View Full Version : Standard Bearers in Tactical Squad?

03-16-2013, 02:17 PM
I'm assembling my first tactical squad that didn't come out of a Dark Vengeance box, and I've got a question: do you find standard bearers in tactical squads? Not, of course, as a mechanical upgrade. I know from looking at my codex (in this case, Blood Angels) that you only find that upgrade in Sanguinary Guard and Honor Guard squads. However, would it be fluffy to model one of my tactical marines holding a banner, just for kicks? Or do you really only find those sorts of things in squads of elites and veterans?


03-16-2013, 03:27 PM
I have a backpack standard on every one of my Tactical Squad sergeants. As to a large banner that is held in the hand, I've never seen anyone do that, but would make for an interesting looking army. Kinda tempted to do that for my Sternguard's now when I get around to them. I think it would fit more with veterans than regular companies, unless the chapter in question really loves its heraldry. Be really eye-catching with a whole battle company done up like that!

03-16-2013, 04:37 PM
Fluff wise every marine had a mini standard in their backpack. When Company/chapter standards are carried by ancients (or chapter equivalents) in Command Squads, I can't see why it would be in a tac squad. However, I suppose if it was the tac squad sergeant, who was an ancient who had asked for permission to fight with his old squad or some such...

03-16-2013, 04:51 PM
I think I'm going to go for it. The sergeant for that squad has the "heavily cybered up" head from the tac squad kit, so he certainly looks like a veteran sergeant seconded from the first company. And the Blood Angels do love their heraldry. And, frankly, anything I can do to spruce up this kit will be welcome. It's really old and static.

03-16-2013, 06:39 PM
Insignium Astartes mentions several sergeant banners that display the chapter icon and company colors, with the note that sergeant banners may also display personal and squad honors. This could be read to suggest that anybody can bear a banner, sergeants can display banners with squad honors, and sergeants (and above) can display banners with their personal honors.

Mr Mystery
03-16-2013, 07:05 PM
To my mind, there aren't enough banners in 40k.

Although I've been gaming since 1988, 2nd edition was my baptism.

And as such, Marines with big banners, all effectively saying 'you're going home in an anti-grav ambulance' are integral. Marines should be bombastic. Same reason they shouldn't be camouflaged at all. They're big, bold, and they're going to kill you, your wife, your Mum, and Ye dog...

Bring in the back banners!

03-16-2013, 07:06 PM
I put Large Banners in my Blood Angels squads. Fluff wise I just say that they are being held for thier sergeants that are vetrans. I have them for Tac squads, assault squads, devestator squads, and terminator squads. For these I use them to represent the sergeants own heraldry.

03-16-2013, 10:35 PM
Just thought you'd all be curious to see how the squad turned out:


You can see lots of bits and bobs from the Death Company and Sanguinary Guard boxes. I've also ordered the bits I need to build that last marine with a heavy bolter.

This squad will ride around inside the stormraven, so I wanted to keep them cheap (hence the heavy bolter/flamer combo). Their job will be to hop out and seize objectives. They will be supported by a divination librarian and a sanguinary priest.