View Full Version : Need help choosing Tyranid colour scheme

03-23-2013, 04:16 PM
Evening all, im currently having trouble trying to decide on a colour scheme for a winged Hive Tyrant. Ive been looking at the box for ages at my local GW and finally bought it today, stuck it together (i gave it the Heavy Venom Cannon), painted on texture paint for the base and undercoated it black.

Ive looked on the web for inspiration for a colour scheme but i just can't decide.

Any ideas?

Pictures would help too :)


03-23-2013, 05:02 PM
I would suggest contrasting colours - red and teal/dark blue-green for example or a pale colour and a striking colour like hive fleet kraken (pale brown + dark red scales)

The 'how to paint citadel miniatures' book has a section on nids - basically prime white, wash with sepia, do the scales in red.

03-23-2013, 05:37 PM
...Pictures would help too.

A great Tyranid resource!!


quite fond of:


Heh heh.

03-23-2013, 06:08 PM
Black carapace, red fleshy bits and enchanted blue ( what ever it is now) spot colour. Make sure the black is shiny when you are done.

White Tiger88
03-23-2013, 07:38 PM
Teal Skin, Black Carpace with orange highlights.

Poison frog style!

03-24-2013, 04:27 AM
Any suggestions for how to do brown Tyranids?

Also for green, what colour to do the carapace?

03-25-2013, 08:24 AM
Afternoon all, just thought id update those of you who might be interested with progress on my Hive Tyrant.

Ive just finished the base coat of brown for the model and painted the base brown.


C&C welcome.

(In the background you can see how far i got with my BA Command Squad before i got bored, lol)

03-25-2013, 11:22 AM
inspiration from buy painted !

really loving this scheme

03-25-2013, 04:35 PM
Nice paint job, mine is going to be varying shades of brown for the exoskeleton, fleshy colours for the flesh bits (wings, joints etc), bone colour for teeth and claws and the carapace will be varying shades of green.

03-27-2013, 08:50 AM
Quick update: Finished the base colour for the skin, enjoy.



03-05-2014, 07:26 PM
Quick update: Finished the base colour for the skin, enjoy.



Nice work!

I saw your work and thought of this as inspiration for brown(ish) Tyranids:


It's pretty next level, but the idea is there. I am a professional painter, but haven't put paint on my own Tyranids yet because I haven't settled on a scheme yet (and I'm always doing other people's stuff). The bright colors, and/or default bone white skin has always turned me off. I like the natural/organic approach!