View Full Version : Greater Demon or Heralds?

White Tiger88
03-24-2013, 02:05 AM
Well i am quickly thinking what would be better for my 1000pt army list......heralds or a greater demon? So i thought i would bring up the topic of what everyone seems to like better so far?

03-24-2013, 02:11 AM
At a 1000 pts a would guess a GD is going to stomp face, but eat up a ton of points. Where as what I have read of the heralds, well they support your troop choices far better. The question really is though, which god are you looking at for either ?

White Tiger88
03-24-2013, 02:20 AM
At a 1000 pts a would guess a GD is going to stomp face, but eat up a ton of points. Where as what I have read of the heralds, well they support your troop choices far better. The question really is though, which god are you looking at for either ?

heres my list

HQ 225
Keeper of Secrets 225
lvl 2,Exalted Reward

Troops 370
15 Demonettes 140

15 Demonettes 140

10 Plaguebearers 90

Heavy Support 405
Soul Grinder 170

Demon Prince 235
Slaanesh,Wings,Warp forged armor,greater gift


I am debating if it is worth the heralds instead so my troops have more of an ace up there sleep....Mind you demon prince could be dropped too.

03-24-2013, 02:38 AM
I am no uber tactician but your list looks good to me, you can bet your troops will be largely ignored in the ealy part of the game, with a GD, Soul Grinder and Prince your opponent really has to take them out or risk them getting stuck into his army in a bad way. Could be good. Me as everyone knows would be taking all Nurgle for the extra hardiness but that's me ;)

03-24-2013, 09:06 PM
Since the codex came out everyone has been on about the GD being so good but have overlooked, in my opinion at least, the best HQ that daemons have, the Daemon Prince. First lets compare the stats just to see how they match up. The DP has the same WS S and Ld as the GD, now its BS T W I and A are all one less. While people might say the obvious better model is the GD the DP has more to offer after it has been up/side graded. The first thing which makes it an optimal choice in my opinion is Warp-forged armor, giving it a 3+ save, this extends its survivability hugely. Next is Daemonic Flight which turns the DP into a Flying Monsterous Creature. There is only one comparable GD with a 3+ armor and flight and that's the Bloodthirster who is 250 points base.

Now where the DP gets its best potential from is in my opinion is from being upgraded to a LV. 3 Psyker. As a LV. 3 Psyker you will want to roll at least two if not all of your powers on Biomancy, as there are 3 spells that make the DP amazing and 1 that you can live with. The obvious 3 that you hope to roll are Iron Arm, Endurance, and Warp Speed, you can live with Life Leech as it does give you a way to regain wounds. If you get just 2 out of the 3 main ones I listed the DP becomes either one of the toughest to kill models you could put out there or it will steam roll every unit it gets into combat with. Now if you roll on Biomancy and get all 3 of the main spells I listed, your opponent will more then likely start focusing huge amounts of fire into you DP, Imagine having a T8 DP with FnP and It will not Die. Add ontop of that that the Greater Rewards you can put on it, +1 wound and IWND, FnP on a 4+, rerolling Invulnerable saves, and it becomes quit a hassle for your opponent.

Yes its a very big points sink and susceptible to result 3 on the Warpstorm Table, but the possible gains more than outweigh the risk in my opinion. The one I built is 300 points on the nose (LV 3 Psyker, Daemon of Slaanesh, Warp-forged Armour, 2x Greater Rewards, and 1 Lesser Reward) and will trash about anything it comes across.

If you just took the DP as your HQ and dropped the KoS you would gain 160 more points to spend on other models, more if you used your DP build or a new design. Which could be used to add a 10 man unit of Seekers, or 4 Fiends of Slaanesh, or even another unit of 15 Daemonettes.

Lord Krungharr
04-03-2013, 05:30 PM
With the Troops choices you have, I think a Greater Daemon or DP as the HQ is valid....they usually dominate in 1000pts or less. A DP of Nurgle with Wings/Armor/2 Greater Rewards/1 Lesser is 270 points. Biomancy is very excellent on them, so you could sacrifice Rewards for psyker-hood, but to have both is way too expensive.

Frankly, if those are the models you have, stick with what you have. The Slaaneshi DP with a Greater Reward Lash of Despair is solid anti-air. Keep the Keeper safe until there's good opportunity for him/her/it to strike (being wingless and vulnerable).

If you wanna try out the Slaaneshi DP for HQ, then you would have the points for some Fiends or Flesh Hounds or Seekers or Screamers, all of which would be very helpful indeed. If the armies you play against usually have some armor values to deal with, Screamers rock, and the DP can Smash tanks too.

I will say however, the Heralds can really be amazingly versatile. If you dump the DP and Keeper, you could get a Jugger Herald of Khorne (awesome running with Hounds...Scout!), a Herald of Nurgle w Fecundity, and a Herald of Slaanesh on Steed to grant some Daemonettes Outflank/Acute Senses. All that and you could take an Aegis Line with Icarus Cannon for anti-air, man it with the BS5 Nurgle Herald too, and they'd be getting 2+ cover saves and FNP behind the wall. Khorne Herald can take on Terminators, as can Rending Daemonettes. Of course Land Raiders will be nearly impossible to crack however unless your Grinder can assault it.