View Full Version : A lesson in nerfing learned.

10-29-2009, 05:56 PM
Hey peeps

I have justr learnt a new lesson in the power of nerf. Just played 2000pts of khorne (everything possible had MoK no no Khorne inf units only veh) against Blood Angels. I tabled them turn 5 - I only lost 14 men (and a DP). 5 of those, Milord Kharn decided to add their skulls to the pile. 2 of them, were from when their Rhino blew up. So BA only managed to kill a DP and 7!

Won't go into the lists in details as I don't want to do a report. What my comment is, I can see that there is some goodness in the list - when we had a good ruck on, and Dante was giving off preferred enemy and corbulo was doing FNP(I think?) this was the only army I have ever sweated at as credible hand to hand opposition. Luckily dice were on my side, with Kharn making 5 of 6 inv saves to stay and decapitate Dante.

The lesson is I won't be so scathing about armies that have been nerfed in the future - one out of fairness, two out of feeling to a lesser extent not being able to field pute worldeaters and 4th ed bloodletters it happened to me, and three because we should all realise every codex is going to smash everything when it is first re-released.

I would be interested to hear other peoples thoughts on what army was nerfed the most and why?

10-29-2009, 06:13 PM
Dark Angels


10-29-2009, 06:22 PM
cause is two words: 5th edition

10-29-2009, 07:17 PM

10-29-2009, 07:23 PM
The above picture is golden...

10-29-2009, 07:51 PM

No doubt this guy just finished his first read of the book...after his second reading he committed suicide.

I have to agree that the Necrons took the worst beating with the release of 5th.

10-29-2009, 08:17 PM
That is after he committed suicide. Unfortunately for him, he made his WBB roll.

10-29-2009, 09:55 PM
That is after he committed suicide. Unfortunately for him, he made his WBB roll.

Oh, how cruel of ironies...

10-30-2009, 07:54 AM

yeah DA and Necrons got hit with th enerf bat pretty darn hard to the point where very few people now play necrons, not too sure about DA.
I dont think i've even looked at my necrons since 5th edition come out. i kinda feel guilty for that. im sure there can be some redeeming features of the list. Destroyers and immortals are still good and at least pariahs and c'tan can get into combat a bit quicker

10-30-2009, 11:32 AM
The DA codex was pretty meh before 5th came out. We didn't really lose anything from the switch to 5th - Necrons and Tau both took a huge hit from the edition change. Necrons got hit because of the changes to glancing hits, the change in the meta-game. Tau got hit because of changes to TLoS and the removal of LoS sniping.

The DA codex might have actually gotten better with the switch to 5th, considering that we can take bikes and terminators as troops, and the land speeders and attack bikes count as scoring, etc. It was the release of the new 5th ed codices which hurt DA.

10-30-2009, 12:12 PM
The land speeders and attack bikes count as scoring, etc. It was the release of the new 5th ed codices which hurt DA.
I don't think DA Land Speeders count as scoring. Does anything in the DA codex override page 90, which states that a unit of Troops may not score if it is a vehicle?

10-30-2009, 12:24 PM
I don't think DA Land Speeders count as scoring. Does anything in the DA codex override page 90, which states that a unit of Troops may not score if it is a vehicle?

codex trumps rulesbook, the detached speeder from the bike squad is a troop choice in a ravenwing force (Sammie has to lead)

as for the 'nerfing' the vanella/smurf book has caused rants aplenty. i think it just caused me not to play Imperial marines anymore. i just don't like the over kill of lessinging limitations. yes marines are supposed to be easy for the starting gamer to learn, but the changes were too much.

10-30-2009, 07:36 PM
codex trumps rulesbook, the detached speeder from the bike squad is a troop choice in a ravenwing force (Sammie has to lead)

That's true, but the Dark Angels codex doesn't say that the detached speeder counts as scoring. It says it counts as Troops, and it does.

In order to know what's scoring, you need to read page 90 of the main rulebook, which does not say that Troops count as scoring. It says that Troops count as scoring, except for (i) vehicles, (ii) Swarms, and (iii) units that have a special rule specifying they don't count as scoring. The Dark Angels codex doesn't purport to override any of that.

10-30-2009, 07:43 PM
I would be interested to hear other peoples thoughts on what army was nerfed the most and why?


Updating them with a simple .pdf does not equate money it seems.

10-31-2009, 02:43 PM
That's true, but the Dark Angels codex doesn't say that the detached speeder counts as scoring. It says it counts as Troops, and it does.

Dark Angel Codex, Ravenwing Squadron Entry, page 27:

"Much like combat squads, the squadron's Attack Bike and Land Speeder are purchased together with the squadron and then deployed at the same time as the squadron's bikes, but from then on they always operate as completely independent scoring units of one model."

Dark Angel Attack Bikes and Land Speeders that are purchased as part of a Ravenwing Attack Squadron are always scoring, even when they are not troops.

10-31-2009, 02:53 PM
Whoops, my bad. Thanks for the correction.