View Full Version : Where can one find good & cheap CWEldar Terrain?

03-19-2013, 05:14 PM
I am looking for advice about finding/building some good and cheap Eldar terrain. I've seen some advice online. Most are bad. Some are good, but those that are are few and far between so here I am asking you all to share your wisdom. Please help a Farseer out.

Shotgun Justice
03-25-2013, 10:31 AM
I've never really looked at buying much terrain but do spend a lot time scratch building it. What sort of Eldar stuff are you after? Wraith bone constructs, buildings, portals, ruins?

Eldar terrain looks difficult but simply boils down to sketching out suitably Eldritch shapes and then cutting them out of plasticard or carving out of foam. If like me you're not much of a draughtsman a bit of time on Google should provide you with some good shapes that you can print and stick onto some plasticard - from there it's a case of cutting the pattern out and then detailing it. For thicker pieces I'd recommend insulation foam which can be shaped quite easily but the majority of Eldar terrain is best built from plasticard.
From that basis you can build ruins / portals sticking out of the ground to multi-level buildings. I have to admit that apart from Wraithbone ruins I can't think of what other area terrain would be Eldar-like although the Exodite world are meant to be lush and verdant - so there's good possibilities for flora.

I find that there's 2 routes to take with terrain - start from scratch or start with an interesting shaped object. My Eldar terrain is waiting unassembled in a box until the new codex comes out and will be based on objects I've collected that have suggested suitably exotic shapes - For example I've got a really cheap speaker that is U shaped, I'll be dropping it upside down and using both plasticard and greenstuff to create a webway portal out of it.
Although first I will rip out all of it's components to be used on Imperial terrain and bases.