View Full Version : How to melt faces and alienate people(or atleast kill people who happen to be aliens)

03-17-2013, 01:05 PM
Space Wolves: 1500 points
Right! I am primarily an Eldar player but I also have a soft spot in my second heart for the Vlka Fenryka (or Space Wolves for those not of the Rout).
I've recently been taking a series of beatings in 6th ed by the Grey Knights and feel like letting the wolves of Russ off their leash.
To that end I have set about creating an army capable of packing as much marvelous plasma as physically possible. This is the army list I'm working with and its configuration is governed by what was available in the basic kits (so no full loadouts of Longfangs with missile launchers and so on).

Rune Priest in TD armor, chooser of the slain (vindicare c:Dck blocker)
8 Wolf Guard Terminators, 2 powerfists, 3 wolfclaws, 3 chainfists, all with combi-plasma, drop pod
10 Grey Hunters, wolf banner, 2 plasma guns
10 Grey Hunters, wolf banner, 2 plasma guns
10 Grey Hunters, wolf banner, 2 plasma guns
6 Long Fangs, 3 lascannons, 2 missile launchers
5 Long Fangs, 2 plasma cannons, 2 heavy bolters
5 Long Fangs, 2 plasma cannons, 2 heavy bolters

The chainfist Wolf Guard go in the Grey Hunter packs and unleash a marvelous amount of plasma into the teeth of charging terminators (each is in TD armor so that I can watch GKs frantically bouncing their halberds of his face before his chainfist warms up, wolf standard... hahahahah).
The Wolf Guard in the Drop Pod deep strike in and try to bait any terminators into charging their power fists whilst the plasma they unleash should be sufficient to enrage if not kill a few of the shiny burgers.
The Long Fangs sit back and moon at the enemy, between unleashing salvoes of firey death.
The Rune Priest makes sure the vindicare infiltrates where I want him to and I intend to use him to guide the tank-killing Long Fangs (prescience or whatever).
My foe likes Jokaro and footslogging GK termies and landraiders, oh and vindicare assasins (I'd completely forgotten about that and do not at all loath the wretched little campers... ahem)
In all honesty I'd just like to give my opponent a game that isn't a walk over for him as our games have been quite dull and one sided up till now.
Obviously this isn't a competitive list, I just like armies which blatantly ignore their opponent's armor saves.
Any thoughts and advice would be very much appreciated.