View Full Version : Endgame Oakland Kill Team Campaign: Evolution Thread

03-20-2013, 07:33 AM
My FLGS - Endgame Oakland - is putting on a Xenos Kill Team campaign. Basically, the background is that all of us are portraying various xenos kill teams kidnapped by the Chaos Gods from around the world and dumped on a hellish deathscape. Our job? Survive as we are forced into conflict with each other again and again. The winner? He gets to take his soldiers home. Maybe...

If you live in the Oakland area and want to participate, here's the link (http://www.endgameoakland.com/2013/03/14/40k-xenosdaemon-kill-team-campaign/).

This campaign will be using GW's Kill Team rules, which can be found here (http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m2860630a_40K_Kill_Team_Pack_2013_%286%29.pdf).

But, to summarize for the folks at home:

My list must be 200 points and may expand to 250 points over the course of the campiagn (the organizers are still mulling that one over).
The force org chart is 0-1 Elite, 0-2 Troops, 0-1 Fast Attack
All 1+ requirements are still in place.
1+ requirements on HQ units are waived.
No Forgeworld, no allies or fortifications, all squads must be at minimum numbers or more, no reserves (and thus no fliers).
Three models in the force get to be specialists and may earn special rules. There's a list of them in GW's pdf.
One model gets to be the leader. He gets to roll on a chart after every game - if he lives - and may gain special benefits.

My first question is this: what to bring? I can use any army, as long as its xenos.

I'm tempted to bring my Eldar. They're my new shiny army, and I think they are well suited to this kind of game. I could totally see doing very well in this sort of game with a force composed of an upgraded-as-all-cr@p farseer creeping around with a band of pathfinders (I have it on good authority that the table will be terrain-heavy). On the other hand, my Tau will have had a new codex for about two weeks by the time this starts, and I've been looking for an excuse to get back to my boys-that-are-blue. I also see how the Tau could do well here. A squad of fire warriors providing covering fire for battlesuits could do well in this kind of game... though the battlesuits might be too expensive to really use.

But there's very little I can do to list build for the Tau at the moment.

That's all I'm going to say for now. I'll be back later today with a preliminary Tau list (because why not?) and an Eldar list.

If you have any insight about which race you think I should play as - any general advice about which you think would do better in this kind of environment - let me know.

03-20-2013, 07:55 AM
I think Tau pathfinders could be good, fire warriors and stealth suits too. Burst cannons on the stealth suits could chew most things in this points range.

03-20-2013, 09:48 AM
Can you squeeze harlequins in there?
Potentially awesome.

03-20-2013, 10:34 AM
Here's the Tau list I'd play, considering the current Tau codex. Of course, depending on the Tau codex of the future, there are a lot of things I might change. For example, if that pesky 1+ limitation on fire warrior squads goes away, pathfinders are far better suited to this kind of game... :D.

Anyway, here it goes.

• 3 Stealth Suits (1 Fusion Blaster); Shas'ui Leader w/Gun Drones x2

• 6 Fire Warriors w/EMP Grenades, Photon Grenades, and Pulse Rifles; Leader w/Markerlight

My leader is the leader of my stealth suits
My three specialists are
• Leader (Eternal Warrior)
• Fusion Blaster Stealth Suit (Tank Hunter)
• Fire Warrior Leader (Shrouded)

04-08-2013, 08:58 AM
I have got to revisit this thread with the new codex. Holy cow... all the options.

In particular, Tau overwatch in this kind of environment is going to be sick. If I just have my team stick together, anywone daring to assault... wow.

Normally, in killteam, every model becomes its own unit, which means he fires his own Overwatch. With Supporting Fire, however, I can contribute the Overwatch of any model within 6'' of the model being charged. So, if I make sure that every model in front has at least one or two models 6'' behind, where they are less likely to be charged, I can double, or even triple, overwatch anyone dumb enough to charge me.

Just... wow.

04-08-2013, 01:03 PM
200 points? Riptide with Ion Accelerator. :D

04-08-2013, 01:18 PM
200 points? Riptide with Ion Accelerator. :D

Seriously tempted.

04-08-2013, 02:25 PM
Seriously tempted.

If you really want to be mean give it early warning override incase they deepstrike.

Ahh no reserves.

Well then no other upgrades, and I would keep the sms for range :D

04-09-2013, 10:33 AM
I jokingly asked about my list being "riptide." They were not amused.

