View Full Version : Warhammer Web Show! Need Artists, designers, and CAD workers!

03-22-2013, 07:56 PM
Hello Warhammer Fans!
I’m Lord General Neil and I have a little project going on; creating a Warhammer 40k web show using DoW, Space Marine, DoW 2, and other original models and games to bring the 40K universe into an undiluted show.
Similar to the movie Iron sky, I am looking for free support for the models and story. The plan is to get a core group for the graphics, effects, sound, models and editing of the show. I have some to limited experience in all of these fields, so what I am looking for experts to bring this together in a meaningful of amount of time.
As for the story, it will be set in play in the POV of the Dark Angles. This presents several advantages over other Views because of the vague alliance of the Dark Angles and how many groups they can face against or fight with. So between their many motives and many enemies including occasional the Inquisition, Imperial Guard, or even other Space Marine Chapters they make the perfect start for a web based show.
As of right now, this Idea has a Base at:
I could really use any help I can get, even if it is only suggestions.
If you wish to really commit to this project, email me at
[email protected]
Thank you, and May the Emperor guide and protect you.

03-23-2013, 05:37 AM
So, how dark are these angles? Are we talking right, obtuse, supplementary, or something even darker, like Charlie's?


03-23-2013, 08:23 AM
I would politely suggest coming back when you have solid ideas, and at least a synopsis of a plot, plus specific job placement. And a proper homebase for the project, like your own website, etc.

Also, you'll probably just get a cease and desist order from GW anyway. They aren't really big on fan projects like this.

But I'm not in the mood to rain on your parade, so good luck to ya!

Oh, and mispelling your main protagonist's Chapter name means it is hard to take you seriously. As you might have noticed from subsequent posts here and on DakkaDakka.