View Full Version : 1850pt tournament list

03-18-2013, 09:20 AM
Hey Loungers, I'm about to go to my 2nd tournament and I'm in need of some discussions on my lists that I'll post. And yes they allow FW models that are 40k approved.

So here's the first of four list.


Hq) chapter master 125

Elites) 10 man squad of strenguard 250pts

Troops) 3 x 10 man squads with ML and f at 170pts each

Fast) 2 storm talons at 150 each

Heavy) 2 Achilles landerraider at 325 each

03-18-2013, 09:23 AM
Here's list 2.


Hq) MotF with a conversion beamer 120pts.

Troops) 10 man squad of SM with ML and f 170pts.
10 man squad of SM with ML and f 170pts.
10 man squad of SM with LC and f 180pts.

Elites) 3 dreads with 2 twin linked auto cannons at 375pts.

Fast) 2 storm talons at 150/155pts.

Heavy) 2 thunder fire cannons at 200pts.
Achilles landraider at 325pts.

03-18-2013, 09:48 AM
I take it the troops are Tactical Squads and you are playing Codex:Space Marine.
I would also ask a slight breakdown of the wargear as I can think of various 10pt option that could change a 10 man tactical squad from 170 to 180 points.

Also, what are TFCs?

03-18-2013, 09:54 AM
Oops I see what you mean I will fix it. And TFC are thunder fire cannons.


03-19-2013, 10:07 AM
Here's is list #3

Head Quarters
Master of the Forge with Conversion Beamer 120

Dreadnaught with two Twin-Linked Autocannons 125

10 Tactical Marines with Lascannon, Flamer, and Melta-Bomb 185
10 Tactical Marines with Lascannon, Flamer, and Melta-Bomb 185

Fast Attack
Storm Talon 150
Storm Talon 150

Heavy Support
Achilles Landraider 325
Achilles Landraider 325
Storm Raven 200

Aegis Defense Line with Icarus Lascannon 85

Total: 1850

03-19-2013, 10:15 AM
Here's #4

Hq) MotF with a conversion beamer at 120pts

Troops) 10 man squad of sm with lascannon and flamer at 185pts
10 man squad of sm with a missile launcher and flamer at 170pts

Elites) dread with 2 twin linked auto cannons at 125 pts

Fast) 3 storm talons at 450 pts

Heavy) 2 storm ravens at 400pts
Achilles at 325pts.

So tell me of the 4 list would you take to a tournament.


03-19-2013, 03:16 PM
I agree with wolfshade that more wargear info would be great.
As for what I can see about the list in general:
1) The tacticals need a ride, either use a drop pod to get them right up in your enemy's grill and give them melta or flamer/heavy bolter or put them in rhinos and use them as bunkers of firepower on objective.
2) As a general rule, I feel that the chapter master is not worth is as an HQ choice, 25 points is hardly worth the orbital bombardment which can scatter off target.
3) I Like the idea of the MotF but remember he only has 2 wounds and no invuln save. I would recommend putting him in a ruin with a squad of scouts with camo cloaks (5 scouts with snipers and cammo cloaks is 90 points) to soak up some wounds with a 2+ cover save.
4) You are really skimping on troops. The most I see in any of these lists is 3. I would go for at least 4. The lack of troops, combined with your lack of vehicles to deliver/protect them means that in any objective game a smart opponent will simply focus all their fire on your tacticals and tear prevent you from winning that way.
5) Try and get your hands on death from the skies, it revises stormtalon pricing.
6)Your land raiders are scary, but they are also expensive. I would recommend fielding 1 tops, that will give you the room to take some transports, more scoring units, etc.
7) Thunderfire Cannons are awesome and nice and cheap. Possiply the best anti infantry option in the codex.
8) I also love Storm Talons, try fielding them with the Typhoon Missile Launchers to get the frag and krak missiles, really allows it to deal with just about every thing.

Hope this helps Perry!

03-21-2013, 02:22 PM
@ Camael and wolfshade thanks for the input and help greatly appreciated. I'm going to go with list 2 it's had the most success in the last few days.