In that context, here's my actual list. As you can see, I'm continuing in the same vein as my initial list, though I've decided to use pathfinders instead of fire warriors so I can pull off a Scout redploy/Infiltrate alpha strike.

• Stealth Shas'vre w/Fusion Blaster (Leader, Specialist: Tank Hunter)
• Stealth Shas'ui w/Burst Cannon
• Stealth Shas'ui w/Burst Cannon

• Pathfinder w/Carbine, Markerlight (Specialist: Relentless)
• Pathfinder w/Carbine, Markerlight (Specialist: Preferred Enemy)
• Pathfinder w/Ion Rifle
• Pathfinder w/Ion Rifle
• Pathfinder w/Ion Rifle

04-09-2013, 10:41 AM
Personally, if I had the points I'd take rail rifles instead of ion for those pesky terms.

04-09-2013, 10:59 AM
Personally, if I had the points I'd take rail rifles instead of ion for those pesky terms.

I thought about it, but it's a Xenos-Only killteam event. From what I (relatively little) I've seen of the Eldar, Ork, and Tyranid codices, I'm not going to be seeing a lot of 2+ armor. Between the AP 4 on my ion rifles and the AP 5 on my burst cannons (not to mention their high ROF), I think I should be able to penetrate most armor. I do have a fusion blaster. Will I see a lot of 3+ and 2+ armor in a Xenos-only environment?

04-09-2013, 11:14 AM
I thought about it, but it's a Xenos-Only killteam event. From what I (relatively little) I've seen of the Eldar, Ork, and Tyranid codices, I'm not going to be seeing a lot of 2+ armor. Between the AP 4 on my ion rifles and the AP 5 on my burst cannons (not to mention their high ROF), I think I should be able to penetrate most armor. I do have a fusion blaster. Will I see a lot of 3+ and 2+ armor in a Xenos-only environment?

Possibly, i shudder to think of an eldar player taking a wraitlord

04-09-2013, 11:36 AM
Possibly, i shudder to think of an eldar player taking a wraitlord

Ooh... good point.

04-09-2013, 11:45 AM
Possibly, i shudder to think of an eldar player taking a wraitlord

Wraithlords are not allowed in Kill Teams (they're Heavy Support). Wraithguard, though...

However, Necrons have access to a lot of PA, and they are still Xenos...

04-09-2013, 11:47 AM
However, Necrons have access to a lot of PA, and they are still Xenos...

I always forget about those guys. Weird, since the second guy I ever taught to play Warhammer picked Necrons...

I see your point about necrons and their filthy 3+ saves. And necrons can do the infantry/shooting game pretty well, so they'd be a good choice. I think I'm going to switch some points around and do rail rifles instead.

04-17-2013, 11:24 AM
So... first night, I bombed out. Zero wins, three losses, most of them quite humiliating. The first I can blame on the warp storm table - a single storm of Nurgle's Rot wiped out almost half my army! - but the later losses I can only blame on myself. And even the first, really, has to do with the biggest weakness of my list: too d@mned small.

Here's a second attempt. Tell me what you think:

• Crisis Shas'ui w/Counterfire Defense System, Twin-Linked Plasma Rifles (Leader & Specialist: Eternal Warrior)
• 10 Kroot w/Sniper Rounds
• 3 Krootox

This list has two things on my old list:

First of all, I've got some good long-range shooting. 7/4 at 48'' - double if my opponent gets close enough - is really good on a 2' x 2' board. My crisis shas'ui provides low-AP shooting, but even the only 3+ army I'm likely to encounter - Necrons - will die to massed 4/5 shooting, which my 10 Kroot and 3 Krootox can provide. And, since my Kroot all have sniper rounds, I can camp out in cover and hope to get lucky rending 6s on my to-wound rolls.

Secondly, I've got bodies.

Now, my initial idea from last night was to rely on fire warriors and their 30'' of range - which out-ranges almost everything else on the board except for the odd special/heavy weapon - but I screwed up the points. I was thinking, however, of something like this:

• Pathfinder Shas'ui (Leader, Specialist: Shrouded)
• 3 Pathfinders w/Rail Rifles (<-- Probably two of them specialists of some kind; haven't decided yet)
• 10 Fire Warriors

This one has the advantage of longer range firepower, but it's basically just a gunline.

Anyway... what do you think? List One, List Two, or something else? Any advice would be welcome, as my total strikeout at the first game night was very disheartening.