View Full Version : Squats and old chaos dex?

10-29-2009, 06:52 AM
Ok iv been playing this for little uner a year now and i keep hearing about squat. my question is what are they about and what were there strengths? I have heard of various things about war trikes and how there s'pose to be dwarves in space, but thats about it. also if anyone has a fan-made balanced codex i could see or a link to there old codex that would be nice.

Second Part is about old chaos. What were all the goods/bads about there codex? Also i was wondering about that and if anyone has a link so i could see how it looked and read some of the old fluff.

if your not alowed to post this stuff then im srry i wasted your timei

Herald of Nurgle
10-29-2009, 08:28 AM
Search www.scribd.com (http://www.scribd.com). Sure that it's somewhere there...

Brass Scorpion
10-29-2009, 09:14 AM
Only GW banned the talk of Squats on their forums before their forum, like the Squats, was also discontinuted. Simple answer, Squats were "space dwarves". A tech heavy Dwarf army drawing a bit from their background in Norse mythology, with a sci-fi twist added. Motor trikes helped make up for their slow movement. Yes, 40K Rogue Trader and 2nd edition used the same movement stats for each army as Fantasy Battle. There's plenty out there on forums, Wikipedia, etc. if you want more.

I sold my Chaos Squats at the early GW Bizarre Bazaars a few years ago. I have also discontinued Squats on a personal level.

As for the older Chaos Codex, you can find plenty cheap on eBay, such as here at this link (http://cgi.ebay.com/Warhammer-40k-oop-4th-ed-Chaos-Space-Marine-Codex_W0QQitemZ330371334962QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_D efaultDomain_0?hash=item4cebaa8332). It's a fun book. So is the first Chaos Codex from 2nd Edition 40K. However, avoid the 3rd Edition book like you would avoid Nurgle's Rot.

10-29-2009, 02:01 PM
If you're really looking for old Chaos fluff (and lots of it!) then you need to track down and buy/borrow two books: Slaves to Darkness and The Lost and the Damned each book tackles 2 of the Chaos gods in full detail. Plus the original Grey Knight fluff and some of the lesser Chaos gods (there's lots of 'em!).

Rules-wise, none of that is relevant to 5th edition 40K, but it's still fun reading. In fact, if a player can find them, all the Rogue Trader era books are pretty fun and contain lots of good background. Like Squats in the 40K Compendium (the red book).

Commissar Lewis
10-29-2009, 05:32 PM
Ah the Squats. Love bringing them up at my local GW store just to annoy the store manager.

" Hey, how bout them Squats?"
" No. Don't bring up the Squats."