View Full Version : Back on the Wagon - 1500pts Wraithstar Eldar/DE

03-23-2013, 04:57 AM
Hi folks,
After a lengthy hiatus from visiting gaming clubs and new arrivals to the family taking me off the grid for a while, I'm soon going to be able to get out there and start playing again - problem is I haven't played in a club since 6th came out; I've got a list that I'm building towards - do you think it is good enough to hold its own, or are there any changes you reckon I should make?

For context, Baron and Farseer join the Wraithguard, with the Wraithseer not far away to buff with 4+ FNP and -1 to enemy cover saves from the Wraithcannons.

Eldar Wraithseer
- Scatter Laser

- Guide
- Runes of Warding

Baron Sathonyx

10 Wraithguard
- Warlock
-- Conceal
-- Spiritseer

10 Dire Avengers
- Exarch
-- Shuriken Catapult
-- Bladestorm
- Wave Serpant
-- TL Scatter Laser

10 Kabalite Warriors
- Sabarite
- Splinter Cannon

- Missile Launcher
- Bright Lance
- 2 Flamers

3 War Walkers
- 6 Scatter Lasers