View Full Version : Alien Eldar

03-18-2013, 05:30 AM
Hi all,

First up - apologies but this project is already about 50% done. Its a small Eldar army intended as Allies or maybe smaller games.

I was really inspired to paint some Eldar when I saw this figure on Coolminiornot http://www.coolminiornot.com/231686?browseid=4694398 I loved the colours and gritty unknowable alien feel! ha!

Anyway here are some examples of where I am at the moment and I should post the rest of the force in the next few days. As I mentioned about 50% of the work is done on these (at least to my standard!), I just want to finish up some highlighting and pick out a few details. Obviously I'm way behind Jarheads awesome fig but hopefully I've got the 'feel' right for the broader scale of an army

Feedback greatly appreciated!


Shotgun Justice
03-18-2013, 10:49 AM
It may be the camera / photos but the armour plates on the infantry look like they lack depth / shading. Other than that I really like the colour scheme. What are you using for basing / dust?

03-19-2013, 07:26 AM
Thanks for the feedback mate, really glad you like the scheme generally.

Think the contrast thing is a little bit of both - Both the photo and the paint job as I've just gone back over a bunch with a couple more washes to try and make the shade and highlights 'pop' a little more.

For the basing I used Vallejo pigments - I wanted to try and give the impression that they were on a dusty and barren 'Mars like' world. Exploratory team or something... the pigments are really good and well worth picking up. After I applied them I used a spray fixative to lock them down.

03-19-2013, 10:55 AM
Yeah, I think that the problem is just staging and lighting. I've had a heck of a time with it as well recently. If the colors are a little more intense than these photos suggest then it is likely to be a very very cool looking effect. Keep it us!

03-27-2013, 08:52 AM

here are the rest of the guys - almost finished - but want to nail the gems and add a few other details.

Still having trouble with the camera! Might have to invest in something a bit better than my Samsung!

Thanks in advance for any feedback! :-)

