View Full Version : Tournament winning Eldar list

03-19-2013, 09:35 AM
More casual than competetive tournament - still this Eldar army won all its games. The video comments on the list and the games. I hope you enjoy it:)


03-19-2013, 10:24 AM
Congratulations on your win.

At around 1m 42s of the video you say that you rolled for Eldrad on the Telekinesis Table hoping to get "Gate of Infinity".
Eldar do not get Telekinesis Powers.
They are only allowed Divination and Telepathy.
Unless, of course you are fielding Bel-Annath, Farseer of the Mymeara Craftworld who can also roll for powers on the Pyromancy Table as well as the Divination and Telepathy Tables.

Do you think you would have won if you had used the correct Psychic Power Tables?

03-19-2013, 11:23 AM
That's embarassing - I should know my rules:rolleyes: Good catch though - and then I learned something new:)

Yes, I think I would have won anyway. I never used the power and none of my opponents took note of any possible use of it. Still - f*ck:(

03-19-2013, 11:46 AM
Tricksy Eldar until the end.
I'm loving it....