View Full Version : Terminators

10-29-2009, 03:08 PM
I was wondering how others used 'regular' Terminators instead of Assault Terminators.

Assault Terminators with TH/SS have become wonderful but have they overtaken the other brand?

My point: while storm bolters are nice (as are powerfists), Cyclone Launchers handy, etc...An ordinary 200-230 point squad of 5 seems much worse than rather having Assault Marines, Tac Squad, Dreadnought, etc...Their shooting is not enough and they always strike last (this really hurts against lightning claws, power weapons, Daemon Princes, whatever...the lack of a 3+ Invul = plenty of casualties before they strike).

Admittedly, a Land Raider of some sort is required for Assault Terminators to really shine and that is a huge point investment/fire-magnet but have regular Terminators outlived their usefulness?

How do others utilise them?

10-29-2009, 03:47 PM
TH/SS might not get 2 storm bolter shoots but are superior. Their attacks are slightly better and the 3++ save is simply diamond there is no way to compete against that. They can deal with nob bikers, MCs etc... but like all temrinators, fail when ti comes to hordes and mass attacks. Heavy weapons are nice but so is a 3++. He'stan has made TH/SS the flavour fo the month as well, although even without him they are still better than tactica terminators

10-29-2009, 04:31 PM
Yep, Assault Termies are popular for a reason: they rock face!

I wouldn't use normal Termies unless you're playing Deathwing or Wolfwing.

10-29-2009, 04:38 PM
Assault terminators are basically normal terminators that replace their power fist and storm bolter with a thunder hammer and storm shield.

1. Thunderhammers are unquestionable better than power fists
2. Storm Shields (going from a 5+ to a 3+ invulnerable save) is significantly better than storm bolters

Thus, assault terminators are better.

10-29-2009, 04:40 PM
I love terminators but my latest marine army includes a thunderhammer unit. I think they are the current brand leaders. The main reason for this is response to other 'Hammer units' such as nob Bikers and scary stuff that no other marine unit can deal with. Nob Bikers and daemons are the reason that I took the thunder hammer squad- I used to run 3 claws and 2 hammers led by a chaplain charging out of a LrC and they could tear up anything in 4th but since c: orks, hammer time is with us.

My hammer guys do very well - slugging it out with dreadnoughts, wading through the ever present vindicator fire slapping carnifexes. They also casue more fear for opponents - it must be something to do with their directness -they have one purpose -walking up to you and smashing you with a hammer - real psychological warfare and commitment.

The demise of the assualt cannon has clearly also had an effect - as has the limiting to 1 heavy weapon.

But in planet strike - thunder hammers - no way. go heavy flamer and chainfists - they are awesome.

What do you run?

10-29-2009, 05:19 PM
I dont often use Termies, but when I do, I lke to run 5 shooty termies with a Cyclone launcher. They can move around and shoot freely, ignore a lot of minor small arms fire and worry some units in close combat. Their ability to deepstrike and NOT stand around looking stupid is handy as well. Its true that TH/SS termies are a lot more dangerous, but you have to work a lot harder to make them effective. You either need to spend a lot on a Land Raider or take a full turn of shooting on the chin after your deepstrike. Most savvy opponents will feed them small combat squads or cheap units whilst moving their better stuff out of the way. SB/PF termies can at least threaten units from Turn 1 and the inclusion of two Krak/Frag missiles gives them some potential against a lot of unit types.

10-29-2009, 05:28 PM
I like both my Chaos and Grey Knight Terminators because they don't all have fists. In my Chaos Terminator squads, I will usually take 1-2 Chainfists or Power Fists and leave everyone else with Power Weapons. Whereas I used to always upgrade my Termies to vets under the old Codex, I don't do that so much anymore. I'm not sure why exactly but they just feel different than when they were Chosen Terminators. Plus, I have failed two Morale tests with my Termies with the new Codex and had a very expensive squad wiped out and one run off the table.

10-29-2009, 05:57 PM
In reply to ggg.

I run x6 Assault Terminators in a Land Raider Crusader. 3x TH/SS and 3x LCs. They are accompanied by a bare-bones Chaplain with no additives. He's just a buff for the squad. The LC boys thin out equal Init units before the TH/SS boys wipe them out/kill monsters or ICs. Works a charm.