View Full Version : Building a new list

10-29-2009, 03:26 PM
At the moment I've been using pretty mcuh the same chaos list for quite some time, terminator lord, khorne berzerkers, CSM and while it has generally worked well in the small games i've played, typically 750pts I would like to try somethign new So here is my challenge to you. Below is a list of my chaos army and i'd like suggestions for a 1500 army. obviously I'm not going to ask you do write me a list (you could if you want, im not going to stop you :p) im just looking for pointers

Abaddon the Despoiler 275
Typhus 225
Ahriman 250
Lucius the Eternal 160
Kharn the Betrayer 165
Zhufor 185
Nurgle Terminator Lord, chainfist, combi-melta 160
Tzeentch Sorceror Lord, doombolt, wind of chaos 185
Terminator Lord, daemon weapon 145
Slaanesh Sorcerer, wings, lash of submission, melta bombs 145

6 Chosen, Icon of Chaos Glory, 3 plasma guns, Aspiring champion with powersword 178
7 Nurgle Terminators, 3 combi-plasmas. reaper-autocannon, powerfist, chainfist 325
5 Terminators, Reaper Autocannon, combi-melta, chainfist, powerfist 205
5 Possessed Marines, Possessed Champion, Icon of Tzeentch 180

10 Chaos Space Marines, plasma gun, heavy bolter, Aspiring champion with powerfist 215
10 Chaos Space Marines, plasma gun, Aspiring champion with powerfist and plasma pistol 220
10 Chaos Space Marines, 2 meltaguns, Aspiring champion with power weapon and plasma pistol, Icon of Nurgle, 265
8 Khorne Berzerkers, Skull champion with powerfist 208
8 Khorne Berzerkers, Skull champion with powerfist 208
9 Thousand Sons, Sorcerer with doombolt 254

8 Raptors, 2 meltaguns, Aspiring champion with powerfist, Icon of Khorne 250
2 Spawn 80

2 Obliterators 150
Defiler, havoc launcher 155
3 Vindicators, daemonic possessions 435

Brass Scorpion 400

Please dont suggest slaanesh daemon prince, plague marines and oblits. I'd also like some suggestions for what i shoudl add to my army so that i can make a few different lists that will be interesting to play. Im not a competitive player hence the NO las/plague/oblits list

10-29-2009, 04:28 PM
If you're not playing competitively, then just make a themed list. Style it after a particular legion or Chaos god. It probably won't do to well, but it's fluffy so who cares?

10-29-2009, 07:07 PM
At the moment i'm working on a world eaters list. I'm getting another box of berzekers for christmas and with some fo the bitz left over combined with the FW kit, i'm thinking of building a unit of chosen.