attack plane or the Vulture to compliment the dogfighting ability of the Lightning. So the Lightning goes into fast attack and the Vulture/fighter-bomber into heavy support.

Veterans can take 2 special weapons plus a heavy team. More than one doctrine moves them to elites.
Chimeras fire port drops to 3, ideally 2. Or fire port is 2 and models can fire mounted lasguns as per old rules.
Ogryns gain feel no pain and are 5pts less per model.
Ratlings swap stealth for shrouded, can re-roll shooting wounds (maybe once per game?)
Storm troopers can both run and fire in the turn they arrive from reserve, may not assault. Can take a chimera.

I was going to say no more Deathstrikes but actually no-one takes them and they are quite funny.
Leman Russ can fire all weapons (including ordnance) when static at full BS. Still Heavy.
Artillery can fire smoke to hide the guard advance, makes up somewhat for the lack of flying transports and fast hellhound variants.
Camo netting only works until the vehicle moves, it is then lost.

03-29-2013, 06:12 PM
Imperial Guard.
I like some of the suggestions, but I would like to keep the options, but severely limit them because the models are there, but only certain ones at a time.
First off, make the only HQ choice a Company/Regimental Command Squad, second one would be be like what we have now, but divination. Make it somewhat cheap, and give him equipment/squad "packages," and the package unlocks things.
Start: Only unlocked units - Infantry Platoon with lasguns/Veterans with lasguns, command units can have Chime5. Heavy weapons would be an unlock, because they would differ between regiments.
The reason for this is because it becomes completely easy to just state lists of unlocks, rather than unlocks AND restrictions.
-Command Squad with Camoleoline/Snipers unlocks Scout Sentinels, Flamer/Melta weapons, Sniper weapons for Vets, Hellhound variants etc.
-Command Squad with Advanced Voxes unlocks Artillery options, heavy weapons for squads, Vets gain Tank Hunters, new fortification gun line, platoons can "Dig In" to get a 5+ cover anywhere by sacrificing a turn
-Command Squad mounted in Salamander Command Vehicle unlocks Chimeras for infantry and Leman Russ variants as heavy support etc.
-Commander mounted in a Leman Russ variant unlocks Chimeras for infantry units, Leman Russ variants as troops etc.
-Commander becomes a Stormtrooper unit unlocks stormtroopers as troops, and unlocks Aeronatica (w/e spelling) as Fast and Heavy options, Elite slot Stormtroopers become "Platoon Command units"
-Commander becomes Independent Character unlocks a lot of infantry inspiring abilities, and extra orders.

This would make the Imperial Guard a little more flexible, but severely limiting their "all comers" type of general approach that the current codex has now.

04-01-2013, 11:11 AM
Change "Hotshot Lasguns" back to "Helguns" and increase their range to 24". The idea that a more powerful laser has a shorter range is just dumb.

Honestly, My problem with the Helguns is the fact that they can burn right through the space marine armor, but then have an extremely hard time hurting the skin underneath it. They should be S4 or 5 to indicate that it is a much more powerful laser. Right now, I just don't see the point in taking Stormtroopers if they still need fives to wound a marine. And yes, my biggest threat is marines in my local meta. On any given Saturday, we have 6 to 8 marine players to 3-4 non marines. So I want something other than the option of burning my own guys with plasma to kill them.

I would also like to see the Guard treat more like the Marines in having multiple codices. Give each regiment a speciality that can add some much needed variety to the Guard. right now, I only see Cadian models, I'd like to see something more. Yes, that has something to do with the model availability, but if all Guard armies are treated the same, then what's the point in even getting something different anyways?

Voxes on Heavy weapon squads? Yes, please! It it is utterly stupid that the units that is supposed to be getting orders from a forward observer can't communicate with them.

I would say that the Ordinance Officer needs some changes as well. Instead of simply having him calling in a Basilisk round, why can't he direct fire of those on the table? Something like if they fire at a target he can see, they are treated as firing direct?

Also something needs dones to adjust the Hydras. They are utterly useless in the current iteration. They can shoot flyers out of the sky great. But once all those flyers are down, what use are they? Needing snapshots to shoot at the ground? And not getting to attempt to shoot flyers that are coming in from reserve? Not right. It doesn't match the feel of the model, fluff, or reality in any way, shape, or form. Adding Interceptor to them would bring them back in line. And really, why should the quad gun and Hydra Platforms, which use the same targeting systems as the Hydra tank, get to shoot at the ground just because they are fixed emplacements, but a mobile platform can't?

I think I would also change the number of Valks and Vends that a squadron can take. Drop it to two vehicles only. Also allow Stormtroopers to take one as a dedicated at the regular points value. Yes, I did say that an 85pt squad should be able to take a 130pt flying transport. Given that the Stormtroopers are an elite, a Guard player won't be able to spam them the way Necrons can. But it gives another option to getting that unit where you need it instead of relying on the Chimera that can takes so many hits, it is debateable as to their efficacy.

Overall, I would remove the Get's Hot! rule from al non-walker vehicles. Seriously? A tank doesn't have the cooling systems to handle the plasma? I mean, I can see something like the Sentinel or Dreads not having the extra cooling, but a full blown tank? I can almost guarantee that this was done to combat the Executioner with plasma sponsons. There's other ways of doing this. Increase the points cost. But wait! That unit as described costs 230pts! so I would say that it was already a fairly balanced unit. Having the thing glance itself to death is just stupid.

I also think something needs to be done to Sweeping Advance. Having a single model with five attacks be able to completely destroy Farsight and his bodyguard of 5 two wound models is somewhat silly. I would change it to be something like "The winning unit can make the same number of attacks as if charging into combat. These attacks auto hit and follow weapon profiles. These wounds may only be applied to model within 8 inches." This means that yes, the unit will run, and if it has enough models, might have survivors, but you then no longer see two marines killing off a 30 man squad of Guard after only killing five in the combat. Just way too supported for high initiative units. Yes, I realize that these units are supposed to be fast, but are they really fast enough to catch the guys that are twenty to fifty feet away because they weren't able to get that close?

I think the overall feel I would be trying to make is a more dynamic feel. I want to get away from the instant win army lists that people are taking today.

04-01-2013, 11:23 AM
Honestly, My problem with the Helguns is the fact that they can burn right through the space marine armor, but then have an extremely hard time hurting the skin underneath it. They should be S4 or 5 to indicate that it is a much more powerful laser. Right now, I just don't see the point in taking Stormtroopers if they still need fives to wound a marine. And yes, my biggest threat is marines in my local meta. On any given Saturday, we have 6 to 8 marine players to 3-4 non marines. So I want something other than the option of burning my own guys with plasma to kill them.

Helguns couldn't burn through Power Armor any better than a standard Lasgun, they were only AP: 5, after all. It's the Hot-Shots that can.

True, Stormtroopers in the IG 'dex had Helguns standard before, but that's not current.